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1 minute ago, Garxia said:

Huh, I'm impressed they went ahead and included lore too. I didn't expect anymore than just Warscrolls.

You know it says a lot that 40k won't even include unit lore entries in paid codexes anymore, but here AoS is with a free PDF which has them.

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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Huh, I'm impressed they went ahead and included lore too. I didn't expect anymore than just Warscrolls.

You know it says a lot that 40k won't even include unit lore entries in paid codexes anymore, but here AoS is with a free PDF which has them.

tantalising glimpses of a world we could all live in :D

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4 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Oh man, I'm sorry I have to disagree. They're terrible!

By what metric, pray tell?

Sure, the design has been controversial since day one, but that's fine. There are equally people who hate them as well as people who adore them. I, personally, like them a lot and I flinch internally every time someone is being very vocal about how much they dislike FS, but as long as they say that they _don't like_ the design, well, fair enough. Nothing to discuss here.

It's when people start presenting their opinions as factual statements, then I feel like it needs to be addressed. The original design fits perfectly with the lore and the concept for the army. They are, who they are, crazed, fanatical zealots, who literally hammer burning metal runes into their flesh. And the design refelcted it very well. If anything, they're probably superfluously ornamental to the actual requirements, but there's got to be some scope for a bit of licentia poetica. It's GW, after all.

The new warband is absolutely fabulous, but I, too, wouldn't want to see a rework of the original line. It would completely invalidate the core and character of the army. So while I'd be happy to see further expansions to the roster, keep naked dwarfs naked. That's who they are and if not eveyrone likes it, that's absolutely fine.  

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The photography and the art in that supplement is on point. I maintain that a single evocative image, one that tells a story, can be all it takes sometimes to capture someone’s imagination and lead to them going all in on a new army. These new orruk sculpts look much more like the avalanche of green that they’ve always been sold as but never quite lived up on the tabletop (in my eyes). 🙌🏻 

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5 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Now that’s a surprising amount of art and background for the Ironjawz. Makes me wonder if this was meant to be part of a second tome, or some sort of cut content.

I think maybe they were planning to put them in the 2nd Harbingers book ala LRL in BR Teclis and decided against it. Which was the right decision, to be fair.

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18 hours ago, KingBrodd said:





I agree @KingBrodd, it is truly a wonder to behold.

I might be in the minority here, but I have loved every dawi model that GW has produced since the Kharadron Overlords were announced, and these lizard tamers are no exception. My one hope is that these guys and gals have decent rules for proper aos, because if they do I'll pick up a Grimhold Exile, a Flamekeeper, and a couple of those kit to build a fallen lodge seeking to rebuild in a new realm.

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4 minutes ago, madmac said:

I think maybe they were planning to put them in the 2nd Harbingers book ala LRL in BR Teclis and decided against it. Which was the right decision, to be fair.

If I understood it well, the content of the pdf is also in the book (like they did with lumineth)


and the book also has the regiment of renown rules


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8 minutes ago, EntMan said:

For those who haven't read the ramblings that go with today's rumour engine I heartily recommend it. imho GW are at there absolute best when they are blatantly not taking things including themselves too seriously


Mentioning of intentional leaks is hilarious.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

I cant believe GW gave that amount of Lore out for free!! Please GW make youre Battletomes just Lore books and put the rules online for free.

I would love if they made rules free online downloads and then the battletomes could focus on lore, paint guides, strategy tips, sample army lists, etc.

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15 minutes ago, Sabush said:

I would love if they made rules free online downloads and then the battletomes could focus on lore, paint guides, strategy tips, sample army lists, etc.

In my opinion, this is what they should do as it would be easier for them to manage the rules. However, I fully understand they need to make it accessible to new players to walk into a shop and have everything they need to play, so this won’t happen. 

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