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Everything posted by SilentSentinel

  1. Damn those prosecutors look great, the only thing I'm iffy on is the open-face helmets but hopefully there'll be some full helmets like what was shown in the trailer available in the kit.
  2. Those clanrats look great, they look suitably feral and mangy.
  3. I'm keen to see how the new prosecutors look, they were probably some of my favourite original Stormcast models.
  4. The new liberator looks great. Details like the helmet, shield, that circular bit on the upper chest and possibly being slightly more heavyset really help to set them apart instead of just being vindictors with hammers.
  5. I'm curious to see what build options the riverblades have, If any. I don't mind the less armoured models in the warband but if there's an option to kit them all out with the full masks and armour that's definitely how I'm building them, though that might be expecting too much.
  6. Nice to see pyre and flood going up for pre-order, can’t wait to try my bloodflame idea for the pyregheists.
  7. I would be overjoyed if Nagash actually started getting some solid wins for once. He's always seemed like bit of punching bag for a while now and on the occasions he does get some wins they're quickly overshadowed by his defeat. Would be incredibly satisfying if he was the one to come in and ruin the Skavens plans for once. It would be cool to have Arkhan return this edition as well, maybe with a new model.
  8. I'm really hoping that they misspoke and that there isn't any terrain in the launch box and that it's kept to the 3 tiered starter boxes they usually do after the launch box. Mostly because it possibly means less models in the box and (this is a mildly selfish reason) because I personally won't have much use for it since I'm primarily a painter when it comes to AoS and I don't really enjoy painting terrain. That being said I can understand why they might decide to include it due it being good for peoples first foray into the game but I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping that there isn't any in there.
  9. Looks like the stormcast featured in the trailer were actually Hallowed Knights, nice to see another stormhost get some screentime (especially my personal favorite stormhost)
  10. Well damn that was by far the best new edition trailer they've ever done
  11. Abraxia looks pretty great, I look forward to eventually ironically painting her for my Belakor devoted StD
  12. Mildly disappointed that it didn't end up being Kurnothi but both warbands still look great and OBR and Sylvaneth are two of my favorite factions so that'll be a very tempting box.
  13. Well I certainly wasn't expecting the Ossiarchs to be getting the centaur of the two new Warcry warbands.
  14. Looks like a chaos space marine lord for 40K. Edit: it actually kinda looks like a modern reimagining of this old model.
  15. That Silent One art looks so cool! It's nice having bit more of an idea of what they look like, an entire faction/army of sentient humanoid insect people would be amazing. I would also feel an obligation to buy into them based on name alone.
  16. Welp I’m definitely getting that army set, between the kroot army set, the darkoath army set and the 4th edition launch box this is going to be a brutal 6 months for my wallet.
  17. Those Darkoath look amazing, excellent timing since I was just about tempted to grab the big Solar Auxilia box but it looks like I'll be grabbing these instead when they release.
  18. I think Krethusa might actually motivate me to revisit my DoK and paint them up as Morai-Heg themed. Don't think I'll be getting the Dawnbringer box though, I've never really been a fan of the doomfire warlocks.
  19. That center silhouette looks to be holding the Morai Heg icon rumour engine, the other two seem to be a krootox and likely a Solar Auxilia sentinel or sentinel-like vehicle. I reckon the center one might also solve that advent rumour engine that looked like a wing.
  20. As someone who's been waiting for Malerions faction/army to be released since AoS first launched I admit I would be somewhat disappointed if they just get souped in or share a book with DoK. Mostly because I think I'm concerned that they would end up in a similar position to Kruleboyz where they don't quite feel like a full army because they lack a few extra units/options. Granted there's a few armies that have their own solo tome that have that similar lacking feeling so It may happen regardless of whether they get their own individual tome or not. With that being said I do understand the merits of combining them.
  21. The RE gives me mild axolotl vibes despite the fin not extending all the way up the tail like actual axolotls. Could see it being something for IDK or or if the upcoming Lumineth river temple unit is a Warcry warband perhaps they're getting a pet or two like some of the other warbands set in Ghur have been getting. I'll be stoked either way if it's something for IDK or Lumineth.
  22. Perhaps the Fyreslayer anniversary model is a hint that they'll be getting some sort of sizeable release sometime within the year much like how the the previous anniversary model was a ghoul king that was eventually followed by the FEC release. That and there's a correlation between the ethereal and the new Kroot/Tau wave happening in the near future, could be that going forward the anniversary models might be hints towards upcoming faction release waves.
  23. I could see the possible Lumineth model being our first look at a unit from the river temple, it does make some sense that a subfaction based around the concept of rivers/water might have a element of flowing dance like movements to some of their models.
  24. That's an amazing vampire model, it might be one of my favorite vampires they've done so far.
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