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About Sarouan

  • Birthday 10/03/1979

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Lord Castellant

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  1. Sure. Plenty around, you just go in a modelling store and you'll find them. Mostly about cars, planes, historical...
  2. TBH, gyrocopters play such a big role in Dwarf armies that their absence in Royal Clans is quite hurting them. But you can always try to take them as allies. Expeditionnary Force looks much stronger in comparison. Engineer Sappers look quite insane by forcing dangerous terrain for all enemies moves in their command range. Scout gyrocopters feel like they can go and charge more easily enemy war engines and the like. Possibility of moving and shooting with their own war engines / shooting units without the usual penalties is quite huge as well.
  3. A review of the arcane journal that is quite good : Doomseekers look amazing (you can only take 4 in the Royal Clan Army, though, and they're always mercenaries). The bugman cart can be interesting to play a more offensive dwarf army. I'm a bit disappointed in the armies of infamy, though : they can be interesting, but I feel like they're a bit too restrictive in their playstyle.
  4. They'll clearly make other books with the events in the background moving forward. And they also wrote in the article they're leaving open the possibility of adding other armies of infamy. The slayer army was mentionned as one of these possibilities (they didn't put it here because "it was obvious"). So look out for the (very long term) future.
  5. My thoughts from the article : * Carts are basically units on their own, rather than filler models like they were used before. That means they'll have a profile and that maybe we'll have the first dwarf chariot since a while. * Royal Clan Warriors are indeed suggested to be built from the plastic hammerers box using hand weapons and shields from longbeards, but they'll be more than just a kitbash. They are "a bit better" than normal warrior units. I wonder if they'll have the gromril armor / weapons special rule (that alone would be quite the nice buff indeed). * Dwarfs with spears are imperial dwarves and a mercenary unit. Mercenaries have a few disadvantages, like not being able to use the army standard / general rules for morale, but dwarves already have a good leadership so they shouldn't be impacted as much as the badland ogres. The random table you may roll at the start of the battle isn't that much of a big deal (it can actually be a good thing, like having your unit comes from reserve on the flank of the enemy later). They should be interesting to take. *It's not that miners are important to Expeditionnary Force...they play "a big role" in it. To me, that mostly means they can be taken as core and may have better rules. That would be an incentive to take them (because, let's be honest, they're just expensive warriors with two handed weapons more than anything else and they're not that great in the end...mostly because vanguard with M3 is basically useless and reserve move isn't that great on a slow infantry unit - and explosive charges are just a gimmick that's mostly ineffective). * They say "lords with rune weapons and cannon batteries are good at killing dragons". Yeah, about that...I guess a dwarf lord can kill a dragon with runic weapons, but the issue is more about "engaging" the dragon with the lord. And cannon batteries...deinitely not true if they're still with that cannon profile S8 AP-2 W D3. I wonder if they'll add some runes to help that, because as standing now...it's not enough to kill dragons / annoying tough monsters. TBH they're quite stingy with what the arcane journal can offer in this article : they're basically saying not much about the actual rules / list building. But it doesn't matter, leaks should come out soon and I'm excited to read / discover it myself from the book once I'll have it. Lore article should be interesting to read.
  6. I see it more as a hobby option than anything competitive / balanced. Basically how many standards you find it cool to be in your unit.
  7. TBH, the effect of having multiple standard bearers / musicians is so small that it really doesn't matter if you put the max or the min in the unit. Even none at all, actually.
  8. Has nothing to do with balance, it's just arbitrary (and certainly more linked to how it's used in Warcry). "Buy one Warcry band box and play it". That's what it means.
  9. I painted some parts of a Spearhead since the beginning of this month, and I took the opportunity to make a Warcry band out of it. Here is Sir Gutheart and his brave followers, patrolling the lands of his good lord against the monstruous invaders (at least, in their minds).
  10. We played 2 games of Warcry today, it's so refreshing. 1st game was won by the ghouls, 2nd by the stormcast.
  11. It's because fanmade content needs you to talk with your group of players and have their agreement to use the said list. It's no problem if you know them for a while, it's more problematic if you don't have a regular group to play with. It's not specific to TOW. It applies to all games. It's just a social matter, no conspiracy behind. Also, not everyone agrees with the design choices of the fan creator for the lists. Some have different ideas / views. And let's not talk about the "balance" issue that is an endless debate.
  12. Well, I feel like the main list is already a bit representing a clan like Rictus, since it's basically warriors clans having to include allies from the other clans with a "hero tax" involved. IMHO if I'd do skaven armies of infamy, I would focus on Skryre and Moulder first. Because they're the ones whose style goes a bit different from the "let's swarm enemies with huge numbers" : Skryre is more artillery / shooting, and Moulder can bring the beasts / big monsters (monstruous infantry included). Pestilens is a bit about numbers too...and I'm not convinced about a Eshin army TBH (I mean, hordes of ninja rats sound cool, but I feel like their style is more about bringing small specialized teams as support / assassination missions rather than bringing out a true army from their own ranks). Can have fun with bringing back the wolf rats as new unit with Moulder !
  13. That's the thing. It's lost, both for the producer and for the customer. Even with old demon boxes, people were mostly basing them either on square or round bases, but very few bothered to make it possible to use both (mostly involving magnets / pins). Only people playing both 40k and Battle were having a use of both bases (and even amongst them, that's not a general rule either : you usually ended with mores bases than needed anyway). And only a small part actually bothered to sell / exchange these bases. I'm not saying it's not possible anymore. I'm just saying it's not profitable for GW to do so in these times where production costs have risen and we can expect them to rise even more in the (near) future.
  14. Of course it takes more space. I regularly put unused bases in plastic bags, I can see it gets bigger when I put 20 instead of 10. Well, that's why we don't see that anymore. It's more expensive to produce.
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