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They're certainly interesting designs for Chaos models, much more uniform and professional. As was discussed when the StD 'Tome leaked, they look a lot like the Freeguild that appeared on the AoS 2.0 banner. The lore given so far doesn't really suggest they're Traitor Freeguild, but that could change when we get more information of course.



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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10 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

*Laughs in Purple Sun of Xereus* please, unlike your Jedi Order The Imperishable one comes back.

He already came back. As a Stormcast! As a Jedi I have lots of compassion, so I won‘t rub it in, that‘s gotta hurt enough as it is. 

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I find those new Legionnaires really bad actually. The Centaur is great but the others look like a way too busy mix of random stuff and design elements thrown together and I don‘t think the end result is very appealing, especially the horns don‘t fit IMO. Legs and upper body also seem too busy for their own good. 

I didn‘t read the article though, perhaps there‘s a good reason for it. I would‘ve gone Ludwig Mies van der Rohe on their  butts tho and streamlined the design… less is more.

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Interesting. Well, different strokes eh? To me they look a lot like the old Ian Miller art, which I love. Overbuilt baroque ****** with leering faces and random bits and bobs is my favorite aesthetic though, so perhaps I am predisposed towards being the perfect audience for these minis lol

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Unsolicited opinion ahead: the legionaries are pretty meh. They don't feel innovative like the rest of the chaos warbands for warcry, but also aren't your iconic typical chaos warrior. The shield guys are good, but the rest I don't really like. They kinda feel like what you'd get by telling an Ai to design 'evil fantasy soldiers". It's cool there's a beastmen among them, but than again his face is really bad imo and I'm still not sure if he really is a beastman.

Please GW don't waste the non-chaos potential of this edition of warcry. There's so much cool stuff they could do but we get more heavy armour chaos people. And yes, this is me coping with the fact they aren't seraphon lmao

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Really like these dudes. They’re very oldschool ‘Realms of Chaos’ in inspiration, from before the whole plate-armoured Viking look was completely dominant. 
Strong Ian Miller vibes too, going right back to his brilliant 80s artwork (these are Uruk Hai but you can find similar visual cues in his WHFB chaos work).


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I did get a laugh out of “private army” and then pics that look like they crammed WW1 helmets down over their horns. xD

But honestly they look great to me. 

Hoping this is the direction with Freeguild soldiers for that mixed Roman & town guard look that’s pretty unique for Warhammer and goes with how AoS likes to throw multiple ideas into a blender for random styles.


Just shave off the Chaos bits and even add a few more points to the buckles to be like the multi-pointed Stormcast belt buckles and they’re good to go for Order. 

Also new Reforged comic with now named Mustori. I will devote my hobby life to giving these bestest celestial bois the attention they deserve.




On that note the comic creator posted the start of his paperwork loaded army yesterday:

Gonna be really cool and really funny with how many are kitbashed fighting the true horror. Bureaucracy. 📚 

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49 minutes ago, MitGas said:

He already came back. As a Stormcast! As a Jedi I have lots of compassion, so I won‘t rub it in, that‘s gotta hurt enough as it is. 

GW declared Settrus is non-canon and you know it!  Settra will return as a plastic kit in The Old World, and it will be suitably amazing.

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10 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Lot of initial model lines for both being updated to include female kits for Marauders and Liberators.

Especially Liberator females, they’ve been teasing us far too long and even do it in the current Core rules book with that cool design that also has traces of the other chambers like the Sacrosanct soul flasks to show they picked up tricks from their Lightning kin over the centuries they fought together.

Getting kits of female models hasn't been their MO (unless it makes sense like DoK), but usually when it makes sense they've been including both male and female sculpts in the boxes. With stormcast the armor was so bulky you probably wouldn't be able to tell (maybe thats why they sold that female head kit on FW), but it would've added some diversity to stuff like kairic acolytes, where the only female one is from the underworlds warband.

54 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

The models are cool, but I'm not excited to see them, they're basically just spire tyrants with more clothes, and darkoath savagers were spire tyrants with less armor. If they're not really going to explore new ground I'd rather they use it as an opportunity to update an old kit.

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1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

I stand by my statement that Chaos’ upcoming Civil War has some serious stakes in the lore this time around. Be’lakor now has some serious mortal power behind him: a portion of the varanguard, his Daemon-Hurricane Eternals (particularly Eternus), and now these “Chaos Legionnaires.” Archaon best get to stepping if he doesn’t want to end up becoming the Horus of his setting.

Edited by Loyal Son of Khemri
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34 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I stand by my statement that Chaos’ upcoming Civil War has some serious stakes in the lore this time around. Be’lakor now has some serious mortal power behind him: a portion of the varanguard, his Daemon-Hurricane Eternals (particularly Eternus), and now these “Chaos Legionnaires.” Archaon best get to stepping if he doesn’t want to end up becoming the Horus of his setting.

I think that would make Chaos and Archaon more interesting. All these Chaos gods are fighting for followers to gain more power, but Archaon seems to just be looking to destroy every world. Would love to see him make more of a selfish play in the story. Plus with Belakor getting more and more steam to be his own thing, it sets up some interesting dynamics within the chaos Alligence. 

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52 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I stand by my statement that Chaos’ upcoming Civil War has some serious stakes in the lore this time around. Be’lakor now has some serious mortal power behind him: a portion of the varanguard, his Daemon-Hurricane Eternals (particularly Eternus), and now these “Chaos Legionnaires.” Archaon best get to stepping if he doesn’t want to end up becoming the Horus of his setting.

It also has gameplay implications. If the rumors are true, then StD may get a Seraphon or Orruk Warclans style split where you have Belakor and Archaon's legions, each with their own unique allegiance abilities.

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1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

Getting kits of female models hasn't been their MO (unless it makes sense like DoK), but usually when it makes sense they've been including both male and female sculpts in the boxes. With stormcast the armor was so bulky you probably wouldn't be able to tell (maybe thats why they sold that female head kit on FW), but it would've added some diversity to stuff like kairic acolytes, where the only female one is from the underworlds warband.

The models are cool, but I'm not excited to see them, they're basically just spire tyrants with more clothes, and darkoath savagers were spire tyrants with less armor. If they're not really going to explore new ground I'd rather they use it as an opportunity to update an old kit.

A lot of new kits have a mix of male and female bodies in, such as the new stormcast, blood knights, lumineth and eldar. 

Edited by Ogregut
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9 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I think that would make Chaos and Archaon more interesting. All these Chaos gods are fighting for followers to gain more power, but Archaon seems to just be looking to destroy every world. Would love to see him make more of a selfish play in the story. Plus with Belakor getting more and more steam to be his own thing, it sets up some interesting dynamics within the chaos Alligence. 

In all honesty, I'd really like it if Archaon (and Belekor to a lesser extent) took a back seat in Chaos. Character-wise, they're fine, but for an army that is about the selfish desires of the mortals who make up its ranks, it always struck me as a bit narratively weak to have a single big boss (not that everyone follows him, but he's definitely the main chaos character). 

It's hard to explain, but I like chaos because it allows you to look at a person reduced to their most evil and selfish desires, and the destruction they will cause to get what they want. Whether they started with a heroic goal or were always a psychopath, the end choice is the same - glory or damnation. It allows for unique stories and interesting enemies who posses different goals and methods.

While Archaon certainly doesn't stop these stories, it always struck me as a bit milquetoast (for lack of a better word) that there was an Everchosen/leader of Chaos at all. It's hard to articulate why, besides saying that having a big bad guy takes away the focus of the individual Lords with their own tragedies and turns them into pawns in another bloke's plan. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with them being pawns to the chaos gods, because they're a manifestation of their own human failings, but not to a big armoured man who has conceptually very little to do with them.

TL;DR - I think Archaon is a bit lame and I'm glad the focus of Chaos is moving away from him. 

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Don't mind the aesthetics of the new warband, a little bland, but makes the other ones shine all the more. I am disappointed about the lack of weapon variety tho. No ranged weapons, and just a spear to differentiate from the usual axe/mace/sword load out. Doesn't hold a candle to the new boxset bands

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Overall not a huge fan of the legionnaires, bug a few look pretty good. Also that Decuriarch looks fantastic. Big, ornate, agressive, imposing. It's a shame that so many of the models are so weedy in comparison. The basic troops in particular kind of look like the kids drafted to fight in Helm's deep, everything is a few sizes too big for them. 


35 minutes ago, Enoby said:

TL;DR - I think Archaon is a bit lame and I'm glad the focus of Chaos is moving away from him. 

I can appreciate the desire to have well... more chaos in chaos, but I do think Archaon is important. Without a big driving figure chaos isn't really too much of a threat on a grand scale. Since everyone is so selfish chaos is kind of bound to self-destruct. Sure they might wipe out a few regions here or there, but eventually the lord leading an army will ascend and leave the group leaderless and vulnerable to massive infighting or an external threat. Without a single leader that can command the respect of legions and is absolutely unwilling to ascend, chaos can't really do anything of consequence. If the lore starts to move away from Archaon and Be'Lakor I think it'll be because they want to diminish chaos and have the threats come from other grand alliances.

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I don't see the complaints, Demon gladiators  clad in demonic themed armour is literally why I lobe chaos and warhammer. But the idea of Be'lakor flamming the fans of discord is literally all I wanted narratively as well.

As I dip my toes into 40k chaos the more I realize the places I can build proxies between systems and I feel like having Be'lakor function as my general and false god in both systems seems to me to be the way forward... 


Also mutants and monsters haha

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