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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

DO we know what the dead creature is on the Ogor's back? Is it supposed to be a bear? Or is there some other AoS beastie that its supposed to be from the lore? 


The vid mentioned skaven and seraphon. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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7 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

I'm also more familiar with King Brodd from the forums than from realmgate wars lore, so it really does feel as though one of us just got an official model! I wonder whether the sculptor was aware of the forum and our monarch's love for all things gigantic or whether they just looked at the older books!

I'd quite like to think so! King Brodd is a fantastic member of the forums, and a real beacon of positivity. If GW staff do hang around here at all, I'd like to think they thought of him when working on the model.

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11 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

I'm also more familiar with King Brodd from the forums than from realmgate wars lore, so it really does feel as though one of us just got an official model! I wonder whether the sculptor was aware of the forum and our monarch's love for all things gigantic or whether they just looked at the older books!

So none of actually know what KingBrodd looks like in real life. It would be hilarious if there was some actual resemblance between the Mega-gargant facial features and KingBrodds! I'm fairly certain the eyepatch and tusks are out, but the nose, chin and eyebrows are fair game 😁


In unrelated news, now that Nova is behind us, are there any other potential online reveals between now and Christmas? 

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2 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

So due to the success of KingBrodd should I change my nickname to "Malerion" to put some pressure on GW to release Dark Elves? Do you think it might work?

It didn't work when my name was "Loyal Son of Khemri," or for @Public Universal Duardin (Yet). @KingBrodd is just the rare exception to the norm for GW and responding to their fans.

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

In unrelated news, now that Nova is behind us, are there any other potential online reveals between now and Christmas? 

I’d imagine around Christmas after StD release as they usually have something nice out like the Gloomspite release where they slowly overran a winter cottage or the more recent Kharadron Brewmaster. But with supply issues who knows? Might just be more  free Christmas Realm Rules and Battleplans for a nice treat. 

26 minutes ago, EntMan said:

It explains why the Mega Gargants disappeared from the webstore. But why did the Mancrushers disappear as well?

Probably just a repackage so they get a shiny new AoS3 box to come in. Same thing happened to Ironjawz Brutes and the like during their new Orruk Tome.

But I’m late to the party.

@KingBrodd Gargant sized congrats! You deserve this big win for being such a pillar of positivity and fun force of nature this forum needs! :D 

The model looks amazing too! Fits perfectly with how the Sons Tome ended on the Creepers fixing his torn clothes and he has a Regal standing to him like a wanderer king keeping on the best vestments he can as he continues to grow and follow his father’s Realm-shaking footsteps.( I wonder if the hammerhead is the sacred stone pillar he used as a club back as a Gargant?)

That he’s a priest is just an amazing bonus too! I absolutely can’t wait to see people’s future paint jobs and kitbashes to give him kingly capes and leg coverings will look like. 😍

for other releases:

Beastclaw Bloodpelt Hunter: Love him. Armed to the freaking teeth with that crossbow and javelins while the head bandage, crude leg coverings and leaner frame tell the tale of how the Everwinter curse is chasing him constantly so he has to make do as a survivalist.

Feels like Gutbusters will end up being the only “fat” Ogors as they can afford to pillage for fun and open Maw Portals to keep finding food across dimensions. 

Beastclaw Raiders, Order Ogors(Cursed City) and Chaos Ogors(Iron Golems) seem to be leaner instead as they either are trying to survive or have to fit in societies with limited food.


Gorechosen: Absolutely love each of them and the different culture styles they show off that Khorne took from his conquest of the Realm of Fire(the Inca look would be perfect for the fiery jungles). Beastgrave & Harrowdeep has been killing it with making Warbands that feel like special ragtag forces outside their factions.

Bonus points to naming them similar to the old AoS gladiator game. Anyone remember that?


StD: All looks great but Ogroids are the winners for me. Love the continued expansion of Realm-native races, even if it’s by Chaos enslaving them like the Sphiranxes who once worked for Teclis before Tzeentch tricked them over. Ogroids look badass and are a great look at a new race working it’s way into and up the ladder of a tyrannical society as they use their skills, discipline and forging craft to dominate the battlefields, take charge of the gladiator rings and rise to top mage positions under Tzeentch.


Edit: Oh yeah the Votann Priests would make ideal Kharadron Aethermancer rebels. The Corebook notes those were Duardin Wizards that helped take down the Lodegriffon in the Age of Myth, would be a cool project for them and their mecha-servants to be Kharadron that want to continue the ways of old wizardry  and combine it with technology and not hide behind Aether-science alone.

Lastly the new Tome covers look fantastic.

I like the Lumineth Hysh crystal background references the Tourmaline Spires where the important event of the Tempest Lord Lord-Relictors convened with Hysh’s light energy so they could open a portal to the Realm of Light again, allowing Sigmar to re-establish communication with the Lumineth after the Age of Chaos ended.



Edited by Baron Klatz
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2 hours ago, Kronos said:

I came to the Forums quite excited to see your reaction. For your steadfast patience and constant positivity. Well deserved, happy for you and all the Gargant Collectors💪🏼

On topic I’ll be changing my Username to SigmarMorghurMalerionChaosDwarfsUshoranOrion


On an actual note, Phwoar That Horus. I heard Valrak say he was coming but man he exceeded all expectations. The old Horus was Good. This is just perfection!


2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

@Gothmaug, I'm thinking of replacing their axe heads with the "great blades" from the Tzaangor kit, and going with the classic Ogroid Thaumaturge color scheme. I'll post them on my narrative thread "The War of Funerary Delights."

It's a darn shame that the technology that was meant to improve the hobby has begun to negatively affect it's creativity at the same time. This is best seen in the various conversion/kitbash pictures circling around the web, where it seems like more and more green stuff and third party parts are being used to actually get a "unique" feeling in everyone's creations. 


As we are grateful for you @KingBrodd, for keeping the spirit of this thread joyful at times where it should be depressing. May the dice always roll what you need Your Swoleness.


2 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

I'm also more familiar with King Brodd from the forums than from realmgate wars lore, so it really does feel as though one of us just got an official model! I wonder whether the sculptor was aware of the forum and our monarch's love for all things gigantic or whether they just looked at the older books!


2 hours ago, Enoby said:

I'd quite like to think so! King Brodd is a fantastic member of the forums, and a real beacon of positivity. If GW staff do hang around here at all, I'd like to think they thought of him when working on the model.


1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

So none of actually know what KingBrodd looks like in real life. It would be hilarious if there was some actual resemblance between the Mega-gargant facial features and KingBrodds! I'm fairly certain the eyepatch and tusks are out, but the nose, chin and eyebrows are fair game 😁


In unrelated news, now that Nova is behind us, are there any other potential online reveals between now and Christmas? 


47 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

I’d imagine around Christmas after StD release as they usually have something nice out like the Gloomspite release where they slowly overran a winter cottage or the more recent Kharadron Brewmaster. But with supply issues who knows? Might just be more  free Christmas Realm Rules and Battleplans for a nice treat. 

Probably just a repackage so they get a shiny new AoS3 box to come in. Same thing happened to Ironjawz Brutes and the like during their new Orruk Tome.

But I’m late to the party.

@KingBrodd Gargant sized congrats! You deserve this big win for being such a pillar of positivity and fun force of nature this forum needs! :D 

The model looks amazing too! Fits perfectly with how the Sons Tome ended on the Creepers fixing his torn clothes and he has a Regal standing to him like a wanderer king keeping on the best vestments he can as he continues to grow and follow his father’s Realm-shaking footsteps.( I wonder if the hammerhead is the sacred stone pillar he used as a club back as a Gargant?)

That he’s a priest is just an amazing bonus too! I absolutely can’t wait to see people’s future paint jobs and kitbashes to give him kingly capes and leg coverings will look like. 😍

for other releases:

Beastclaw Bloodpelt Hunter: Love him. Armed to the freaking teeth with that crossbow and javelins while the head bandage, crude leg coverings and leaner frame tell the tale of how the Everwinter curse is chasing him constantly so he has to make do as a survivalist.

Feels like Gutbusters will end up being the only “fat” Ogors as they can afford to pillage for fun and open Maw Portals to keep finding food across dimensions. 

Beastclaw Raiders, Order Ogors(Cursed City) and Chaos Ogors(Iron Golems) seem to be leaner instead as they either are trying to survive or have to fit in societies with limited food.


Gorechosen: Absolutely love each of them and the different culture styles they show off that Khorne took from his conquest of the Realm of Fire(the Inca look would be perfect for the fiery jungles). Beastgrave & Harrowdeep has been killing it with making Warbands that feel like special ragtag forces outside their factions.

Bonus points to naming them similar to the old AoS gladiator game. Anyone remember that?


StD: All looks great but Ogroids are the winners for me. Love the continued expansion of Realm-native races, even if it’s by Chaos enslaving them like the Sphiranxes who once worked for Teclis before Tzeentch tricked them over. Ogroids look badass and are a great look at a new race working it’s way into and up the ladder of a tyrannical society as they use their skills, discipline and forging craft to dominate the battlefields, take charge of the gladiator rings and rise to top mage positions under Tzeentch.


Edit: Oh yeah the Votann Priests would make ideal Kharadron Aethermancer rebels. The Corebook notes those were Duardin Wizards that helped take down the Lodegriffon in the Age of Myth, would be a cool project for them and their mecha-servants to be Kharadron that want to continue the ways of old wizardry  and combine it with technology and not hide behind Aether-science alone.

Lastly the new Tome covers look fantastic.

I like the Lumineth Hysh crystal background references the Tourmaline Spires where the important event of the Tempest Lord Lord-Relictors convened with Hysh’s light energy so they could open a portal to the Realm of Light again, allowing Sigmar to re-establish communication with the Lumineth after the Age of Chaos ended.



Once again I cannot thank you all enough for the kind words!! I love this community and wish that everyone gets their hobby wish granted to them!!

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11 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I am honestly as speechless from the support and love on this forum as I am the model. Everybody who visits here makes it a home worth returning to. I love each and every one of you.

Have to be honest, I returned here just to see your reaction as it’s always contagious your passion :) best of luck with the new kits!

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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

So due to the success of KingBrodd should I change my nickname to "Malerion" to put some pressure on GW to release Dark Elves? Do you think it might work?

Worth a shot but it might also remind them that Lumineth still need their last two waves.

Daily task list of Mit Gas:

* turn any topic - no matter how unrelated and annoying to others - into something about Tzeentch 
* hate HATE HATE on Lumineth 
* have lewd thoughts about Jessica Biel 

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2 minutes ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

Can't wait! Give us Tyrion, GW!

And while they're at it, AOS desperately needs more Stormcast and Chaos Cultists... who am I kidding, those are a given. ✌️

edit: I get bonus points on my daily task list for complaining! 😎

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I've been thinking about AoS edition launch sets vs 40K. I wonder if AoS will start to start launching with at least one range update instead of brand new armies. Indomitus launched with a full Necron range update (plus some brand new units / characters). The rumour is that 10th edition will launch with a range update and expansion for Tyranids. I was thinking that there are several good candidates for a range update with the launch of 4th edition AoS in 2024(?). 

- Beasts of Chaos
- Skaven
- Flesh-Eater Courts
- Ogor Mawtribes

Which one do you hope for? I might add that I also hope for something different from Stormcasts as the "good" faction in the launch box. Normally I would hope for Cities of Sigmar / Devoted of Sigmar / Dawnbringer Crusades, but it looks like something similar will be released before the next edition of AoS. 

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Being reboxed with the King Brodd sprue most likely.

They'll be back, with a price hike of course.

Makes sense 

Mega gargant, now with extra Broddiness, i am quite sad cause i wanted a broad brodd tho

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1 hour ago, alghero81 said:

Have to be honest, I returned here just to see your reaction as it’s always contagious your passion :) best of luck with the new kits!

Cheers for the support mate I really appreciate it!!

1 hour ago, alghero81 said:

Then please wish for me that GW goes all in on an insectoid faction for AoS 

Like Tyranids meets Zerg in the most AoS possible way, thanks 🙏 

Absolutely I want Silent People!!

29 minutes ago, Vicar in a tutu said:

I've been thinking about AoS edition launch sets vs 40K. I wonder if AoS will start to start launching with at least one range update instead of brand new armies. Indomitus launched with a full Necron range update (plus some brand new units / characters). The rumour is that 10th edition will launch with a range update and expansion for Tyranids. I was thinking that there are several good candidates for a range update with the launch of 4th edition AoS in 2024(?). 

- Beasts of Chaos
- Skaven
- Flesh-Eater Courts
- Ogor Mawtribes

Which one do you hope for? I might add that I also hope for something different from Stormcasts as the "good" faction in the launch box. Normally I would hope for Cities of Sigmar / Devoted of Sigmar / Dawnbringer Crusades, but it looks like something similar will be released before the next edition of AoS. 

I think Beasts of Chaos are going to end up being the main contender for range update for Era of the Beast. With Skaven coming in 4.0 as the return to Chaos as the big bas commences with the newly updated Beastmen in tow.

1 minute ago, Magnusaur said:

Just came in to salute King Brodd and congratulate him on getting a model! Here's hoping that saurian quiver is a sign of (scaly) things to come...

Thanks so much mate!!

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Okay, guys & gals.

Now, that we've shown that we can bring one of our own onto the tabletop (because clearly that's what happened here), it's time to chose the next one.

I agree, that "King Brodd" was kind of an easy choice (no offense). That's why I strongly encourage us, to chose a ... less obvious name this time! =D

Come on, we can do it (again)!

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7 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I see where they're going with it - they want the Hunter to feel more cohesive with the rest of the range, but to me that's part of what make him look so good, following the fluff of them being outsiders who were content to trek off alone and rely on themselves. Now he looks like any other Ogre with a crossbow, whereas the old ones you could glance at him and tell "Yeah, that one stands apart from the others." That's not to say the new model is bad, it's still a good model, but the soul was lost in translation.

I'm in a similar boat but I think part of it can come down to the different role the hunter plays in the BCR background. In WHFB, the hunter was indeed the cunning folk-hero outsider who yeah, wore more clothes than basically any other ogre in the range bar maneaters and was only ever temporarily part of the tribe.

For the BCR, the hunter sits in an honoured role in the alfrostun, right under the leader, and (based on this new dude) shares their half-starving ice age predator background. That sort of 'self-reliant professional' angle from WHFB goes out the window and they become more like a herald, given plenty of leeway to move weeks ahead of the storm, ranging the landscape and coldly sizing up settlements up as meat. Kind of a nastier Silver Surfer/Galactus situation, I guess? It's dark and sinister and I like it a lot but it's definitely very different from the also excellent concept undergirding the OK hunter.

So it ends up like 'cool mini, cool idea, shame it's replacing another cool mini/idea in this particular fashion'.

Edited by sandlemad
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