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Everything posted by Dindi

  1. Ehh I mean it's annoying for SCE players I imagine, buts not really the same compared to what BoC and Savage orcs are dealing with. SCE are about to get a boatload of new toys.
  2. Wouldn't be surprised if KF just goes completely from the store. And I guess a second CoS wave with the Cogfort would cover stuff like more mages and a religious fanatics equivalent.
  3. Steam tank will just move fully to ToW. What other ToW empire stuff is left in CoS?
  4. Not sure what you mean by in favour of 40k? They're in last chance to buy in the 40k section too.
  5. Also savage orcs are not playable in ToW. You can take units of them but it would be incredibly difficult to build an army of them due to unit limitations.
  6. While a lot of SCE stuff is gone they're just about to get a boat load of new stuff so it's probably a case of keeping redundancy down. It's not really the same treatment for them as BoC and savage orcs. I'm sure they'll still have the biggest model range in AoS.
  7. I think if Ogres we're going to get cut they would have been cut now. Hopefully they'll get some more kits soon.
  8. I really hope they note all this on the store page. Not everyone follows Warhammer community, a new player could go in and buy models for an army that won't exist very soon.
  9. Savage orcs are just gone. They aren't supported in ToW, you can technically upgrade orcs to behave as savage orcs but they aren't named as such. The article makes no mention of the range being moved to ToW. What a shame. I'm surprised so much SCE stuff is being cut, but probably a good idea to do it one clean break.
  10. Bit of an odd preview as AoS and 40k didn't really have many models actually shown. The potential for Skaven is very cool though for sure.
  11. There was a throwaway line in a community article a while back that said "no warhemmer fest on the calender" so i do wonder how that fits into the reveals for AoS 4.0
  12. Always best to keep expectations low with these preview shows I think. Very rarely they meet the hype imo, especially depending on what factions your interested in. Always nice to be pleasantly surprised though.
  13. In reference to Killteam and Warcry I think it's just pot luck whether we see one or both sides. Either way both games have very cool minis so are always a treat
  14. Warcry Cities flagellants warband would be awesome!
  15. Some of those symbols look like a rumour engine. Does look a bit spindly to be a SC
  16. I think the box will have more appeal as it's refreshing an old fan favourite faction rather than bringing in something new.
  17. SCE, like Space Marines in 40k, are the face of the game and get a significant portion of the release cycle weighted towards them. Whilst be definition a lot of people like them, i think it's understandable why there's groups of players who don't like them as they have to wait a long time for their chosen faction to get any love.
  18. If things are going to get cut I guess an Index release would be the time to do it really. I think for some of minis it's been a matter of when not if (cities elves/dwarfs for example especially after the CoS release). Losing beast/savage orcs would be a shame though for sure.
  19. One awkward question with beast is that they're also a ToW army. And GW have been drawing some pretty heavy lines between ToW and AoS models. And beastmen and beast of chaos won't just share a few kits, it's currently basically the entire army.
  20. Whose to say everything we've seen is in the big box? Some of those could be the rest of the SCE stuff that's going to be released with the launch of the edition.
  21. Magic is still very much a thing in ToW it just happens in different phases depending on spell type. It was completely gutted in 40k sadly though.
  22. Looks like a 40k sword to me, one of the many marines has a very similar ending sword. AoS Vamp swords are mostly sabres or fencing swords.
  23. Honestly the pics are so blurry and zoomed in they don't give too much away. It's a Skaven monster of some sort? Nice for the hype though.
  24. Ah I was going to say that wh2s assets are nowhere near that high Res but that looks like it's from a render of the model itself as opposed to anything ingame.
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