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The Rumour Thread

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I love the the world that was as it introduced me into the hobby. But i just can never understand why GW cant be more transparent about their projects. We live in an age of Kickstarter games where u get to see everything upfront. They announced TOW over 3 years ago and we still know next to nothing. I am usually a patient guy but even i am getting a bit annoyed with AoS getting close to no new releases and all the radio silence surrounding everything.

Edit: Even the rumours are almost nowhere to be found.

(Warcry and Underworlds are doing great)

I think it’s a combination of the following…

# Not giving any advantage to competitors

# Not upsetting customers by saying the mechanics of the game are X but they end up doing Y

# Limit people going down the 3D printer route or using alternative models.

# Internal resource issues ie - is it a small team working on it as well as other projects.

I didn’t think I would be as excited as I would be, but when I heard the rumours last week I got very excited. Now hopefully we see a bit more over next few months and fingers crossed we will see a release over next year. I suspect not as the AOS road map looks busy and it looks like 10th edition of 40K is on the way.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I love the the world that was as it introduced me into the hobby. But i just can never understand why GW cant be more transparent about their projects. We live in an age of Kickstarter games where u get to see everything upfront. They announced TOW over 3 years ago and we still know next to nothing. I am usually a patient guy but even i am getting a bit annoyed with AoS getting close to no new releases and all the radio silence surrounding everything.

Edit: Even the rumours are almost nowhere to be found.

(Warcry and Underworlds are doing great)

They are absolutely terrible at building and managing hype around their products and have been since at least when I got back into the hobby 4ish years a go.

That said I think a lot of people have been getting carried away with what they think the Old World is going to look like, especially at launch.

As far as AoS goes I think they could do so much more cheap and easy stuff that would keep people ticki g over between model releases. Things like the little short stories we got once a week during Broken Realms would be awesome.


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16 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Sorry @MitGas, it’s truly a shame that the only STD models that truly fit the DoT range are the Cypher Lords and the Mindstealer Sphiranx (imo). If you do end up running a cavalier force, do you mind sending me the pics? I’m just curious. 
Also, one can never have enough Tzaangors. The only way one can have too many Tzaangors is if GW finally decided to give TK-Sons and DoT an entire second wave with new Astartes/Mortals units


No need to be sorry, I got enough cool minis for my faction and like most Chaos players I started with classic Chaos Warriors so I also got lots of love for that look as well. Perhaps I‘ll get my wish for dedicated Tzeentchian sorcerer-warriors (and Forsaken maybe?) in the future. They‘re pretty much the only thing missing from my armies, so I‘m one of the luckiest collectors around. And if not, there‘s always the option to do your own stuff. 

As for my cabalists - sure, if I‘ll ever do them for real.😅 I bought quite a few S2D kits by now but I haven‘t even put most of them together. I‘m a terrible person. 


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In regards to TOW, it sounds like it‘ll be much mire focused on the human/empire-centric part of the world now than originally anticipated. I hope that the people that see TOW as their salvation won‘t be disappointed as it sounds to me like it‘s gonna look more like the Game of Thrones mini game than old Warhammer. 

I would‘ve liked the Asavar Kul era, many cool characters… out of all of Adrian Smith‘s amazing Chaos illustrations, Engra Deathsword was definitely one of the most deserving to be put into plastic. 😇

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All this talk about TOW makes me just want to play 8th again. I'll start mentally preparing myself to get Overrun! again and hit my own units with artillery and spells. Good times!

I do hope the doom diver get a rerelease some day so i can buy the one model that got away XD.

Edited by Gitzdee
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44 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

It's pretty good that they've managed to get both in a single kit. Looking at how many differences between Eternus and the mounted Lord in the previews, I was sure they were going to be 2 kits. 

I'll be wanting two copies of this kit, to build both Eternus and a Lord. 


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I’m glad they finally address the DOK battle tactics. I always get a lot of dirty looks for how easy they were to achieve for how many points they would net. Now they just need to make Morathi’s command ability for combat only and that would address a lot of the DOK grievances, but they are hardly the top dogs anymore anyhow. 

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4 hours ago, MitGas said:

In regards to TOW, it sounds like it‘ll be much mire focused on the human/empire-centric part of the world now than originally anticipated. I hope that the people that see TOW as their salvation won‘t be disappointed as it sounds to me like it‘s gonna look more like the Game of Thrones mini game than old Warhammer. 

I would‘ve liked the Asavar Kul era, many cool characters… out of all of Adrian Smith‘s amazing Chaos illustrations, Engra Deathsword was definitely one of the most deserving to be put into plastic. 😇

So long as we don't have the same level of Game of Thrones segs and political stuff to go with the new models, I will not complain. Plus, new vampires means new undead kits, which means there's still hope for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY!!! 

3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

@MitGas, I know you generally don't think it's possible, but what do you think would make this lord more Tzeentchy? If you can't think of anything I'll probably just turn it into a Slaaneshi chaos lord via the Hedonites kits and some green stuff.

Edited by Gaz Taylor
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4 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

They are absolutely terrible at building and managing hype around their products and have been since at least when I got back into the hobby 4ish years a go.

That said I think a lot of people have been getting carried away with what they think the Old World is going to look like, especially at launch.

As far as AoS goes I think they could do so much more cheap and easy stuff that would keep people ticki g over between model releases. Things like the little short stories we got once a week during Broken Realms would be awesome.


While I agree about better ways to hype their products and releases, if you look back to what they do now compared to 5-6 years ago, it's night and day. Warhammer community does as good as a job as they can to keep content coming out daily. I think the issue is there just isn't a lot of AOS content to hype up and show yet. Like someone previous stated, the pandemic and the shift of production from over seas to U.K. has altered plans more than we realize. I think they are timid to release and show stuff in fear of that plan changing. I.E. Cursed City. 


Where I think they drop the ball is with lore updates. I think along with rumor engines they should reveal small excerpts of story (Paragraph would suffice) just pushing the story. They did this with longer mini stories during broken realms and I think that's when the love for AOS was at it's peak. I think we think AOS is moving slow because of releases but we really just feel stuck because the story hasn't moved or deepened. 

A prime example would be these one off heroes the have been doing. Give us a story about a named version of them. The new flesh eater court model, give us a small story about him. Bring us into the world of AOS. 

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31 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Was it not only DUARDIN keyword before? Or am I confusing it with their coallition rules in that one subfaction?

Yep, DUARDIN for Barak-Thryng as coalition units. In 2.0 abttletome, it was Dispossessed, Fyreslayers and Ironweld keywords.

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53 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

So long as we don't have the same level of Game of Thrones segs and political stuff to go with the new models, I will not complain. Plus, new vampires means new undead kits, which means there's still hope for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY!!! 

@MitGas, I know you generally don't think it's possible, but what do you think would make this lord more Tzeentchy? If you can't think of anything I'll probably just turn it into a Slaaneshi chaos lord via the Hedonites kits and some green stuff.

Oh, I love the political intrigue of GoT! Sex is nice too, though I don’t see how that would fit into TOW. Just saying that it sounded like they want it to be empire-centric and focus on the inner quarrels, I could very well be wrong/ gotten the wrong impression. Maybe it‘s both - inner and outer threats. 

As for the lord: the main problems for a tzeentchian look are two things: the trim/armor design is a lot more rounded and swirly in Tzeentch figures and they don‘t have holes or wear crude garments like those pelts. I mean, you can totally just use him as is, he’s a sexy mini, but visually nothing about him screams Tzeentch (or Slaanesh for that matter). Also he’s not looking like a proper sorcerer-warrior but just a proper warrior-general. Best would be to use the s2d minis as new converts to our cause. 

If I had a say in the design of Tzeentch warriors, I‘d totally go into Exdeath territory… more fine clothes, swirly armor trim like from the Curseling and so on. I guess the new lighter Stormcast are a better basis for them than the new Chaos stuff ironically. 

seeing how 80s darf fantasy AI generated images are the latest rage on youtube, I think one could do some cool fast first concepts for it with that🤔



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"We’ve also decided to round off points values to the nearest 10, to make list building a bit easier. "

idoneth eidolon of sea: 325........

great work like always gw!! i hope it get fixed in a future faq of a faq like always lol

and some bases changed?? im not sure but kroak having same base as kroxxis and pterodactils semms weird or some foot heros like astrolith and eternity having 40 instead 32

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23 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

and some bases changed?? im not sure but kroak having same base as kroxxis and pterodactils semms weird or some foot heros like astrolith and eternity having 40 instead 32

Kroak was on a 50mm base (same as the slann) before his update so maybe someone just copied the slanns or his old base size without thinking? 

Astrolith and Eternity Warden come with 40mm bases so that is correct

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