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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

Sorry for the double post, but that's Kruleboyz in the background so my predictions on factions have been true so far ;)

Dang! Good eagle eye worthy of the Vanguard chamber. :o 

So Stormcast(classic style), Kruleboyz and Tzeentch which makes a nice change from all the Nurgle rep.

I think it’s safe to bet on a Death faction to round things off.(edit: haha, hopefully the strategy licenses aren’t hard-locked to Stormcast + villain of the edition + Chaos faction of your choosing xD )

All my money on Ossiarchs next, unique AoS aesthetic and are practically custom-made for a strategy game of marching forces and can play off mortal enemy casualties adding to their power.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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My dream AoS game would definitely be an Elden Ring/Souls style game. It literally feels perfect for the mechanics.

A Knight Questor roaming one of the Mortal Realms fighting the strongest monsters and heretics. You die? Get reforged and get right back to it. This mechanic is absolutely perfect for a Souls game. Suffer penalties the more you are reforged, claim back a portion of your soul from the enemy that defeated you.

Really excited for an AoS game though, especially something that'll give us a proper visual and live representation of what the Mortal Realms are like to live in and how each might differ. 

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1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

A half-decent AoS game will automatically generate a TON of interest in the setting. Video Games are one of the biggest ways that people find the hobby in the first place. How many of you found Warhammer due to Dawn of War 1 or 2? or Space Marine? 

Set in AoS there's a handful of mobile games and VR games, but nothing all the popular stuff is still Old World. We get a good combat game, MMO, or RTS in AoS that's actually not bloatware? Awesome. 

It was an important step for 40k as it was the first GW video game to really have a „big presence“ and introduce the setting to a new audience. Most Warhammer video games before weren’t exactly great or some were IMO great but didn’t resonate enough with gamers ( e.g. Chaos Gate as turn-based strategy games never were mainstream as far as I know). There have been some others that looked good, like Mark of Chaos, but they still didn‘t have a big enough impact. So, yeah, I couldn‘t agree more with your observation and AoS would benefit immensely from a great video game as an amazing game would introduce so many people to its setting. I don‘t necessarily think that a huge amount start collecting minis and playing the TT game due to a game but the general exposure and interest in products related to it are worth more than mini sales in the long run. If I was working for GW, I‘d be proactively trying to get a true AAA developer to use the AoS IP…. Thing is, they probably would want the 40k setting due to the larger following, it‘s a safer choice. 

But we all know how GW torpedoes its own best chances when it come to games… see Warcraft. 😅

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Darktide has helped me introduce a lot of friends to Warhammer stuff, but like many Warhammer games, it tends to fall short of the fully polished experience a lot of people want out of video games. I still love playing it and have put a hundred hours into the game already, but I can see where the problems are as well as anyone else, and because of that it struggles to hit that mass-appeal.

We'll see if these AoS games bear fruit, or if cut-corners and the predatory side of video game production culture shoot it in the foot. 

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6 hours ago, MitGas said:

If I was working for GW, I‘d be proactively trying to get a true AAA developer to use the AoS IP…. Thing is, they probably would want the 40k setting due to the larger following, it‘s a safer choice. 

I would be surprised if a Total War:40k is not already being seriously considered. After that the time for TW:AoS might finally come.

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Not directly AoS, but there has been a large cleanup in Forgeworld 40k models. In true GW fashion, the greater demons went last chance to buy when they were out of stock.

Khorne herald now also gone, so AoS is totally empty.

I don't see FW making new stuff for AoS, and suspect 40k will be limited to titans, vehicles and 30k leftovers.

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New Necromunda character looks great with his pets! Just dawned on me that Necromunda has has more best releases than AoS in age of the beast!

Where is the Warcry beast pack similar to the Chaos furies box, why hasn't there been more incarnates, could of easily done the malign sorcery Endless spell equivalent!

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9 hours ago, Marcvs said:

I would be surprised if a Total War:40k is not already being seriously considered. After that the time for TW:AoS might finally come.

Total War 40k would never work...  It would have to be a massive jumble of 3 different games in 1, and either way probably end up a disappointing mess. CA is struggling to get even the pseudo-earth of TWW3 up to par because of how massive Immortal Empires is.

Now add the complexity air combat, or naval combat, or even tanks to that. DOW 1 tried aerial combat and it was mid enough we never saw flyers in the next 2. Would you do a Stellaris type galaxy and try to build space combat on top, like Empire at War? Or is it better to do a single planet to focus on ground combat? Now your roster is limited by that planet, like DOW. Total War games were designed for line-combat for historicals and fantasy settings--another type of game or genre is better suited for 40k (like the DOW cover system), especially when AOS already fits into the Total War design perfectly.

I found out today that the vague MMO announcement from Jackalyptic is going to be 40k... so yeah. 40k absolutely doesn't need a Total War game before AOS. They're already getting the Rogue Trader CRPG (which is another perfect genre for AOS) and Space Marine 2.


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13 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

but I can see where the problems are as well as anyone else, and because of that it struggles to hit that mass-appeal.

is it the problems of the gameplay or the setting itself? my non-Warhammer partner LOVES the gameplay, but for every voice line we laugh at there's 1 or 2 that we're silently cringing at. People can overlook bugs and jank more if they vibe with the game, and I can't imagine a realistic Imperium has mass appeal in the way that the dysfunctional Ubersreik 5 do.

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4 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Talking about video games, I've seen the new "WH40k Boltgun" has plague toads (lesser and greater) as enemies. That means GW has not abandoned this type of demon ! 

Doesn’t it, sorry to sound brash, but why?

Warhammer Total War is full of miniatures which they no longer produce. It sometimes feels like they’re lifting the second curtain saying”Ooh lets see what You could have won”.


Unrelated but I’m having a blast reading the Seraphon Tome. This Book has really gripped me back into AoS.

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3 hours ago, CDM said:

New Necromunda character looks great with his pets! Just dawned on me that Necromunda has has more best releases than AoS in age of the beast!

Where is the Warcry beast pack similar to the Chaos furies box, why hasn't there been more incarnates, could of easily done the malign sorcery Endless spell equivalent!

Very tempted to pick that up for those two "Graboids" to use as something alongside my Orruks from Ghur. Fangathrak is from Ghur after all. 

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TBH I think a major issue for AOS video games is they all take the graphic style of launch aos, everything's too vibrant and plastic looking, It doesnt help that they also go with hammers of sigmar which I think is the weakest colour scheme, all gold armour looks bad in animation, especially if its shiny and done in a lower fidelity game.  Cities of sigmar would do better as protags for a AOS strategy game I feel.

If they want to attract to the setting using stormcast I legit think going down the "stormcast are basically dark souls undead heroes" and have a 3rd person action game of some stormcast dude being sent to investigate some frontier Cities of sigmar town that has gone dark, when he dies he just reforges and deep strikes back in.

atm a AOS video game has to fight against the still held wider view of "aos is baby setting that they blew old world up for", I dont think bright and vibrant is a good choice.

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

Total War 40k would never work...  It would have to be a massive jumble of 3 different games in 1, and either way probably end up a disappointing mess. CA is struggling to get even the pseudo-earth of TWW3 up to par because of how massive Immortal Empires is.

To be clear, I am not discussing what I personally want or like, but more like (wild) "predictions". So, I don't disagree with your points but I still see it happening, the pull of the market must be huge. If I had to bet: focus on a single warzone (of continental or planet scale) with some limitation in the roster and in the playable factions. Flying units already exist in TWW so a couple of flyers sprinkled in should be fine. No naval or space combat.

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

Total War 40k would never work...  It would have to be a massive jumble of 3 different games in 1, and either way probably end up a disappointing mess. CA is struggling to get even the pseudo-earth of TWW3 up to par because of how massive Immortal Empires is.


In an interview (with Rookery Publications, around the 1:03 mark) Andy Hall was asked "Lore wise, the 40k universe is probably even broader than Warhammer Fantasy, but can the gameplay loop be adapted to Total War, do you reckon?"

His response was "*shrugs* 'dunno... 'dunno."

It was not quite a "no comment", and maybe I'm reading too much into it, but considering that he mostly gave thoughtful answers to other questions it seemed like a dodge.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

We may never know whether the Old Ones of Warhammer Fantasy were the same Old Ones who fought against the Necrontyr during the War in Heaven

Well, to be more accurate, we may never know when or if GW are going to retcon it again!

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29 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

In an era of Souls-like clones and how common they are from AA/BBB studios I'm shocked we've not seen one set in a Warhammer IP yet. AoS in-particular seems tailor made a setting for one.

Oh man a Soulsborne Warhammer game would be awesome.... Though I won't lie I'd only play it if we could play as a chaos faction. 

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