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42 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Those are staggeringly good looking minis. I'm pretty worried about getting hold of the box now. 

Same here! I will que in a hour for it goes online.

Very nice mini's. At tabletop distance they mix perfectly will the old IoB skaven.

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15 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Are Clanrats the worst infantry unit in Skaven? If so, 20s, considering the changed reinforcement system. Since double unit size is the max now, I think any faction that can be characterized as a horde (Zombies, Skaven, Gitz) needs a 20 base size unit to make that workable.

They had rat slaves in whfb that were worse than clanrats but unless they come back then yeah, clanrats are your cheapest infantry 

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47 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, is this a new Skaven icon?


Quite interesting flag, I don't know if the 'eavy painters painted it the way it is intentionally, but a geometric shape inside a white circle in a red flag ? Cmon they must have known what they were referencing. 

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4 minutes ago, brocktoon said:

Phenomenal minis. I'm also not going to replace my 100 clanrats with the new ones. But I bet I can squeeze another unit in there or mix them in to the old ones for some more variety.

Yeah I'm happy that they will compliment my wad of IoB clanrats too. They're miles nicer, but also still thematically in-sync.

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3 minutes ago, brocktoon said:

Phenomenal minis. I'm also not going to replace my 100 clanrats with the new ones. But I bet I can squeeze another unit in there or mix them in to the old ones for some more variety.

The new skaven are phenomenal, but for the average painter / hobbyist these are really close to the IoB skaven, just more detailed and the very gritty paintjob helps😀.

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I cannot afford to collect a horde army. I cannot afford a horde army... I can't affor...

Oh my god it is my worse fear! They are even better looking than I imagined!

Wait can I just get the starter set and then round it out with some elite options... 😈

  • LOVE IT! 1
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2 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

The new skaven are phenomenal, but for the average painter / hobbyist these are really close to the IoB skaven, just more detailed and the very gritty paintjob helps😀.

Personally, I think the big advancement is the variation in poses. I think that will make these guys look a lot cooler compared to the IoB sculpts, even painted to the same standard.

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5 hours ago, Beliman said:

Even that, I don't think that the Legacy Factions are going to have any release in the next two years. To be honest, I expect a lot of Campaign Supplements (aka, Horus Heresy newBlack Books) for the existing Core Factions, maybe with a special guests (Kislev/Cathay maybe?). Whatever was "the scope of the project has changed" will start kicking hard in maybe 2 to 3 years.

I hope I'm wrong because all Vampire Coast posts from @Sception are a joy to read, and an Arcane Journal will be enough to start a new project.

I would absolutely love for GW to expand the Old World from the currently minimalistic approach to something closer to the original scope of the project when it was first previewed, not just with more of the legacy factions brought into active support, but also (especially even) entire new factions.  The new lore in the Old World core book dramatically expands on both Kislev and Cathay, for instance, and it feels clear that both were at some point intended to be new factions introduced to the game.

As for Vampire Coast specifically, IF the game does expand to the point of adding to the current roster lineup, I could see Vampire Coast being introduced as a faction unto themselves, kind of sort of bringing back vampire counts while also not technically going against their statement that vampire counts wouldn't be supported.  While such a hypothetical future move would obsolete a big homebrew project I'm just starting up, I would still be thrilled.

That said, just following through on the current scope of the project, re-releasing nine factions each with returning models, re-sculpted kits, at least a few new releases, and arcane journals is going to be a multiple years long endeavor, and if when all that was done they did start re-canonizing legacy factions or even introducing new ones, I don't think Vampires, Counts or Coast, would be on the short list.  If we do see the long awaited Shadow Elf release in AoS, along with the expected dropping of non-human options from Cities, then most of the existing dark elf range will fade out of AoS, which potentially frees up those models to re-introduce Dark Elves into the Old World without profit & loss sheet conflicts with AoS, just in time for Malekith's big canon invasion of Ulthuan to possibly take center stage in a 2nd edition tOW launch featuring dark elves vs. high elves.  Other factions I'd expect to appear/reappear before vampires of any sort include the previously mentioned Kislev & Cathay and Chaos Daemons.

And that's assume the Old World could even handle so many factions.  They'd pretty much have to go to a made to order business model with potentially very long waits on cycling production runs.

Anyway, yeah, I think we'll have a long time to play with the current old world rule set and factions - both official and pdf - in their current incarnations.  For better and worse, since as a new game there is a lot of jank in need of working out that if I'm right we'll be stuck with for a long while.  Adding wizard level to casting and dispelling rolls in particular feels like more of a mistake the more of the game I play.

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2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Personally, I think the big advancement is the variation in poses. I think that will make these guys look a lot cooler compared to the IoB sculpts, even painted to the same standard.

That's true. Will look very good on the battlefield.

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