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3 minutes ago, madmac said:

They have two special character models, but no generic centerpiece. That is unusual, to say the least.

That's one of my biggest swing and misses with this update. Both models look good, but both are screaming for a generic version. Hell, Tahlia with the helmet option already looks like a generic version... so it's not even like they'd have to make a new one!

Zenestra is even worse though, because they make a big deal about the Crusades being big religious affairs... and not only is the War Altar still AWOL, there's not even a generic human Priest Hero in the army!

Special characters? Cool! But you'd think GW would know that many. many, people prefer running Their Dudes.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Shame to see GW's hand forced due to NDA breaks. It is what it is I suppose. 

As for the models. I absolutely adore them. Pontifex Zenestra looks amazing. I'm a big fan of palanquins, I think they match the Grimdark Fantasy of Warhammer brilliantly. The Skeletal mirror is such a cool concept. The canon is great (I'll take 3 please!) The command core is fantastic and I would love to see the Arch-Knight aesthetic carried over into a fully fledge unit. The Whisperblade is just plain cool. Top tier work from Gdubs. 

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Just now, Still-young said:

I don’t really know how I feel about the whole Cities range now we’ve seen it all, but I absolutely know that this last batch is definitely my favourite of the lot. The command group and mounted commander are phenomenal.

I think not having a greatsword unit in line with Emelda braskov is an odd choice to omit

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GW clearly has an issue with updating elite infantry.

sbgl: graveguard

Seraphon: temple guard

CoS: greatswords (just gone)

holding out for future releases is silly considering it’s a dart board for how they choose to release things tied to books rather than just updating. It could be 6 months or never (LRL vs IDK)

That’s 3 strikes with three updated factions..

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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Zenestra is even worse though, because they make a big deal about the Crusades being big religious affairs... and not only is the War Altar still AWOL, there's not even a generic human Priest Hero in the army!

And no new flagellants to accompany Zenestra so like... why is she in this first wave? Gorgeous model, I love the nod to Dorian Grey, but how do you release her without new cultists?

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Someone made a comment here a few hours ago about how the Cavalier Marshal felt like it was drawn straight from a classical painting. I couldn't agree more, personally it reminds me of 2 famous paintings :

The overall pose and vibe evoques to me "Knight, Death and the Devil" by Albrecht Dürer. A grim knight on his horse, trekking through inhospitable lands populated by monsters. 

AoS CitiesReveal Aug4 Image5

Knight, Death, and the Devil' elevated this artist to a Renaissance master

The second painting the mini brings to my mind is "Napoleon crossing the Alps" by Jacques-Louis David. Here, it's mostly the windswep forward cloack that really makes me think of that painting. It's almost a 1:1 from painting to mini. Helps create a sense of epicness. 

AoS CitiesReveal Aug4 Image6


Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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19 minutes ago, madmac said:

They have two special character models, but no generic centerpiece. That is unusual, to say the least.

Reminds me of Lumineath wave 1 when they had only 5 heroes where three where named heroes (Teclis, Avalanor, and Eltherion) and there where only 2 generic leader (Cathalar and Stonemage)

granted even when they got a wave 2 with more units and hero, they still did not get a generic hero centerpiece model. Another example is like OBR which doesn’t have a generic centerpiece hero model either just Katakros.

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8 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

And no new flagellants to accompany Zenestra so like... why is she in this first wave? Gorgeous model, I love the nod to Dorian Grey, but how do you release her without new cultists?

Her buff work for all CoS humans and old flagellants are still in the range I guess 

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48 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Shame to see GW's hand forced due to NDA breaks. It is what it is I suppose. 

As for the models. I absolutely adore them. Pontifex Zenestra looks amazing. I'm a big fan of palanquins, I think they match the Grimdark Fantasy of Warhammer brilliantly. The Skeletal mirror is such a cool concept. The canon is great (I'll take 3 please!) The command core is fantastic and I would love to see the Arch-Knight aesthetic carried over into a fully fledge unit. The Whisperblade is just plain cool. Top tier work from Gdubs. 

I'm not sure their hand was forced. The leaks were last night and the article was today, and while its possible they wrote it in that time, its far more likely they had this article, with all of the remaining models in it, prepped.
IIRC we saw images of the box, without spoilers or leaks, a few days ago from people receiving them, but didn't get any leaks until yesterday.
It looks a little like maybe part of the NDA was listed for todays date (August 4) and because of time zones/late night someone beat warcomm to the punch.

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3 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

I'm not sure their hand was forced. The leaks were last night and the article was today, and while its possible they wrote it in that time, its far more likely they had this article, with all of the remaining models in it, prepped.
IIRC we saw images of the box, without spoilers or leaks, a few days ago from people receiving them, but didn't get any leaks until yesterday.
It looks a little like maybe part of the NDA was listed for todays date (August 4) and because of time zones/late night someone beat warcomm to the punch.

Probably just a planned leak to start with, GW loves doing that kind of thing. It's got all the hallmarks of a controlled leak, including the selective release of very limited information over a period of several days.

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44 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Ok, now I know what to do for the basing on my Gyrobomber!

Now I am also curious if i should go back to my City Ghost Idea???

I am so conflicted by the different ideas I have and so into these city models lol.

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, madmac said:

Probably just a planned leak to start with, GW loves doing that kind of thing. It's got all the hallmarks of a controlled leak, including the selective release of very limited information over a period of several days.

I actually agree this time with this. The lack of a model preview away from Horus heresy had me specualting we'd have a big reveal this week.

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6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

This might be the most visually stunning model GW has ever produced. It literally looks like a painting I had to pick my jaw up from the floor. It deserves GWs model of the year award easily holy heck give the designers a raise a bonus and a lifetime of hi 5s and fist bumps.

100% with you, but you accidentally linked to some random CoS guy while obviously talking about THE HARBINGER OF DECAY, CHAMPION OF GRANDFATHER NURGLE.

@michu I'm sorry you want to cancel your project. TBF I quite dislike the named characters and find some models very busy indeed. The new range while nice won't make me get the Army Set, after all. The Marshalls/Arch-Knight/Cavaliers and the Cannon/Warhulk/Fusiliers are all interesting design directions IMO, the first being classic and ghallagerhesque, the second being innovative.

Exceptions : 

  • CoS Gobbapalooza aka Command Corp (only better : it comes with options whereas the grots do not if I'm not mistaken) : I may get it to paint and convert.
  • Wildercorp warband : I WILL get it for that great game that is Warcry, which will complement the Order cast from Cursed City. 

I'm glad I was wrong and that there indeed was 4 new kits to be revealed. 

However, I'm mightily worried by the absence of "intact Azyrite building" official talk on WarCom :/:(:P

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2 hours ago, madmac said:

Probably just a planned leak to start with, GW loves doing that kind of thing. It's got all the hallmarks of a controlled leak, including the selective release of very limited information over a period of several days.

the fact that the pictures trickled out, with the first ones being very... clean images only of how the Army Set is boxed up: here's the front and back, here's what the inside looks like, here's the plastic bound book. then a day or so after it turned into a couple choice pages for new models, instead of an entire imgur dump of the book and sprues? Fishier than a fishmonger.

Add in the fact that the video teasers still take time to work up, and controlled leaking seems plausible.

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For the record the whole book, points, and warscrolls are now out in the wild. Don't know if we can post any of it here, but if you know where to look you should find it and you can always message me for it..... I think?


Looks like they don't have the Stormcast rule anymore?

Holy cow that is a lot of subfactions lol. 11?!?!?!

Edited by RyantheFett
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Spoiler alert people are not going to be happy that freeguild and human have quite literally double the amount of content then the other two subsects (including command traits, spells, orders, relics, paint schemes and lore lol) 

yeah and most city are  buffing your coalition units or freeguild units (they are some that work for all city units)

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7 minutes ago, novakai said:

Spoiler alert people are not going to be happy that freeguild and human have quite literally double the amount of content then the other two subsects (including command traits, spells, orders, relics, paint schemes and lore lol) 

yeah and most city are  buffing your coalition units or freeguild units (they are some that work for all city units)

To be expected, honestly. AoS has been sorely missing a proper human faction since its inception, and it is not surprising that GW is focusing on the humans. There is much evidence proving that a great many players will gravitate towards the faction they can identify with the most.

The writing has been on the wall for quite some time, and with the imminent relaunch of the Old World the non-human parts of CoS have their days numbered.

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i dont know if im getting the idea and how gw think;


in 4 years since cities launch never have been competitive the melle dwarfs(only some time was used the irondrakes with bridge).

and now they mega ultra nerf into the oblivion the dwarfking?

old:+1 aoe atack and inmune leadership buble

new: nothing,only a useless grudge skill that is a 1/3 of a +1 hit

also the longbeard losing the +1 wound

so,gw balance team think that if dwarfs have been bad for 4 years the fix is nerf them even more? only with this nerf to lomgbeards and king we have lost +1 atack +1 wound inmune leadership bubble that is HUGE


for sure seeing this i can hope that the runelord now have lost the +1 rend prayer for somethimg useless also.


clasical gw nerfing into the umplayable the old units so we must get the new models if we want can try play

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3 minutes ago, Doko said:

i dont know if im getting the idea and how gw think;


in 4 years since cities launch never have been competitive the melle dwarfs(only some time was used the irondrakes with bridge).

and now they mega ultra nerf into the oblivion the dwarfking?

old:+1 aoe atack and inmune leadership buble

new: nothing,only a useless grudge skill that is a 1/3 of a +1 hit

also the longbeard losing the +1 wound

so,gw balance team think that if dwarfs have been bad for 4 years the fix is nerf them even more? only with this nerf to lomgbeards and king we have lost +1 atack +1 wound inmune leadership bubble that is HUGE


for sure seeing this i can hope that the runelord now have lost the +1 rend prayer for somethimg useless also.


clasical gw nerfing into the umplayable the old units so we must get the new models if we want can try play

Looks like hammers give the Warden King a +4 save? Not sure if that makes them good or not lol. Iornbreakers also have a chance to get a +4 ward.

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5 hours ago, YoghurtKobold said:

Btw. those of you who managed to take a look at the new leaked warscrolls, should I build a hurricanum or luminark? :D I am in the process of building the kit right now.

both got huge nerfs.


-now dont have the 3d3 mortals,its only a dice per round,so until round 3 gonna do worse than old(and games end in the first two rounds)

-the aura got destroyed,now it is only humans,also got nerfed the range and went of models within to unit wholy within

-lost the aura of +1 cast

so if hurricanum dont get a HUGE reduction in cost(to 200 or so) gonna be ******

the luminark allways have been bad and now is worse even,lost the aura of -1 castings,nerf to his range of ward6 also and again only for humans.

add to this that wards dont stack and humans gonna have the ward5 of the new priest and then is obvious that hurricanum is better even if we dont know the points

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