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1 minute ago, PrimeElectrid said:

Because it allows Skaven to fight in more than 2 ranks?

Good point. 

I do like the idea of two ranks fighting, but does this mean now units that take hand weapons with 1" range are now better than spears with 2" range. Or is there still a bonus with the extra range?

Alternatively if this is a command ability it would be interesting.


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8 minutes ago, wolyhammer said:

Yeah. But it feels strange having this, especially just having the new Skaven rule to allow something similar. Or even the reason you took spears over hand weapons?

If it is real it will probably not be a permanent rule, unlike the Skaven battle trait which is guaranteed to stick around until their next tome.

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Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If it is real it will probably not be a permanent rule, unlike the Skaven battle trait which is guaranteed to stick around until their next tome.

Good point. It starts to make a bit more sense, with infantry units fighting with more ferocity.

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41 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Ill take all 3. We really need female Duardin representation and also "Generic" Duardin. We have many many Aelf Factions we could do with more Duardin.

Shield-maiden Fyreslayers! Ironically, they end up being the only ones that aren't mostly-naked, and are instead absolute units clad in armor so heavy they're like mini-steam-tanks. Oh, and their tower shields have built-in flamethrowers.

Edited by acr0ssth3p0nd
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16 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If it is real it will probably not be a permanent rule

the contingency of these (very impactful*) rules makes me think that a 6months season is really short considering how expensive and time consuming it can be to adapt your army, even outside of competitive playing

*if confirmed

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44 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

Presumably something like “if a model is in base contact with a friendly model from the same unit that is within range of an enemy, that model can also attack as if it was in range”


I meant that a rule like this could easily lead to arguments. This was easy to do with square bases but i think round bases make this a hard to apply rule that just complicates the game for no reason. Its easier to just say something like 10+ model battleline units get an extra attack, but it might just be me.

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2 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

There have been some wild rumours on 4chan about ghb changes. Bear in mind 4chan faked the gossamid warscroll, but these do seem to have some confirmation from other sources now (users in AoS coach discord).

* All battleline infantry under 4 wounds can fight in 2 ranks 
* one drop still exists 

* One new battalion gives infantry + battleline + <5 wounds count as 3 for scoring (Veteran)

* One new battalion gives infantry +1 damage vs units in the above battalion (bounty Hunter) (melee only)

* All battle tactics are replaced, much harder, no easy wins (like monstrous takeover) 

* Player going second r3 picks an objective and can only be contested by infantry CORRECTION It's every battle round you pick an objective. But the same one can't be picked more than once in a game


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3 minutes ago, Archibald said:

Which rumours?

All battline "infantry" (whatever it means) units under 4wounds can hit in two ranks. I suppose that it will be "4 wounds or less" to help Gluttons. 

For more leaks:

2 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

There have been some wild rumours on 4chan about ghb changes. Bear in mind 4chan faked the gossamid warscroll, but these do seem to have some confirmation from other sources now (users in AoS coach discord).

* All battleline infantry under 4 wounds can fight in 2 ranks 
* one drop still exists 

* One new battalion gives infantry + battleline + <5 wounds count as 3 for scoring (Veteran)

* One new battalion gives infantry +1 damage vs units in the above battalion (bounty Hunter) (melee only)

* All battle tactics are replaced, much harder, no easy wins (like monstrous takeover) 

* Player going second r3 picks an objective and can only be contested by infantry CORRECTION It's every battle round you pick an objective. But the same one can't be picked more than once in a game

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8 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

I meant that a rule like this could easily lead to arguments. This was easy to do with square bases but i think round bases make this a hard to apply rule that just complicates the game for no reason. Its easier to just say something like 10+ model battleline units get an extra attack, but it might just be me.

Trying to get as many model as possible within reach while maintaining coherency leads to arguments, especially in a crowded melee. Even here people were showing elaborate drawings of weird formations aimed at this - and if you give extra attack to a unit you just further encourage this approach. Checking if the bases are in touch is way more elegant and actually encourages people to rank the infantry, which, I believe, is good for the game.

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11 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Trying to get as many model as possible within reach while maintaining coherency leads to arguments, especially in a crowded melee. Even here people were showing elaborate drawings of weird formations aimed at this - and if you give extra attack to a unit you just further encourage this approach. Checking if the bases are in touch is way more elegant and actually encourages people to rank the infantry, which, I believe, is good for the game.

I've been playing quite a bit of MESBG of late which has really highlighted to me how unintuitive it is in AOS to have units which act like units in most instances but not in combat 

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15 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Catachans maybe?

I'm having so much fun testing HH 2.0. Do you know that there is a weapon called Rottor Cannon (it already existed in 1.0) with a fun special effect?


Not a powerfull weapon (Str 3 is meh, and 0 rend/AP), only 4 shoots (but assault, I can shoot after running). But there is something interesting in that "Pinning" ability:



So, an unit that is pinned cannot move, run, charge or recieve Reactions/CPs. What kind of weapon can do that? Well, it seems familiar...


Yep, that's right! That's an Aethermatic Volley Gun!!!




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55 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

the contingency of these (very impactful*) rules makes me think that a 6months season is really short considering how expensive and time consuming it can be to adapt your army, even outside of competitive playing

*if confirmed

I suspect the intent is not for the average player to overhaul their army with each season. Rather, it is probably to give people more chances to have  their existing armies be good.

Like, all those Skaven and Nighthaunt players that suffered during the Monster Mash meta now get to dust off their hordes and wreck for a few months.

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1 hour ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

Shield-maiden Fyreslayers! Ironically, they end up being the only ones that aren't mostly-naked, and are instead absolute units clad in armor so heavy they're like mini-steam-tanks. Oh, and their tower shields have built-in flamethrowers.

Absolutely!! This right here is a perfect example of what GW can do with FS and yet, so far, they havent.

43 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Catachan or Seraphon?! New Warcry Terrain perhaps?

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47 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So I'm really hoping for a bigger Seraphon wave besides a single model or a Underworlds Warband. I feel like Seraphon suffer (in terms of Rumor engine) being so distinct from other factions that they don't do a lot of RE for them. Did we get any Rumor Engines from the new Kroak model? 

I doubt this is a Catachan model because of the other Seraphon rumor we got and there wasn't any word of Catachans from the big 40k leak.

I'm hoping this is all pointing towards a new Seraphon book and model(s) Q1 2023.


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45 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

So I'm really hoping for a bigger Seraphon wave besides a single model or a Underworlds Warband. I feel like Seraphon suffer (in terms of Rumor engine) being so distinct from other factions that they don't do a lot of RE for them. Did we get any Rumor Engines from the new Kroak model? 

I doubt this is a Catachan model because of the other Seraphon rumor we got and there wasn't any word of Catachans from the big 40k leak.

I'm hoping this is all pointing towards a new Seraphon book and model(s) Q1 2023.


Im hoping for a massive Seraphon release. I initially thought, coupling this with the spear RE, that it may be a Warcry Warband but Warcry doesnt really do scenic bases. I think this could be a base leaf for a larger model. Salamanders anyone?

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4 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

There have been some wild rumours on 4chan about ghb changes. Bear in mind 4chan faked the gossamid warscroll, but these do seem to have some confirmation from other sources now (users in AoS coach discord).

* All battleline infantry under 4 wounds can fight in 2 ranks 
* one drop still exists 

* One new battalion gives infantry + battleline + <5 wounds count as 3 for scoring (Veteran)

* One new battalion gives infantry +1 damage vs units in the above battalion (bounty Hunter) (melee only)

* All battle tactics are replaced, much harder, no easy wins (like monstrous takeover) 

* Player going second r3 picks an objective and can only be contested by infantry CORRECTION It's every battle round you pick an objective. But the same one can't be picked more than once in a game

I really like these changes for the most part. Some battalions that give BR a run for its money, and fixing the coherency issue (for infantry at least).
If worded correctly the fight in 2 ranks won't be a buff to 25mm models too.

Feels like wishlisting to me though. 

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