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40 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

The new Ossiarch hero is a rip off from Boneshaper which is a great model but still.

A bit, yes. But this means that you can use them interchangeably - which is really nice if you would like to field two Boneshapers or two Ossifectors.

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Okay, that was a surprisingly good preview, with a lot of good AoS (and AoS adjacent stuff). Colour me excited.

First, non-AoS adjacent:

- Lion El'Jonson: he's a gorgeous sculpt, and despite not really looking the Dark Angels (I prefer my knightly chapters to be Black and Templary myself) I might well pick him up as a standalone painting project. I much prefer him to Roboute. My only criticism is not with the mini, but with the lore, namely the Emperor's Shield? Is the Emperor ever described as having a shield in the lore? Are all returning loyalist Primarchs going to have to have dinner piece of the Emperor's wargear? Will Jaghatai have the Emperor's jetbike? When they figure out how to stitch Ferrus's head back on will they be down to the Emperor's sippy cup? I joke, but I don't think it was necessary to make it the Emperor's Shield.

- Horus Heresy: not really interested. As soon as it became clear Horus Heresy would still involve a lot of Forge World resin I decided I wasn't going to get into it. In summer days it's a shame: I really like some of the lore and the idea of more full any sized marine forces. On the other hand my bank balance is thanking me.

- Kill Team: I have mixed feelings on the Votann: I thought the Hearthkyn were close to being a kill team already (their box contains a lot of random upgrades) and feel the additional sprue stuff sometimes looks a bit silly (the jump pack), but I'm glad they are being added. Beastmen are great, but I agree that it's taking that 40k (adjacent) is getting them before AoS.

- 40k tenth: least surprising reveal ever. I like that the rules are being simplified, I might even play some 40k rather than simply collect the minis. I am hugely disappointed that the terminators are not primaris though, as I am very much on the solely primaris train. Hopefully the rumour that the primaris keyword is being done away with us true though, and I can just claim my terminators are primaris marines in terminator armour.

Now onto the AoS and AoS adjacent previews:

- Seraphon: I love 'em. The cavalry are apparently big (chaos knight size) with the scar vet being bigger (chaos lord sized) which is great. I'm not sure about the tail feathers (just taken another look and I see the feathers are attached, not okay of the mount itself, so I live them entirely now), as it seems odd for them to only have two big feathers, but that's perhaps the easiest fix possibly. The Kroxigor look great too: they look really powerful. With a summer release date for the battletome I'm guessing the army box will be late spring/very early summer, so mid to late May? I am definitely picking it up. I've already bought myself a (sightly cheaper) Kroak on eBay in preparation.

- Ossiarch and Soulblight heroes: the Ossiarch hero is fine, but I feel like we've already had similar sculpts before. I'd have preferred something other than a foot hero here. I absolutely love the SBGL hero (once the bats are snipped off at least): she's just awesome. I had been considering an SBGL army a while ago and I am considering it again now. I just wish they'd do new Grave Guard, as that's the one unit I want that had had old sculpts.

- Cities of Sigmar: cool that they are actually showing us minis rather than CAD renders. That said I'm ambivalent towards them. They look... I don't know. There's just something that doesn't hit for me. Ah well, was not likely to play CoS anyway so no huge loss.

- Underworlds: surprise hit (well, it shouldn't be a surprise given how great Underworlds sculpts are). Two out of the three Stormcast are amazing and one is solid, but if say Tzeentch really hits it out of the park. Ephilim is Gaunt Summoner tier Tzeentch weird, the Tzaangor using it's and as legs is cool, the... Magenta horror(?) Looks great and the two ****** demons are cool too. I might well pick this box up.

What a great preview!

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4 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Adepticon06 AoS Ossiarchs Image1Adepticon07 AoS Soulblight Image1image.png.e72c7546f739aa08f9c1fa7176caaaad.png


I have to admit I'm disappointed that the Soulblight hero sounds like they are another named character in a battletome already full to the brim with them, and which is one of the few that actually feels lacking in generic hero options compared to the number of warscrolls in the book.

Having said that, she does look fantastic though.

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2 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

I have to admit I'm disappointed that the Soulblight hero sounds like they are another named character in a battletome already full to the brim with them, and which is one of the few that actually feels lacking in generic hero options compared to the number of warscrolls in the book.

Having said that, she does look fantastic though.

You could probably fairly easily simply use her as a Vyrkos vampire lord I guess (the existing vampire lords don't look very Vyrkosy) but yes, I can see that as an issue.

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24 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

From left to right, up to down:

living city, vindicarum, excelsis, hammerhal aqsha, hammerhal ghyra, hallowheart, misthavn, settler's gain, tempest eye, lethis, greywater fastness

No phoenicium. Does that mean phoenix temple is going away?

EDIT: That's the saddest like react I've ever received. Going to cry into my flamespyres now.


Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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1 minute ago, ArcLight said:

I have to admit I'm disappointed that the Soulblight hero sounds like they are another named character in a battletome already full to the brim with them, and which is one of the few that actually feels lacking in generic hero options compared to the number of warscrolls in the book.

Having said that, she does look fantastic though.

This! Soulblight really don’t need anymore names characters! Can only hope Ossiarchs get their rules tidied up and there wasn’t too much wrong with soulblight, perhaps the heavy hitting units get an extra bit of rend to accommodate the access everything has to save buffs.

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3 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

You could probably fairly easily simply use her as a Vyrkos vampire lord I guess (the existing vampire lords don't look very Vyrkosy) but yes, I can see that as an issue.

She does look a bit smaller than the existing vampire lord in the army photo, but hopefully base size will be the same. Its just bizarre as well when I don't think any other army had their one hero be a special character. 

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Wow them Lizards! Also an Army Box! I am sold, even if I wish that there weren't 2 units of Rapterdons, maybe 1 Krox instead. Oh well, no biggie.


Soulblight.... The new model was cool, but really? Another Vyrkos named character? Is this just a character that was meant to be in the Cursed City expension before that all happened? Oh well, hope the book is good!


Lion looked cool, as did the new edition. Looking forward to seeing the new Nids.

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Just now, ArcLight said:

She does look a bit smaller than the existing vampire lord in the army photo, but hopefully base size will be the same. Its just bizarre as well when I don't think any other army had their one hero be a special character. 

Sylvaneth did, but theirs was also significant larger than most new foot heroes so felt different.

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

On the other hand, what happened to WarCry reveal? Is GW upset because of the spoil the other day? 😉

There was never a Warcry reveal, it wasn’t in the list of games they said there’d be stuff for when they announced the show. 

This was a really good show overall, one of the best in a while. 

The Seraphon stuff is all excellent. I’m not actually keen on the base heads for the Kroxigor (although they might grow on me), but luckily GW saw fit to include three croc heads just for me. The new ‘cold ones’ are so so good, I’m so glad they got replaced in some form and bigger monstrous cavalry suits me. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I hope it’s not years and years before the few remaining bits (skinks, temple guard) and maybe a new big dinosour… still, what an excellent update for an army that really needed it. 

The underworlds warbands are both some of the best in the game. It’s amazing to me how much better the newer Stormcast design is than the original one. And the Tzeentch guys are just the perfect level of weird. 

The two death heroes are what they are. Fine models, one offs, we move. 

I agree with a couple of the faces of the Cities of Sigmar guys. They aren’t great. But I really like the design of the troops, the shields in particular are really cool and I’m really excited to see the rest of the stuff coming. 

On the 40k side,

The Lion is a really really excellent model. I was a bit worried after Guilliman (which I don’t hate, but I think is massively hampered by a rubbish pose) but they knocked it out of the park. 4 head options and they’re all great. 

The Heresy book either should have had new models shown alongside it, or just shown in a Thursday reveal. Really drowned out here. 

The Beastmen kill team is pretty cool, although the poses need 360 to get a good feel for them I think. The Votann look fine, it’s hard to be too excited for a small upgrade sprue for any models.

Both the terminators and the termagants are exactly what they needed to be. Newer, better, more detailed and better proportioned examples of the same base design. I actually like Indomitus armour now! And it’s funny before I saw the photo with the old and the new termagant together I didn’t think they were that different at all, but the quality is pretty night and day seeing them next to each other. 

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Unsolicited, hype-filled and overtly looong opinion:

AoS Seraphon: pure perfection. At this point I could just use superlatives until I run out of the ones I know and it still wpuldn't be enough. This is the best release GW has ever done. The scar-vet on Aggradon is now genuinely my favourite model ever made for any army in any wargame. I want to be the first person to paint it like blue from jurassic world and call the saurus rider O'wen Gra'xdi. Also positively surprised by Kroxigors being dual build, especially since I prefer the warpspawned much more. Now all I want is for the army set to release as soon as possible, preferably in May.

AoS bonereapers and SBG: very cool models, I have friends who play those armies so I hope to see them on tabletops when they release. Stings a bit that Ossiarchs didn't get an archer unit, but maybe next edition.

Underworlds: I love how this game allows the sculptors to go crazy and release some out there stuff. I love me some mysterious eldritch magician vibes, so both warbands are to my tastes and once they release in a cheaper form without all the boards and stuff, I'm getting them

AoS CoS: and again, beautiful. I usually don't get people who want to play the normal human factions in fantasy games, but when they look so good, I'm tempted myself. I'm very interested in seeing more from the faction, my personal wish is some heavy knights on horses. Also good to see them release so soon, autumn is much quicker than I expected.

Kill team: the beastmen look great, very savage. Makes me sad for all our AoS beastie fans, it feels like some devious teasing from GW to release those for 40k and leave the real beastmen faction like that. The space dwarves look like good for what they are, it's just that I never really loved the concept to begin with. I know, I know, I'm in the book now

40k Lion: a really cool model, I'm a sucker for dudes wearing hoods on helmets so that's definitely the best showcased option for him. I also adore the little monk helper dudes. If 40k released them as a separate faction, I'd immidiately buy enough to play apocalypse games with them.

40k new edition: Oh GW, you devious temptress! The new rules and the way they highlight beginner-friendliness, together with dudes from my FLG, really make me wanna get into it, but AoS will always come first. Space Marines will never be my jam, but the tyranids look great and are a real contender for my potential first army. 

Overall: probably the best GW preview ever. I was afraid that 40k would steal the show, but now that I wrote all that, AoS got quite the chunk of reveals, with seraphon being the clear winner

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23 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

A true Hammerhal geezer. Love him already!


A day in a life of a Hammerhal geezer:

Wake up and meet the stormcast Lord Castellan

My little gryph hound, isn't he beautiful

Time to take George to bow training

Revv up the steamtank, wheeeey

Quick stop at the realm gate, and load up that bottle with aqua ghyran

Battlefield lookin lovely today

Just a bit of crusading

Prayer to Sigmar makes the loss of 30 dawnbribger crusades better

Pop down the local tavern and grab a pint with the duardin

And finish up at the stormvault of dreams

(This was all from memory so I might've skipped some bits)

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Hot takes:

Seraphon look cool as expected. I am really happy for all dino bros that you finally get an update to those ancient sculpts. I like the new Saurus knights, and the Kroxigors look proper imposing. Not sure I will be able to tell apart their two builds at a glance, though.

Death guys: The main thing I wanted out of this update are the battletomes, because that is where the two factions are really lagging behind right now, so the models are just a bonus. The new Boneshaper looks cool. I might pick him up, because my history with the previous Boneshaper is pretty cursed. Basically the only model I have that kept breaking before I could even paint it, so it ended up heavily kitbashed. But on the upside, that means the new guy won't look to similar to the model I actually have.

The Vyrkos are my favourite vampires, and this new one is pretty cool, again. I might as well get it, I already have all the other Vyrkos characters painted. If they still get to be extra general in the Vyrkos subfaction, I should be able to field the fabled 6 generals list. The model itself is pretty great. Really like the bats. I hope they pay it off mechanically.

Underworlds: Stormacast dudes are what all new Stormcast have been: Pretty neat. But of course, the Tzeentch guys steal the show. They are really excellent and truly capture what I imagine a Tzeentch army to look like based on their lore. If the actual Tzeentch army range looked like this, they would probably be my favourite chaos faction.

Cities: My most anticipated release. Not bad so far! I think it is important to look at them with the right frame of mind: These guys are the basic soldiers of the basic human faction. They probably should look somewhat basic as a result. But they are a huge step up from the existing freeguild guard. Let's compare and contrast for a second:




GW's stated design aim was to have Cities humans be distinct from the old Empire line (now is the time to pick up some of the old kits for kitbashing if you want the puffy sleeve aesthetic in your army!). I think that's a success. There are a few distinct new design elements. The angular shields are something that is unlike anything that exists in AoS right now. I appreciate that they give us room for freehand designs on those, if we want to use it. The armour and shields look pretty utilitarian, but there are a few hints at the baroque, maximalist aesthetics that the Cities of Sigmar have. I also appreciate that they are trying to represent several different ethnicities and have some variations in body type with these new models. I can't wait to see what they are going to do with the rest of the range.

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4 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

@MitGas wake up brother! We have mortals to corrupt! 

They look like they need all the help they can get anyways with their potty helmets. 😈


Seraphon are hella AMAZING ❤️❤️❤️ the Tzeentch figures suitably weird (loving the creatures but I really hope we get Tzeentch sorcerer-warriors next time ngl) and even the 40k minis are all lovely.

This feels like it was the best reveal overall in a long time.


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4 hours ago, Matrindur said:

So the roadmap shows two more Battletomes, one of them will be FEC but which other faction is still missing? Or will that be a new faction?

Could it be (following Black Tooth's hint) a Destruction release? Something that would go into a dual release with Cities with a narrative campaign to tie them together as opposing forces?

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21 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

A day in a life of a Hammerhal geezer:

Wake up and meet the stormcast Lord Castellan

My little gryph hound, isn't he beautiful

Time to take George to bow training

Revv up the steamtank, wheeeey

Quick stop at the realm gate, and load up that bottle with aqua ghyran

Battlefield lookin lovely today

Just a bit of crusading

Prayer to Sigmar makes the loss of 30 dawnbribger crusades better

Pop down the local tavern and grab a pint with the duardin

And finish up at the stormvault of dreams

(This was all from memory so I might've skipped some bits)

Dunt lyke Chaos, not raecist, juss dunt lyke em.

Simple as.

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