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19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Not at Adepticon. Next reveals event is Warhammer Fest at the end of April I believe.

When is the 40 year anniversary of Fantasy supposed to be? I have it in my head it was to coincide with Warhammer Fest but I could be completely wrong. 

Either way, I certainly feel an Old World reveal next month! 

It's gonna be hard to top Adepticon but if we had Old World, full 10th edition box and more CoS, that would be pretty darn close for me.

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9 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

When is the 40 year anniversary of Fantasy supposed to be? I have it in my head it was to coincide with Warhammer Fest but I could be completely wrong. 

Either way, I certainly feel an Old World reveal next month! 

It's gonna be hard to top Adepticon but if we had Old World, full 10th edition box and more CoS, that would be pretty darn close for me.

40th anniversary is in July.

I'd wager we'll be getting three days of reveal shows (like the last two Warhammer Fests), one for each of the main games and their respective Specialist Games/a day for both 40k and AoS and one for everything else

So, something like this:

AoS day: FeC vs Stormcast Warcry, first signs of main game FeC (probably the other Summer BT), Gallet (and hopefully the next CoS mini 😛)

Specialist Games/HH day: Necromunda, Horus Heresy, HH Epic teaser?, Blood Bowl

40K day: full 10th box, various other 10th shenanigans

And maybe a TOW tease

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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

As someone who goes into everything over hyped, people may need to check their expectations with TOW. Itll go down a similar path such as Horus Heresy is now, Im fairly confident there will be 4 armies at MAX produced by GW with all new minis and the rest may be MTO.

Im happy for those excited for the TOW but expecting AOS level sculpts for your WHFB army isnt probably happening.

When it comes to TOW...


Play Slaves to Darkness and you'll have AOS level sculpts for TOW. My mommy already said I'm supersmart, no need to praise me! 😎👌

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36 minutes ago, KingKull said:

Would anyone be so kind to repost leaked pics of the flesheater mandril dude and hairy abhorrent looking dude?

More fec pics


    The skeleton in hair RE solved. Looks like an FEC wearwolf... 🤔



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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

Cool, can't believe I missed that.

(My Love It reaction was to Dispossessed staying, obviously not to no more Gyrocopters ☹️)

I really just want to know the long term direction of cities and dispossessed... Will they be forever there, will they disappear altogether or will they get rolled into a new faction etc... Disappointingly little in the way of dwarf rumors in general

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Not me wishing for Idoneth or Lumineth rumours so that @HollowHills and @Maogrim respectively would return. They might be stinkin' knife-ears, but they're OUR stinkin' knife-ears! Not even a full Duardin range can be as joyous as jokingly bickering with aelf fans...

That is the true tragedy of Duardin. We need aelves to grudge with to be complete 😢

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I've been thinking about it : the new Cities of Sigmar look were reminding me of something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I just found out : they remind me of Berserk artworks !
As I love Berserk and AoS, this is a match made in heaven for me !

Adepticon AoS CoS Image1

Aucune description disponible.

Seriously go read Berserk if you haven't already, it's a masterpiece. But I digress.

I'm now genuinly hyped for the rest of the range to be revealed. Come on GW !

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Rando but the more and more I look at this the more I think it's a hobgrot hand.  Kruleboyz definitely have that kind of bent wood and all though not the only one with bone bojangles they do enjoy them. 


That or new FEC. 

Could also be Spiderfang imho. 

Edit: They also have lots of small bones spread across the models and lots of wooden pieces. This kind of looks like a staff but could also easily be a part of a chair/throne from the scuttleboss or something new entirely.

Edited by Gitzdee
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54 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:
I've been thinking about it : the new Cities of Sigmar look were reminding me of something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I just found out : they remind me of Berserk artworks !
As I love Berserk and AoS, this is a match made in heaven for me !
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Adepticon AoS CoS Image1

Aucune description disponible.

Seriously go read Berserk if you haven't already, it's a masterpiece. But I digress.

I'm now genuinly hyped for the rest of the range to be revealed. Come on GW !

No way was 'Warhammer forum making me finally read Berserk' on my 2023 bingo card but here we are.

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4 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Honestly at this point I'm surprised I don't see them mentioned elsewhere. You'd think sites like Reddit or DakkaDakka (don't they have an AoS section too?) would crosspost everything WF says, as afaik they haven't missed once.

You speak and it happens. From r/ageofsigmar: image.png.12ce794ea84dc607b52f2da70ccb2321.png

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4 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Any rumors I share from them I try to leave their name out of it. They do a great job of keeping us informed but the last thing I want is a bunch of people pestering them, I'm sure we're bad enough as it is. 

I also don't know where Whitefang gets their info and the more prevalent their name the more likely they might get cut off from their source? 

As far as I know I don't think their doing it for internet fame or would have said so? I'm assuming a lot but trying to err on the side of caution. If I'm getting anything wrong please let me know. 

I always assumed it was someone within GW, trying to steer and manage expectations, rather than spoil the surprise. Which is great, because no-one likes to be disappointed by expecting one thing, and getting something else.

As much as I dislike the news, I'm immensely grateful to WF for the early warning that parts of CoS will disappear. 

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I don't care whether White Fang works at The GW warehouse, knows a person on the inside, is a cautious time traveller or Graham McNeil, and i don't want to know. 

The tastefully vague leaks are a lovely addition to this forum, and makes this place feel a little more special.

Edited by Captaniser
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On the larger scale of things, I definitely feel that AoS is winning in a lot of ways.

1. AoS will have most if not all of their battletomes out by the end of the year, leaving at LEAST 8 months to enjoy those tomes before a new edition. On the other hand, 40k just released Imperial Guard and World Eaters that are going to have sub 6 months to actually play in 9th ed before being thrown in the bin.

2. Fresh ideas are abundant in AoS, with new things coming out every edition, filling out the world with wild, awesome, whimsical, and often badass things. On the other hand, 40k struggles under the immense weight of needing to print a whole new Space Marine army every 1.5 years. I've even seen people complaining about the Tyranids not having enough room in their line for new stuff.

3. The lore has been on a decent clip, with big, world-changing events. Even focused on Ghur, we've still seen Kragnos unleashed, Morathi ascend to godhood, Nagash get punted in the face by Teclis, and dragons return to the mortal realm via Krondys and Karazai. Meanwhile, in 40k, Ultramarines swooped in to save the day, yet again, and despite dying twice, GW pulled a mcguffin to keep Azrael alive, meaning so far the rubicon primaris has a 0% casualty rate as long as you have a name. 

I don't want it to sound like I'm just aimlessly hating on 40k right now, because I do love the lore and several of the factions, but AoS just keeps winning every time I see a reveal. For AoS I know it's going to be something new and wild and fun, and for 40k I know it's going to be space marines XD

Edited by RileyArlic
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5 hours ago, Asbestress said:

40th anniversary is in July.

I'd wager we'll be getting three days of reveal shows (like the last two Warhammer Fests), one for each of the main games and their respective Specialist Games/a day for both 40k and AoS and one for everything else

So, something like this:

AoS day: FeC vs Stormcast Warcry, first signs of main game FeC (probably the other Summer BT), Gallet (and hopefully the next CoS mini 😛)

Specialist Games/HH day: Necromunda, Horus Heresy, HH Epic teaser?, Blood Bowl

40K day: full 10th box, various other 10th shenanigans

And maybe a TOW tease

Cheers la! July sounds perfect for a reveal too if the end of year release rumour is true.

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1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

On the larger scale of things, I definitely feel that AoS is winning in a lot of ways.

1. AoS will have most if not all of their battletomes out by the end of the year, leaving at LEAST 8 months to enjoy those tomes before a new edition. On the other hand, 40k just released Imperial Guard and World Eaters that are going to have sub 6 months to actually play in 9th ed before being thrown in the bin.

2. Fresh ideas are abundant in AoS, with new things coming out every edition, filling out the world with wild, awesome, whimsical, and often badass things. On the other hand, 40k struggles under the immense weight of needing to print a whole new Space Marine army every 1.5 years. I've even seen people complaining about the Tyranids not having enough room in their line for new stuff.

3. The lore has been on a decent clip, with big, world-changing events. Even focused on Ghur, we've still seen Kragnos unleashed, Morathi ascend to godhood, Nagash get punted in the face by Teclis, and dragons return to the mortal realm via Krondys and Karazai. Meanwhile, in 40k, Ultramarines swooped in to save the day, yet again, and despite dying twice, GW pulled a mcguffin to keep Azrael alive, meaning so far the rubicon primaris has a 0% casualty rate as long as you have a name. 

I don't want it to sound like I'm just aimlessly hating on 40k right now, because I do love the lore and several of the factions, but AoS just keeps winning every time I see a reveal. For AoS I know it's going to be something new and wild and fun, and for 40k I know it's going to be space marines XD

I would also add the community (although smaller and more niche) is extremely open, positive and overall showcases a ton of excitement. One claw and we will foam at the mouth for Flesh Eater Courts, Beats of Chaos, Chaos Dwarves or the often rumoured Silent Vampirates of Umbraneth! I am dipping my toes into 40k but it is weird how much less excited people have seemed over a range refresh of one of the coolest factions in their entire game than we are over an old dwarf reading battletomes. I do see the systems converging bit by bit and the old grudges getting buried. 

All of this to say, I just finished a yearlong work contract and built my backlog of Stormcast Eternals and I am really excited to have time to paint them! Soon they will join my Slaves to Darkness and Ogors in loosing matches against my much more capable friends!

Edited by Neverchosen
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11 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Yes I did, thank you! I have a lot of units sculpted+converted like this that have been waiting for the new book so I can determine new weapon load outs.

Must admit, mate. Followed you for the longest time. Amazing sculpting. Would love to learn from ya.

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That above criticism of space marine reveals could be equally levelled at Stormcast though?

This is the first major marine release since templars 2 years ago, and even then they only got like 4 kits.

Meanwhile 9th has had giant refreshes and massive updates for Necrons, Craftworlds, Guard, Sisters, Orks, Chaos Knights, Chaos Marines and even slipped in a new army with Votaan. With the upcoming Nid refresh too there's increasingly very little 90's/early 2000's plastic left in the game too.

I know AOS players have got a major chip on their shoulder about their game but I think a lot of the times people just really do need to actually pay some attention to what happens in other systems and their ranges. The 3rd edition releases so far have been absolutely pathetic and at least half of the factions are languishing with increasingly outdated ranges that are aging terribly, or with new ranges that are embarrassingly half-baked and in desperate need of expansion. Thank god for the Seraphon update because jesus they needed it and it also looks fantastic.

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12 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

That above criticism of space marine reveals could be equally levelled at Stormcast though?

This is the first major marine release since templars 2 years ago, and even then they only got like 4 kits.

Meanwhile 9th has had giant refreshes and massive updates for Necrons, Craftworlds, Guard, Sisters, Orks, Chaos Knights, Chaos Marines and even slipped in a new army with Votaan. With the upcoming Nid refresh too there's increasingly very little 90's/early 2000's plastic left in the game too.

I know AOS players have got a major chip on their shoulder about their game but I think a lot of the times people just really do need to actually pay some attention to what happens in other systems and their ranges. The 3rd edition releases so far have been absolutely pathetic and at least half of the factions are languishing with increasingly outdated ranges that are aging terribly, or with new ranges that are embarrassingly half-baked and in desperate need of expansion. Thank god for the Seraphon update because jesus they needed it and it also looks fantastic.

Damn theres no 'agree' button

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13 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

That above criticism of space marine reveals could be equally levelled at Stormcast though?

Not sure if there is a direct critiscism in the posts above.

The post from @RileyArlictalks about the strong points of AoS compared to the titan that is 40k. Of course, 40k has more of everything (imo, not that much btw), but appart from World Eaters and League of Votann, everything else are updated armies (and not sure if World Eaters should count as "new"). That's the point of AoS, crazy new stuff, new armies, weird or rare designs, etc... and take in mind that we are going to recieve a new army at the end of the year (cities of sigmar) appart from a new updated army this summer.

The main campaigns like Broken Realms were really good, compared to the ongoing critiscism of war40k players. Ark Of Omens seems to be a lot better with the return of the Lion, and kudos to the 40k team because everyone is enjoying boarding games (at least in my gaming group and some forums). Pretty sure that 10th edition is going to be awesome!

About SCE and factions that need a rework (mainly skavens and Ogors), you are right but you ignore that AoS started 8 years ago and now has 13 new armies and 7 updated armies (with new units). That's a lot for a game that people said that would die in less than a year.

That's why people in this forum is so excited with news like this, and refreshing stuff like new designs like Cities of Sigmar.

Note: I agree with you in that there are micro-armies that need a second wave ASAP, but that seems to be the same opiniok of 80% of this forum so...

Edited by Beliman
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