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It's been a very good edition of Adepticon ! Way better than last year. 40k 10th is a great news, the new terminators and gaunts are looking very good and are everything you'd expect, the trailer for 10th was... just so cool ! I was like a kid watching it, getting excited and all. And on top of that a loyalist primarch returns with the Lion ! His miniature is sincerely magnificent, drips with style. That king Arthur vibe he exsudes... just brilliance. 

About AoS :

Seraphon are a 10/10. New Saurus cavalry just cleans the floor with the old kit. I'm not even mad the raptors are scaly with pronated hands. They're chunky, mean, and really bejewelled, everything I never knew I wanted about them. And on top of that, extra kit for the scar-vet and the Kroxigors are a double kit. Kuddos to GW sculptors that the 2 types of Kroxi heads are equally good. 

Underworlds : the Tzeentch sorcerer is so good, and so are his demons and his mutants. He has that "Guillermo Del Toro monster" vibe that suits Tzeentch so well imo. SCE are great too ! Ever since thunderstrike armor came out, I feel like SCE are looking way cooler now. Floating rocks ftw !

Cities : first look at it felt weird. I was not expecting that look ! I was waiting for something more high fantasy instead of that really gritty medieval look. They're a bit controversial from what I've seen so far, I'd say that maybe their color scheme doesn't do them justice enough (especially those oranges and reds) and the 360 shots of the video are better than the still picture posted. Personally, I'm going to let them grow on me (they're starting to already), I'll get used to them quickly. I'll wait to see what the whole range looks like put together with alternate color schemes though. 

New Death heroes are cool I guess. Happy for undead players. 

And one last thing : those 40k Beastmen look really easy to convert. Also btw... now, modern Beastmen 3D assets exist in GW's 3D library. Make of it what you will...

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This is unequivocally my personal favorite Warhammer show ever. Holy smokes, I woke up to one news article more exciting than the last. I starting playing Lizardmen when I was 10. I picked up my first Tyranids when I was 15. In a few days I'm turning 30 and I feel so privileged that I get to occupy this slice of spacetime wherein these things are happening. I know it's a fleeting joy, and one rooted in the commercialistic doctrine of consuming stuff I don't even need, etc. etc.

But man. I feel so lucky right now. I hope you all are happy with the reveals and have a wonderful day!

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How does it work with upgrade sprues? Will I eventually be able to get this Votann sprue separately?

(The sprue which, by the way, should include 9 Ironkin heads to make up for the measly one in the basic squad)

Edited by EntMan
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21 minutes ago, Beliman said:
  1. GW retires some Fantasy kits.
  2. GW releases The Old World.
  3. The old retired Fantasy kits become available once more for 5-10$ increase.
  4. Profit

I could see them doing a made to order of a bunch of these kits at the launch of TOW and then replacing plenty of them with updated models over the years that follow. Especially really iconic stuff like the Gyrocopter

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3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I hate to say it, but those Freeguilders just aren't clicking for me.

I think it's the helmets. They look like everybody was issued two sizes too big and combined with the pudgy faces just make me think of Halflings. I'm also not in love with the paint job, which probably isn't helping. 

Maybe my opinion will improve when they're shown together with the rest of the new releases.


My first thought was "Looks like someone I'd fight in Elden Ring"...which perhaps supports an earlier commenter's opinion that they look like generic fantasy now.

Personally I'm okay with the redesign, even if the grognard in me will miss the renaissance german look of humans.

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1 hour ago, Malakithe said:

No it will come with the Killteam box which includes all the current Warrior stuff + the upgrade sprues

Sorry, I know that for now. I was wondering if eventually (months+?) these upgrade sprues tend to become available sometime?

Like, I'm fairly sure the Beastmen squad will eventually get a separate release, but wondering if the Votann will as it's just a sprue addition to an already available kit.



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Just now, EntMan said:

Sorry, I know that for now. I was wondering if eventually (months+?) these upgrade sprues tend to become available sometime?

Like, I'm fairly sure the Beastmen squad will eventually get a separate release, but wondering if the Votann will as it's just a sprue addition to an already available kit.



No, they come with the base unit and the extra sprues in the same box, those sprues are never sold apart.

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4 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Sorry, I know that for now. I was wondering if eventually (months+?) these upgrade sprues tend to become available sometime?

Like, I'm fairly sure the Beastmen squad will eventually get a separate release, but wondering if the Votann will as it's just a sprue addition to an already available kit.



You'll have a regular box and a killteam box that costs a little bit more and includes the upgrade sprue.

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2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

No idea what to do now with my phoenix temple army. Finish painting it, and play it religiously until it gets binned in autumn.

Or just sell it now while it's still worth something.

[And no, I don't want to play them in old world. If I buy into old world, it's because I want to play with cool new models, not because I want to turn back the clock and play WHFB]


Play until the autumn, then sell it when the old world comes out. There will probably be lots of people looking for minis to play in that game

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19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Sorry, I know that for now. I was wondering if eventually (months+?) these upgrade sprues tend to become available sometime?

Like, I'm fairly sure the Beastmen squad will eventually get a separate release, but wondering if the Votann will as it's just a sprue addition to an already available kit.



It hasn’t happened yet for any of the others. It could happen at some point but I wouldn’t hold your breath. 

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When I saw the Killteam beastmen last night, I died a little inside.

Now  I can't decide if:


A) A planned Beasts of Chaos revamp was abandoned and the model sculpts are being recycled into other lines (ala Kragnos, Ogroid Theridans, and Killteam beastmen).




B) There are a few designers that really love Beasts of Chaos as GW and they have been trying to provide some love for the faction by seeding new models for the BoC players by sliding them into other lines. 

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What. A. Preview. Honestly its unrivalled since the Sons and Lumineth of 2020.

First of all those new Saurus Knights are bar none some of the best minis GW has ever made. Ever. I love my Gargants but Behemat be damned they are good. The best glow up EVER in the game. They are perfect killing machines.

The Kroxigors? Well slap me sideways Slann Master they are insane!! I love the Broken Realms coming full circle with the Seraphon taking the Draconic eggs. The faces I was unsure of but they grew on me, but the Croc boys? As an Aussie they are so damn perfect Im buying some just to paont up I love them.

Tzeentch Warband is actually insane and the most 'Tzeentch' minis they have ever done!!

Cities of Sigmar. I. AM. IN. LOVE. It takes Mortal Humans to ground a setting and the WHFB leftovers just didnt fit and I honestly dont like the aesthetic when compared with AOS. But these guys? They took Empire and Brettonians and created this stunning hybrid that I cannot wait to see more of!!


Now the bad. 

GW give Beasts of Chaos their updates. This is just rude and a finger in the eye. You wouldnt release the Silent People and neglect Nids would you?

Seasons of War coming in Q3/4 is a bit of a pain to be honest.

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