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21 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

If that GW move doesn't make this community angry nothing will.

I'm not exactly delighted by this but you sound like you want the community to be angry. One of the reasons I like be the tga community so much is that we can discuss things without losing our minds all the time. 

Downside, the warcry warbands aren't playable anymore. Upside I now have a whole bunch of alternative sculpts for my marauders. They aren't Iron Golems, they're marauders from Chamon. I might need to do a bit of rebasing though. 

Edited by Chikout
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7 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

COMMUNITY: 'Look, GW, there are far too many of those Stormy bois hanging around. Do summat about it, mate.'

GW: *culls kits

COMMUNITY: 'Not like that for chrissakes!!!'

Community is not a monolith. I am in favour of non-thunderstrike kits being discontinued, provided they have a replacement so you can still use the old models. This is just every Stormcast released during 1st and 2nd edition gone with nothing to show for it.

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Pretty bad timing for the article. We know some of those removed units would get a replacement. GW should have shown those replacements, as well, to clearly know which ones are "staying" and which ones aren't. It would have helped to calm the waters a bit.

What would have helped to "calm the waters" would have been to say that, for example (as we have seen them already) "you will be able to use your old liberators as new liberators in GW stores and events" (since you know, same loadout, same base size, 100% GW), instead they seem to be suggesting that they will not allow this.

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Scyla arrived this morning and I'm just assembling him as I read this. 

Plus the only stormcast units I have painted are all on that list.


However, I think this is a good thing. It ends all the speculation, it clearly states they can still be used until Summer 2025 competitively and that they'll continue receiving adjustments throughout the edition after that. 

Even then, I don't play competitively, so it doesn't really make a huge difference to me. I still have the enjoyment from modelling, painting and displaying my units. If I want a game with friends, I can still use the same units. 




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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Who is being killed in DW 6? Please, use the spoilers tag if it is not just a guess.

A) book isnt out yet

B) its a guess

C) theres only one named mortal Khorne character made for AoS left


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7 minutes ago, Karriko said:

Excuse me moderators but *** u GW. 

U are killing one of the only new (made for AoS) Khorne's named characters in DW 6.

U are kicking off Scyla and Valkia. 

So, there will be NO named mortal heroes for Khorne except Skarr Bloodwrath? 

Good job, Games Workshop, good! 

Keep going. 

I mean, Tzeentch has no mortal named heroes(excluding the underworlds ones) so, i don’t see much of a problem here

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Better they're clear now than later. There was no real timing to be best, all hurt. At least, we now know and may act appropriately.

17 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

If that GW move doesn't make this community angry nothing will.

They did remove previous miniatures from their range multiple times in the past (and entire armies too, bretonnians and tomb kings may be returned now but for a long time they were gone for good in the mind of everyone). Everytime, it hurts and we see people leaving, but community is still here because some accept it and stay while new blood that has no bones in the drame comes in. This will be the same.

Edited by Sarouan
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Interesting that Horns of Hashut are getting squatted, considering they're a Warcry 2.0 launch warband.

Optimist in me says it could be tied to AoS Chorfs, the cynic in me says they just sold that poorly.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I'm glad that GW just says waht will happen, most of the #3rdPurge™ models victims seems to still be valid until summer 2025, that's a good move. There are still a lot of miniatures that still are in the eye of the hurricane, I expect all Dispossessed dwarfs and Dark Elves to go the way of the Dodo too.

Edited by Beliman
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'We can't continue to support older factions like BoC. Therefore, we are continuing to support them in TOW.'


So I guess the BoC Endless Spells and the Herdstone are just going to disappear? Especially the Herdstone is a beautiful model. Shame to see an entire AoS faction butchered for the sake of a specialist game.

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Wow, my entire Sacrosanct Chamber force (2500pt army) has gone the way of the squats.

RIP my entire Stormcast Army. 

I should make an army burning video, like when Fantasy ended (I never burned one). 

Full circle. 

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I just want to state clearly that this move makes me the opposite of angry. Look, I get it, it sucks if you have a particular model, kit or faction you really love and it ends up on the chopping block. However, I think issuing rules at the start of the new edition and having those rules be viable for a full year, then moving them to Legends (after selling and supporting said models for 10/15/20+ years!) is a completely reasonable thing for GW to do. 

I'm actually a little disappointed not to see either the Duardin or Dark Elves from the coS range listed.  

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Surprised by how much is going. I will say with the entire Sacrosant chamber going it does kinda feel that is is because they will get an update in the future. With Liberators and Prosecutors from the warrior chamber there and us knowing they are getting an update I feel like all of Sacrosant are taken out while they decide what to update and what to cut. Since they came first as well I do wonder if Vanguard chamber are staying as they are or are also up for some updates.
It is sad as I do love Sacrosant, but hopefully this is a good thing being told this now instead of painting up a bunch of sacrosant models ready for 4th in the upcoming Dawnbringers Crusade store event or just ready for 4th in general so we don't waste our time. I admit I have a few of them and I love my Dracolines, but on the plus side now I know for sure what to focus on going forward.

It is a shame for Beasts and Bonesplittaz people, but hopefully some Ironjawz get some bonesplittaz-esque stuff one day.

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Interesting that Horns of Hashut are getting squatted, considering they're a Warcry 2.0 launch warband.

Optimist in me says it could be tied to AoS Chorfs, the cynic in me says they just sold that poorly.


They will be moved to Chaos Dwarves? ;)

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9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I'm not exactly delighted by this but you sound like you want the community to be angry. One of the reasons I like be the tga community so much is that we can discuss things without losing our minds all the time. 

We don't follow Khorne on this forum.

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4 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

If you want any of the kits disappearing, now is the time to do so as they won't be restocked

I mean, half of these models were already sold out on their official website before this article came out.

Not a lot you can really do about it now.

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I really hope they note all this on the store page.


Not everyone follows Warhammer community, a new player could go in and buy models for an army that won't exist very soon.

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Interesting that Horns of Hashut are getting squatted, considering they're a Warcry 2.0 launch warband.

Optimist in me says it could be tied to AoS Chorfs, the cynic in me says they just sold that poorly.


Considering that the Underworlds band for Flesh Eaters has dissapeared from the battletome, and that Underworlds bands have been called out getting Legends only next edition, I think that all underworlds and warcry bands will simply be seasonal only. Which is a shame.

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