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2 hours ago, Ferban said:

So it isn't explicitly said in the article, but it sure seems to imply that Dawnbringers are going to be part of Cities of Sigmar (maybe a replacement faction like SBG for LoN?).  If it is going to be a larger narrative event, maybe it just starts there and goes outward.  But the implication seems to be that it will be part of Cities (maybe a sub faction or portion like Ironjawz and Kruleboyz in one tome?).  

The article lines up with the rumors and hints we have gotten so far.

DBC are a rework of the human parts of Cities of Sigmar and will not replace the faction or be it's own thing.

The article also mentions the other races which also lines up with what we heard. Other races are staying in the faction, but most likely some wil be removed. 

We just don't know if they will cut redundant units or cut whole subfactions (like all the dark elves for a future shadow elves faction maybe?)

Edited by RyantheFett
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To people scratching their heads on the tech levels, remember the Mortal Realms are near infinitely vast and it’s not even a case where a worker from Ghyran is gonna have completely different tools than a worker from Ghur.

You can be in Ghur and find one worker who is a tribesmen fixing stone wheels on a wagon made of monster bones to seeing another Ghur worker who just got done engineering a highly complex mechanical harbor system that uses fire magic gates to ward off the frozen waters and leviathans swimming in it.

Soulbound has a perfect picture example of an Aqshy Farm that looks like something out of the Civilization PC games going from ancient farming tech to Steampunk defenses:


The tech levels are all over the place because the Realms are.

The primitive guns would fit with Freeguild forces on the outskirts of civilization either holding down the settlements with weapons they can easily make and maintain or isolated free city kingdoms with their militia forces.

I’ve no doubt they’re holding the really advanced Ironweld/Greywater stuff with repeater rifles, cogforts and steam-suits further down the line to when the project is ready to be launched around 4th edition so we’re getting the crumbs now that they have no fear of being ripped off. 


Edited by Baron Klatz
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I don’t hate the aesthetic but I feel like I kinda gotta side with the crowd saying those are a hard step back.

We have rando chaos dudes with flamethrower cannons, an lightning zombies with rapid fire crossbows, even the Ogors have quality Blackpowder arms.

this seems weird

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10 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I don’t hate the aesthetic but I feel like I kinda gotta side with the crowd saying those are a hard step back.

We have rando chaos dudes with flamethrower cannons, an lightning zombies with rapid fire crossbows, even the Ogors have quality Blackpowder arms.

this seems weird

Its just keeping with the current Cities aesthetic. I'm sure the arquebus will be for expendable peasant conscripts; the weapons are simple to manufacture and cheap to produce. Higher end/more experienced troops or mercenary companies will be armed with more advanced flintlock weaponry is my guess. Finally the elite troops and engineers will be armed with the most advanced weaponry and steam technology. I'm betting we're getting an entire re-imagination of the whole Ironweld arsenal models. Aren't they all from the old world anyhow? Time to retire those models and resculpt them for a new generation.

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if you want interesting lore and stories about Dawnbringer Crusade/cities of Sigmar, go read the "Dominion" book

it's really interesting to see how a crusade start and try to survive in Ghur ( leaving Excelsis )

And how they rely the whole crusade on the shoulder of a Duardin Engineer

i want to see the models !!

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Personally, I'm actually extremely optimistic regarding Dawnbringers. I LOVE what I've seen so far, from Witch Hunters (all of them are lovely) to other minis. The new bits don't look bad either but they're not really saying all that much IMO. I can totally imagine them to be as interesting as 40k Rogue traders and the basic troops will be great too - as i love very distinct and varied units, I hope that they either mix basic troops or make one unit human, one aelf, one duardin or something similar.

Also I liked the Empire-centric POV in the Old World and I'd like this faction to be the one that grounds all the other super-fantastical ones. You know, you need the straight man to let the comedy characters shine!

Edited by MitGas
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Interesting shower thought I had was if these look “kingdomy” because if this is a 4th edition release we might get CoS+ after we go through another time-skip and the Dawncrusades are mostly over giving way to the thousands of new kingdoms they established throughout the Realms.

So the Path to Glory narrative is starting with these baroque armored soldiers and primitive cannon troops as your kingdom grows going into a magi-tech fortress using wizards, witch hunters & ally coalitions to expand it’s holdings over the eldritch realmscapes as the floating megalith terrain houses the lords overseeing the new city from their sky fort.

Blossom into an industrial power with the Ironweld supplying steam tanks, bomber copters and a Stormkeep for their celestial lords to strike down and aid them. 

And finally develop into a sprawling cosmopolitan metropolis with a newly commissioned Cogfort centerpiece to go stomping out with it’s artillery batteries & lightning shield generators with new combined armed armies of humans, duardin and aelves to crusade once more and start the process over again with a floating megalith behind them to keep slowly winning back lands from the darkness.

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11 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

This gives me hope my phoenix elves won't get squatted - a very small flicker of hope, admittedly.

I don't think they will squat them. It'd be really poor form to do so to something you've been continuing to sell for three editions of a game. If they had wanted to, they should have done so some time in first edition, when they could still pass it off as retiring a old WFB army. There'll be people now who never played WFB who have bought those kits, and modern GW are probably more aware of PR than old GW were, so I think they'll stay around.

What I do expect will happen eventually is for them to be resculpted, once GW can decide on an aesthetic that fits their vision for the Mortal Realms.

Our perhaps I'm just too optimistic 😄

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1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

I don't think they will squat them. It'd be really poor form to do so to something you've been continuing to sell for three editions of a game. If they had wanted to, they should have done so some time in first edition, when they could still pass it off as retiring a old WFB army. There'll be people now who never played WFB who have bought those kits, and modern GW are probably more aware of PR than old GW were, so I think they'll stay around.

What I do expect will happen eventually is for them to be resculpted, once GW can decide on an aesthetic that fits their vision for the Mortal Realms.

Our perhaps I'm just too optimistic 😄

They squatted a lot of kits during the first half of Second Edition when the game was growing very fast.

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16 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Stop PUD! It's not Chorfs! Remember Hashut!

Regular duardin are just yet-to-be corrupted Chorfs!!!

...at least from a certain point of view.

16 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

You dropped this King *extend a dwarvish crown*.

You offer it to me freely...I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this. In the place of a Duardin Lord you'd have a Duardin Queen, not stout but beautiful and terrible as the dawn, treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth! ALL shall love me and despair!!!

Wait, ugh, why am I suddenly feeling the foul stench of...of...elvishness? I really need a shower.

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17 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

To people scratching their heads on the tech levels, remember the Mortal Realms are near infinitely vast

That is true. However, they are also 44x60 inches and we will see all these vastly different groups fielded as a mono-faction army. It may look good - but very different from the typical AoS style; all the new factions have a very distinct and consistent design supported with their lore. You won’t see an Idoneth enclave suddenly siding with Kharadrons and using submarines.

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

Judging from Whitefang's reactions I'm 90% sure some stuff will be cut without replacements; probably at least the non DoK Dark Aelves.  I think people need to prepare themselves for that reality. 

'cos if you're going to get rid of one lot of cold one models it's the dark elf ones you want rid of! 😂image.png.857d5d5b1c6e267b14b04a65ffa31232.png


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3 hours ago, Flippy said:

That is true. However, they are also 44x60 inches and we will see all these vastly different groups fielded as a mono-faction army. It may look good - but very different from the typical AoS style; all the new factions have a very distinct and consistent design supported with their lore. You won’t see an Idoneth enclave suddenly siding with Kharadrons and using submarines.

Why wouldn't you? Sounds like a awesome theme to me. 

A small enclave of deepkin, recently decimated by raiding Skaven attacking in warpstone powered submersibles who have poisoned the waters so much that the deepkin aren't able to swim in open water for longer than a few minutes. 

Desperate, they turn to a unconventioal Kharadron admiral who modified his small fleet to be able to traverse the depths. 

In exchange for treasures from the deep the admiral agrees to help and together deepkin and Kharadron hunt the water rats. 

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5 hours ago, Overread said:

Honestly I don't get why GW doesn't just bring the Dark Elf army back as a whole. It's all there to use 

I'd rather wait another three years or so for a whole new range of Dark Elves than accepting a treatment similar to Skaven or Seraphon. And believe me I want Dark Elves almost as bad as KingBrodd wanted Gargants. It's just, although Dark Elves' minis are great in terms of design, they really show their age. I really hope Dark Elves will be AoSified and refreshed as Lumineth or Sylvaneth were.

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New rumor floating around about the new book and releases coming this fall.  The rumor is the mancrusher gargant box set has been removed from the GW store because it is also getting a new upgrade sprue. The new sprue is said to be more, and better parts to make chaos aligned gargants since originally it was just a chaos horned head and two hooves.  Rule wise, it is rumored King Brodd is going to be a super monster/special character killer in his rules.  Where as the Warstompa kills hordes, Gatebreaker slays heavy infantry, and Kraken Eater helps with objectives, King Brodd goes up to monsters and high wound special characters and turns them into paste. Word is he also has a mechanic/special rule for inflicting mortal wounds on monsters and tough special characters to get the job done.

Found this on the sons Facebook group apply salt as needed 

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