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Yeah I’m guessing those will go with the branch-like thing to be Kurnothi antlers sprouting from their heads.

(Having them be a touch more plant-like would help with the Sylvaneth theming and those Lamentiri seeds on their stomachs affecting them)

So safe to say Kurnothi vs Death warbands?

On Death had a thought that maybe the “NightHaunt” is just a spirit leaking out of the Ossiarch construct or an imprisoned alchemist ghost to give more that vibe they’re walking bone mechs the empowered souls inhabit/imprisoned in?



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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Same, but I find it strange that GW did not release all Kurnothi models alongside Belthanos 1 month ago. 

Belthanos was awesome, but actually not all that Kurnothi (considering they are his herald or whatever), basically a stick man on a giant bug.

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20 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Belthanos was awesome, but actually not all that Kurnothi (considering they are his herald or whatever), basically a stick man on a giant bug.

Is the other way around. We have distorsioned what a Kurnothi is.

Belthanis is the peak of kurnothi in its more pure term. It is literally Kurnoth's avatar, but he doesn't match the aesthetic of those gifted by Kurnoth.

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From the updated Sunday Preview, 


In the run-up to Christmas on Warhammer Community, there will be a new miniature revealed for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and a Metawatch reviewing the whole year, a new reveal for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and plenty else besides. What a treat!

They've not shown off the now obligatory Boxing Day In-Store Mini yet I think, so I assume it'll be that. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

Horse thing :



On the Seventeenth day of Christmas, GW previewed me:
Seventeen Kurnoth Kicking
Sixteen 'Chemists' 'Cooking'
Fifteen Vampirate Banners
Fourteen Bolters Bolting
Thirteen Holy Hand-grenades 
Twelve Krule Kudgels 
Eleven Astartes Scabbards 

Ten Ossiarch Boneclaws
Nine Nighthaunt Vaping
Eight Servo Calculators
Seven Grotbags Scuttling
Six Sickly Casters
Four Fuzzy Cloaks
Three finecast miners
Two undead helmsmen and
A parrot on a Vampire

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Ooh It would be really cool if there would be more mini's like the Skaeth's wildhunt aesthetics wise. When they released that warband I had high hopes it would become a unique army like Idoneth. I guess the best we can hope now is that it will be a big part of Sylvaneth battletome in 4th ed..

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47 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

From the updated Sunday Preview, 

They've not shown off the now obligatory Boxing Day In-Store Mini yet I think, so I assume it'll be that. 

The last year one was the FEC Ghoul King, right? It was quite a random release, so I cannot imagine what it could be. My wild guess is a S2D chieftain or something on those lines.

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14 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Underperform doesn’t have to be a legit failure, might’ve just been slightly under the line the management then, before the current reorganization, was demanding(the one full of inflated ego like threatening players they’ll pull support or “posting on our forums is a privilege”, calling SoC Premium Dlc, taking Saga title off so they could overcharge and put on pre-order DLC’s, etc)

Point for point the fanbase was angry about it and the jumped up pricing regardless which caused mixed reviews(later dropping to negatives) and the first rumblings of boycotts.

I’m just saying brace for sticker shock backlash when a price is finally put on TOW.

Even the thickest rose-tinted nostalgia glasses will be tested then. 😄



Also worth noting that Chaos Dwarfs were in the oven for 8 months, when they were originally projected to be out about 4 months after Champions of Chaos. Part of the reason profits were not as high as projected originally may be because of higher costs from having to pay devs working on it for twice as long as anticipated.

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