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2 hours ago, Kronos said:

So Rings of Power dropped their orc previews today. Absolutely stunning. Now I think this is the next stage the Kruleboyz need. Orruk Nobz / Nobles. Like a caste system with the lowlier Swamp Dwellers and the Nobs being armed with lots of spiky armour and tattered robes…. I don’t know seemed quiet round these parts 😂


The practical effects are so so so much better than CGI. This series will age so much better than the Hobbit which is already starting to look dated.

2 hours ago, Rachmani said:

I think correcting mistakes (like the NPE of the Lumineth) benefits everyone and should be considered just as much as releasing new tomes for underserved armies. It sounds strange at first. But personally, I'd profit much more from a better designed Lumineth book, than from blades of Khorne or Gits. There just seem to be more Lumineth players around.

This line of thinking however changes drastically when it comes to proper releases aka tons of new miniatures. Here the LRL just like some other factions have had it pretty good in the near past and should make room for Ogors and the like who've so far gotten very little since AoS was first released.

Ogors have had just the Tyrant and Mawpot released for mainline AOS. Meaning if they get another Hero model than really theyve had 2* miniatures released over 7 years.

*The Mawpot being a scenery piece.

1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

If we get Lumineth vs Gloomspite I’d like to see the magical Zaitrec moon people shown off in the box as they have Alarith sized beef with Da Bad Moon.


“The people of Zaitrec don't fear the night, as they revere the ethereal moons of Hysh, waxing and waning as they phase in and out of reality. A Zaitreci may talk to the spirits of these distant moons like to a close friend, asking them to share their knowledge and wisdom with them.

Lunar symbols can be commonly found on robes or armor worn by the people of Zaitrec, while those most closely to the celesital spirits sometime wear a crescent-shaped halo above their heads. 

Many of the spire-cities of Zaitrec claim one of the ethereal moons as their patron, but none is as revered as Celennar, the True Moon of Hysh. Many Aelfs travel great lengths for a chance to gain some of the Lunasphinx wisdom. Those approaching the duo often spare Teclis little attention. "Better to learn from the source than from the mouthpiece" is a common sentiment among the Aelfs of Zaitrec, much to the irritation of the Arch-Mage.

While the Lunar Cults of Zaitrec revere the moons of Hysh, they fear and hate the Bad Moon worshipped by the cave-dwelling Gloomspite Gitz. Many grand rituals and spells have been woven to ward of the malicious moon, but still it moves across the skies of the mortal realms as it pleases.”

Some have pointed out the hand is pretty meaty.

Gutfort Gutbuster Grenadiers maybe?

Oooh. Those would be pretty cool.

the Big Yellers clans of the Realm of Metal have a similar caste system like that in their mechanized fortresses but instead of spikey armor the richest get flashy outfits and drive reverse-engineered Piston-legged Cogforts they outfitted with ballista and giant mecha-choppas to hack down defenses and monsters.


“Big Yellers prefer bright colours and loud sounds over stealth and subtler forms of intimidation. Their laziness mean they spend a lot of their time tinkering with their weapons carrying out "kustom modifikashuns". Thus their Deffspikerz are able to wield superior missile weapons, which also solves the issue of having to walk up close to the enemy. However when the effects of the Waaagh! reaches its height Big Yellers can be motivated to break into a run, albeit for a small time.

The wealthiest of the Big Yellers travel in captured Cogforts which have been heavily modified. These contain firing gantries armed with beast-skewer killbows and massive winch-driven mega-choppas that can smash defences and cut down giant monsters.”




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1 hour ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

I wonder if we'd see some improvements to Gluttons here. Give them some rend, and now that they can attack in ranks I'm happy as a clam.

Added: I also wouldn't mind seeing Ironguts and Mournfang with Gargant Hackers go up to -2 rend. The Brutes with their 2" weapons get -2 rend, not sure why a 12' sumo wrestler swinging a telephone pole wrapped in barbed wire wouldn't get the same if not better.


Agreed. So much about the stats don’t make a ton of sense, even through the lens of game balance formula.

Being high-wound chunks of meat that tank damage vs negate it is really the only thing I think is really on point.

gluttons need reach and rend

ironguts and mournfang need more rend.

mournfang and thundertusks need a general upgrade.

leadbelchers are… surprisingly okay but overcosted

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11 hours ago, cyrus said:

Personally I think is Ogre mawtribes instead of Sons of behemat which received the WD update.

So Ogres vs Gitz battlebox 

Fury of the deep was order vs order 

It would go against what Whitefang hinted at that one of them is Sons

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2 hours ago, Sahrial said:

Agreed. So much about the stats don’t make a ton of sense, even through the lens of game balance formula.

Being high-wound chunks of meat that tank damage vs negate it is really the only thing I think is really on point.

gluttons need reach and rend

ironguts and mournfang need more rend.

mournfang and thundertusks need a general upgrade.

leadbelchers are… surprisingly okay but overcosted

Gluttons were fine before the coherency, unit size, and point increase triple whammy at the start of 3rd edition.

Sure they weren't fantastic, but they were pretty much the benchmark for a fair warscroll and the game would've been better if more stuff looked like them.

I don't know what to do about the unit size thing, other than changing the ogor charge rule to 6 models and/or changing glutton size to 3, but they desperately need a point drop if their job is being a wall of meat. In 2e it was like 400 points for 12, now its 500, 6 of them should definitely be closer to 200 points rather than the 250 they are now.

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1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

Gluttons were fine before the coherency, unit size, and point increase triple whammy at the start of 3rd edition.

Sure they weren't fantastic, but they were pretty much the benchmark for a fair warscroll and the game would've been better if more stuff looked like them.

I don't know what to do about the unit size thing, other than changing the ogor charge rule to 6 models and/or changing glutton size to 3, but they desperately need a point drop if their job is being a wall of meat. In 2e it was like 400 points for 12, now its 500, 6 of them should definitely be closer to 200 points rather than the 250 they are now.

I agree, but it seems like gw only cares about correctly pointed units, when a bew book arrives.

I’ve been telling how clanrats should cost no more then a 100points, yet the attempt to do so, needed a new battletome, in any other time they just chose up to 3 never played units and decreased their points by either 5 or 15.

those units were still never used 

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9 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I agree, but it seems like gw only cares about correctly pointed units, when a bew book arrives.

I’ve been telling how clanrats should cost no more then a 100points, yet the attempt to do so, needed a new battletome, in any other time they just chose up to 3 never played units and decreased their points by either 5 or 15.

those units were still never used 

**they only care about new products due to 💰💰🤑

Edited by JackStreicher
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53 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

About the Battlescroll update... Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't we getting a tad too much enthusiastic? 

Aren't we mixing "warscrolls", stats and rules for models, with" Battlescrolls", rules for battles? 

It can mean both - the gods warscroll update was in a battlescroll, but in general warscroll updates are rare. I don't think they're coming, but I'd like them to.

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1 hour ago, Enoby said:

It can mean both - the gods warscroll update was in a battlescroll, but in general warscroll updates are rare. I don't think they're coming, but I'd like them to.

At least for Stormcast I'd say that with the lack of points changes for stuff like Stormdrake guards and longstrikes, warscroll changes seem likely

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13 hours ago, The Red King said:

I'm not actually salty but the idea that LRL need another new book (and mini) to fix the NPE is funny because it's like some elf player at GW was like "my friend only collects for the lore and painting and I'm really bothered by the fact that I can't ruin his experience as well!"


Introducing new and improved NRE! (Negative release experience* *patent pending)

Speaking as someone who’s already bought two Lumineth collector’s edition battle tomes, Broken Realms: Teclis and is planning on buying the new collector’s edition tome I am actually having a pretty great experience 😅.

(Although technically the first collector’s tome just came with the release box set and isn’t a real collector’s edition).

Plus ‘negative play experience’ is a very subjective concept. If you learn how your army works, are considerate to your opponent and don’t spam sentinels you can have a fun game for yourself and your opponent. Conversely you can create a negative play experience for anyone and yourself with any army if you’re committed to it.

Either way, I think the Lumineth are awesome and will likely continue to play them even if they became bottom tier



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Hope you’re all happy. They nerfed SCE so hard that battletome is gutted now. Everything good is overcosted, everything else is bad, and all the holy orders are garbage to go with all the garbage command traits.

50+ bad warscrolls you don’t see and gw didn’t lift a finger to do anything about them.

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13 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

Hope you’re all happy. They nerfed SCE so hard that battletome is gutted now. Everything good is overcosted, everything else is bad, and all the holy orders are garbage to go with all the garbage command traits.

50+ bad warscrolls you don’t see and gw didn’t lift a finger to do anything about them.

So everyone raising concerns on the performance of some SCE units is guilty of a possible overnerf by GW? I don‘t think so.
Pointing out mistakes and being happy about overnerfs are two totally different things. 
Collective guilt is rarely the right answer.

Edited by Rachmani
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15 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

Hope you’re all happy. They nerfed SCE so hard that battletome is gutted now. Everything good is overcosted, everything else is bad, and all the holy orders are garbage to go with all the garbage command traits.

Are they that bad? I mean, if you don't play at the top of the competitive scene, can you still play SCE without feeling like Gloomspite?

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3 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Are they that bad? I mean, if you don't play at the top of the competitive scene, can you still play SCE without feeling like Gloomspite?

I currently play casual, my list was borked by the endless spell change to cogs, I have to remake it.    Annoying, but I was using foot evocators, and they needed the +1 and a reroll to do what paladins did, fun theme list, whatever was time for me to expand any way.

For the competitive folks, can stormcast still be competitive is a valid concern.

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Stormdrakes are still strong purely on a numbers basis on top of being an optional Battleline unit that doesn't care about Bounty Hunters. The cheese combo of Translocation + their hero phase move needed to go, and anyone who thinks the unit suddenly isn't still very good are crazy. Similarly, Thunderbolt Raptors were so stupidly prolific that they were warping the meta, so by the same token, this nerf needed to happen. 

There's legitimate concerns to be raised about certain Stormcast units that needed points drops not getting any, but pretending like these nerfs weren't needed or will kill the army is ludicrous. Slaangors are still 130 points of the worst unit in the game, Gitz got almost no changes, Khorne got a love-tap, and half the Cities book still feels utterly superfluous. The lack of changes to struggling units isn't exclusive to Stormcast, and pretending like the community asking for much needed nerfs to overpowered combos ruined Stormcast is absolutely laughable. 

Edited by Jaskier
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16 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

So everyone raising concerns on the performance of some SCE units is guilty of a possible overnerf by GW? I don‘t think so.
Pointing out mistakes and being happy about overnerfs are two totally different things. 
Collective guilt is rarely the right answer.

Because GW only reacts to such widespread outcry with nerfs. Then it takes them years of trivial buffs to make the faction playable again, then the edition resets.

This exactly what happened in 2nd. 6 months of gardus and Evocators then the whole faction went in the bin until 3rd.

IDD that there were issues. They needed to change, but they were also the two pillars holding the book up. Not only did GW strip them out, they didn’t lower the points of those units, or adjust any other truly awful warscrolls. 

Any granularity got lost in the sheer outcry. Well here we are.


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7 minutes ago, Jaskier said:

Stormdrakes are still strong purely on a numbers basis on top of being an optional Battleline unit that doesn't care about Bounty Hunters. The cheese combo of Translocation + their hero phase move needed to go, and anyone who thinks the unit suddenly isn't still very good are crazy. Similarly, Thunderbolt Raptors were so stupidly prolific that they were warping the meta, so by the same token, this nerf needed to happen. 

There's legitimate concerns to be raised about certain Stormcast units that needed points drops not getting any, but pretending like these nerfs weren't needed or will kill the army is ludicrous. Slaangors are still 130 points of the worst unit in the game, Gitz got almost no changes, Khorne got a love-tap, and half the Cities book still feels utterly superfluous. The lack of changes to struggling units isn't exclusive to Stormcast, and pretending like the community asking for much needed nerfs to overpowered combos ruined Stormcast is absolutely laughable. 

I dont think all of these are problems that can be fixed with a minor point cost change to be honest.

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Just now, Sagittarii Orientalis said:

So once-per-game Thunderbolt Volley has been nerfhammered, but 15 Blood Stalkers shooting in hero phase every turn has been completely untouched? Is there something I am missing?

My only suggestion is to not compare AoS armies on 1:1 basis. You will be disappointed.

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