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  1. Yeah, there's nothing here that makes this mini 'out of place' in TOW/WHFB. It did make me chuckle that it's not 'AoS' enough, too much of the 'Dispossessed' aesthetic, so basically TOW/WHFB Dwarfs. Personally I love the miniature, would love to add it to my Dwarf army but a shame it's a limited edition.
  2. Fantastic incarnation of the White Dwarf! Shame it's only available for a limited time, otherwise I would pick one up to use in TOW/WHFB.
  3. That image was taken from someone's YouTube video. It was their idea of what a potential roadmap could look like, going by the shields on the main TOW artwork logo. Internet being internet, someone took that photo out of context and posted it as a 'rumour'. Having said that, I doubt we'll be getting a roadmap anytime soon, as their other games haven't received one this year either. Dwarfs I imagine will be next month, and I assume HE or WoC at least a month after AoS 4th is released, so August/September?
  4. Yeah, I don't doubt they're coming this month or next. I don't see how they can keep them available for both, when they need to be repackaged for TOW. Ironbreakers/Drakes and Hammerer/Longbeards will likely be 20 to a box, as Tomb Guard and Foot Knights are. Cheaper too.
  5. So after this small third O&G release, where does that leave Dwarfs? I've seen people say they'll be removed from CoS once CoS receive their battletome for 4th, so Dwarfs won't be released for 3-5 months?
  6. They look fantastic, a clear refinement of the current ones. Already I can see these selling like hotcakes for use in AoS and TOW.
  7. I've seen a number of BoC players frustrated with the number of people saying: "Play TOW/you get a free battletome and continued support for a year stop complaining/everyone knew this was coming, why are you surprised?", and frankly, who can blame them? Many of them started BoC for AoS. They're not interested in TOW. They don't want to play another system. They don't want to proxy their army. When your army received a battletome and a new miniature -just over a year ago - would you really take that as 'the writing on the wall'?
  8. Yeah, it's absolutely odd. Dryads aren't listed either, but the Branchwraith is going. I can only assume they'll be replaced with new kits soon? But Dwarfs are the next TOW release, and we've seen they really don't want the two systems having any overlap, so...huh.
  9. I've been wanting these three for a very long time. Fantastic sculpts that still hold up to this day, and that last one is perhaps *the* most iconic non-named Dwarf miniature. And this one is one I really hope comes back. I've wanted one ever since I first saw it in the original 6th Edition Army book over...what, 19, 20 years ago? Will be childhood dream come true if they bring him back.
  10. Yes, hopefully this means we'll see the Legacy factions return in a couple of years, and the start of kits being updated (looking at you, TK skeleton warriors). I'd like it if they brought back Border Patrol/Warbands for low level games, published books like the General's Compendium and Warhammer Skirmish, and any of the things that had been in the works for WFB but got canned by the management at the time, like the third Battle For Blackfire Pass supplement.
  11. I wonder when we'll be seeing the rest of the TK/Brets? I'm definitely looking forward to picking up all the Goblin heroes (both Night and Common), and the Nasty Skulkers, though I'm prepared for nearly everything to sell out once it's gone up, because of how popular O&G are. Still waiting on the metal TK characters to come back in stock! It's also wild that we still have more O&G to come. I'm curious how GW are going to handle the factions once everything is released, given how extensive and complete the majority will be. I hope we start to see updated kits (either for old plastics, or metal into plastic), within the next five years, not just resin minis.
  12. And Bone Giant, Trebuchet, Men-at-Arms, Peasant Bowmen and Elise Duchaard, so one more wave to come, hopefully sooner rather than later.
  13. Both TKs and Liche Priests for me. Those Tomb Kings have aged incredibly well. Maybe the damsels too, always thought they were lovely sculpts. Thankfully it's a MTO, so no worries about selling out.
  14. Horus Heresy is still done by the Specialist Game team, who also work on all the other Specialist Games: TOW, Middle-earth, Legion Imperialis, Necromunda and Bloodbowl. Right now the majority of TK and Bretonnia are out of stock, and we know both have more kits to be released (Foot Knights, Green Knight, mounted prophetess, Casket of Souls, Bone Giant, Carrion). It's safe to assume the remaining factions will receive a similar amount of attention that TK/Brets did. Can they get all nine out this year, with their current stock/production issues? I think a roadmap will put that question to rest.
  15. Kislev being the first release for TOW in 2025, with a new plastic range would be absolutely fantastic. Surely they'll have to give Kislev more than 1-2 plastic kits, bunch of resin characters and 6th Ed metals?
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