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On 7/9/2023 at 3:02 AM, cyrus said:

A brute boss maybe but not a mega boss , otherwise it would have been stated in the description:

"The mighty Maw-grunta is a big pig like no other. Dwarfing the Gore-gruntas that the Ironjawz love for their orruk-bearing strength and blind porcine fury, these hulking beasts are a true force of nature. A single Maw-grunta can smash through massed infantry like a like a boar in a china shop, paving the way for a brutal Ardboys charge.*

Covered in the trademark fist-forged armour plates of the Ironjawz, topped with a saddle made of bones, tusks tipped with choppas – these giant hogs are living battering rams with tempers as foul as the nastiest orruk. 

Adding insult to (massive) injury, the Maw-grunta is big enough to have two orruks riding side-saddle, equipped with massive hooked blades for lopping the ’eads off anyone who thinks dodging to the side of this avalanche of fur and iron will keep them safe.**

These colossal war-boars will make their trotter-shaped mark on the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar campaign series Dawnbringers, which follows the Twin-Tailed Crusade as it sets out from Hammerhal to claim lands back in Aqshy and Ghyran. "


The Maw-Grunta is a multi-kit, I think they mentioned 3 build options at one point. Probably a named character, a generic leader, and one thats just a behemoth.

49 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Looks like the handgunner replacement, but doesn't look like a multi-kit? So the freeguild crossbowmen are probably gone.

Also not a fan of the reroll hits ability, I know its pretty limited since its third or later battle round, but they've kind of made a point of not doing rerolls this edition so its wierd to go back on that here.

Honestly I'm not a fan of many of the cities rules we've seen so far, the ogor rider also had rules that I felt were overly verbose and complex. It reminds me of 40k rules writing, in a bad way.

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5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I like how GW is breaking the trope of the "lightly armoured missile troop" they had from way back in WFB. These guys are protecting themselves and know the benefit of cover - so they bring along their own personal cover with their pavises. 

I love the little ammo guy bringing extra powder to the guys during battle. Gives the minis a touch of realism in a world of floating islands, gods and monsters.

Anyway, do you guys have a good method of painting soot ? I want to smear them with some : gunpowder is dirty after all !

My first thought would be to smudge some dark ink with my finger.

But I suspect the real answer is to look at what scale modellers are doing, I know those guys are all about soot, heat discolouration, battle damage, etc.

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18 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I don’t mind the new bretonian look gw seems to be going for yet, I prefer the renaissance look they had before a lot more.

Kinda fits the whole Reichsläufer and landsknecht theme very well

Maybe it is the black powder weaponry mixed with plate armour but they still feel fairly renaissance to me. I think a more vibrant scheme would help sell that idea though, and the lack of ruffs and pantaloons does make it a little less iconographically renaissance, but I don't think was necessarily standard to all fashion of the era, but I am no expert. 


Although maybe the point is that these are intended to be a little more anachronistic to allow people to paint their models to fit a more wider range of periods and themes?

Edited by Neverchosen
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39 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Anyway, do you guys have a good method of painting soot ? I want to smear them with some : gunpowder is dirty after all !

You can buy pigment powders, brush and/or rub them on and (optionally) use pigment fixer to keep 'em there.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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49 minutes ago, Boytoy said:

They're straight-up hussites! So neat that they're referencing a little-known period of history 


This also fits the religious military made of common folk theme very well. In fact, one would struggle to find any serious alternative... Ktož jsú boží bojovníci.

I don't like the models that much, they are far to ornate for what they are supposed to represent. But I like the concept.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

A Duardin leader would not work, because they would need to bring a stepstool to see over their pavise which is logisically impossible given the tech level of AoS, actually. 🤓

He could always get an elf friend to describe the battle to him. Or possibly get him a box?

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23 minutes ago, Fulcanelli said:

Woah, lots of things packed on those bases!
They are AMAZING! I love pavises and the concept of a shield wall applied to gunpowder weapons.

The only thing that makes me sad is the change of colour palette of Greywater scheme (and other cities, who knows).

I wasn't sure if I liked it when we first saw it with the dual pistol Marshal (kinda fitting that both Greywater minis we've seen so far have been dual-wielding gunpowder weapons 😛), but now that I've tried painting some Ironbreakers in the scheme I do prefer it to the old one.

I especially like the subtle green tint to some of the more "wetness" prone areas, like the bottom of the coat and lower metal and wood areas, alongside the mossy swamp basing (quite a different take on the Ghoul Mere than how I imagined it, but visually it's just way better than "dark brown mud", and fits the Ghyran theme more).

Hopefully the Castelite reforms give me a lore reason to not repaint my older minis alongside my practical ones.

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14 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

I wasn't sure if I liked it when we first saw it with the dual pistol Marshal (kinda fitting that both Greywater minis we've seen so far have been dual-wielding gunpowder weapons 😛), but now that I've tried painting some Ironbreakers in the scheme I do prefer it to the old one.

I especially like the subtle green tint to some of the more "wetness" prone areas, like the bottom of the coat and lower metal and wood areas, alongside the mossy swamp basing (quite a different take on the Ghoul Mere than how I imagined it, but visually it's just way better than "dark brown mud", and fits the Ghyran theme more).

Hopefully the Castelite reforms give me a lore reason to not repaint my older minis alongside my practical ones.

Honestly I really like them both, the old and the new colour scheme.
I probably won't repaint my army, but i'm a bit sad, lorewise... City colours should be 'official', it's strange to see them change.

Anyway, the minis are great and fresh, I can't wait to see the cannon 🙂

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With Aeronatica being removed, I am once again baffled by GW. If they had done a proper announcement I'd have purchased most Orc craft and a few others. Now I'll have to print similar craft and they get no money from me.

Give us time to buy your product!

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These aren't a 10/10 for me. They didn't immediately give me that, 'wow' factor and giving them a good think and multiple viewings, I like em but they're still not leaving the same impression that the rest of the line has. 

I'm not sure if it's because I'd prefer the standard gunline infantry to be normal handgunners, or that I want me big long muskets.

Cool models, but personally would've liked to have seen maybe a musket/handgunner line and these guys as a specialist 5-man squad.

Really good to see those are transfers on the front of the shields, or at least not etched in, same with the wood grain? Would like to see the shields in plain or quartering heraldry.

I wonder how many kits are left.

Edited by Black_Templar_Lad
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*Stares in Jezzail at the miniature reveal*


So AoS are getting Shielded Riflers, and it’s not Jezzails. I know I’m cynical, but thats just mean. They are otherwise, not a bad looking unit. I hope cities get a couple more ogres and not just the Mounted one. More City Ogryns would be very cool.

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15 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I find the new Cities stuff interesting in that I can buy appreciate it's design, and also know it's not for me. These are cool and I'm an interesting design, and I look forward to facing them, but I have no desire to start an army myself.

Yeh, I think thats where I am with the new CoS models. Love them, their great. Just not for me.

FWIW I think that's a huge strenght of AoS and the setting / game that they have established that I can look at something I really have no interest in myself and still be happy about it.

I guess I just really like AoS and cannot wait to see what absolutely wild thing they come up with next.

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4 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Gonna use that Nuln Oil yet again then...

There are black pigments that are perfect for soot. In theory you could also use black chalk. You‘d need to seal it (some use airbrush thinner/alcohol, others stuff like lahmian medium) though, as else it‘ll rub off with time.

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12 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Im joining the 'it looks great, but its not for me" camp. These models are all full of detail en fun design choices though. Happy for those who are into CoS.

I'm pitching another camp... "they look great and I'd like to get them but painting them will not be for me" XD saves me space and money to expand into Seraphon, LRL, and DOK though

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23 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Im joining the 'it looks great, but its not for me" camp. These models are all full of detail en fun design choices though. Happy for those who are into CoS.

I'm feeling the first wave of dawnbringers is going to be similar to the first wave of Lumineth. Standard infantry and some leaders with more if the fantastical coming later.

I can certainly see some witch Hunters, updated flagellants and devoted, some steam artillery etc all incoming later.

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Love them - in my top 3* ! I was a bit unsure after the Manticore Lady reveal (I know, minority here), but today we are clearly back on track.

Can't wait for the CANNON

*My personal ranking, from best to just-less-best : 


  1. Freeguild Cavaliers
  2. Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy
  3. Freeguild Fusiliers
  4. Freeguild Steelhelms
  5. Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk
  6. Alchemite Warforger
  7. Tahlia Vedra, Lioness Of The Parch
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I think the most fascinating aspect of the cities reveal is that everyone has that one unit so far that feels a little strange, out of place or isn't up their alley. For me so far they have all been hits, but at the same time they retain that strange AOS feeling of the culturally uncanny... namely there is something just a little unfamiliar in terms of the cultural referent. An anachronistic element or a sign of high fantasy that abstract from the familiar. Stranger Critters for Critters and Keys on bases are a great example of how these break from the historical but also feel at home in medieval tapestry or manuscript or the manticore being typically associated with Chaos and destruction now a centrepiece for an order army is another way they challenge expectations.

I actually think seeing these models contextualized by battle hardened Irobreakers and cut throat corsair mercenaries will make them look all the better. The second you see that massive Ogor standing behind a shield wall, the improvised turret will look much cooler as you realize the Ogor is providing the unit with muscle but also a higher vantage point of the battlefield.  

This makes me more hopeful that we will be able to combine heroes and individual models to units like in 40k for 4th edition.

Edited by Neverchosen
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