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12 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The Summer 'tome is almost certainly Sylvaneth since they said they're closer than we might think.

Autumn's won't be CoS for obvious reasons.

That leaves... Kharadron, Lumineth or Lizardmen. 

None of them are especially old books, all of them have been criticised for NPP. There's been rumours about another Lumineth wave but it's entirely possible those were just meme-posting, plus theirs is the newest Battletome of the three (not that it stopped DoK getting another). 

Lumineth will 💯 get another wave. We’ve not seen rules for all 10 nations or all spirits or Tyrion. 

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9 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:


I’m predicting more Skaven models on Monday, which is just gonna make me angry at this stupid marketing team for making me waste my lunch hour.

Again, only releasing one eshin miniature if you have more planned is a stupid marketing decission, more if the 40k announcements were so big, and you could simulate a little.


I still have faith for more untis, since it would be WEIRD to release a starterbox of Eshin vs bugs with the monkeys. Who the hell would buy a starterbox with the monkeys?

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40 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


REPEATED Battletome covers. That makes 4 repeated Tome covers this Edition. 40K hasnt had a single one. I hate being negative but honestly its ridiculous that there isnt one new piece of art they could slap on the cover. 


Definitely bad, but 40k has done it in the past, and it was especially egregious. I've got 2 ork codexes (7th & 8th) with the same picture of an ork, but the books are also very visually similar. At least with the aos 3 ones the bindings are red (even if I preferred the white aos2 ones) so its easy to tell the difference.

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3 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Definitely bad, but 40k has done it in the past, and it was especially egregious. I've got 2 ork codexes (7th & 8th) with the same picture of an ork, but the books are also very visually similar. At least with the aos 3 ones the bindings are red (even if I preferred the white aos2 ones) so its easy to tell the difference.

That was a bit different, because they reused every cover from one edition to another in that edition of 40k. It wasn’t great obviously, but it was more of a decision than this edition of AoS’s ‘we’ll do some new ones, and not bother with others, just cos’. 

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10 minutes ago, Mutton said:

It's hilarious to me that a multi-billion-dollar company won't pay an artist to draw new covers for their $60 books.

People still buy the books?

I found it weird they spent so much time on the one skaven model but didn't even touch on Nighthaunt or DOK which are supposed to be imminent. Like, couldn't we have gotten a date? 

Sylvaneth models blew my mind though. They are on another level.  

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11 minutes ago, Mutton said:

It's hilarious to me that a multi-billion-dollar company won't pay an artist to draw new covers for their $60 books.


9 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

I think the budget for cover art went entirely to 40k this time around


5 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

It’s not like they couldn’t afford more artists

Its petty but its honestly annoyed me quite a bit, chances of Mawtribes and Sons getting new covers are slim to none.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The Summer 'tome is almost certainly Sylvaneth since they said they're closer than we might think.

By hoping for a revamp, what I meant was that I hope the new rules for Sylvaneth are decent when they’re released this summer. Sylvaneth have been struggling for a while; they deserve to get a balanced release that gets them into the mainstream meta. 

As a Slaanesh player, it really sucks that when our Battletome was released, it fell to the bottom of the bin within a month because of how weak the book was. It’s unlikely we’re going to get a new book soon, and at best we can vaguely hope that both the White Dwarf and General Handbook updates breath value into the faction. 

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24 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

It’s not like they couldn’t afford more artists

Have a heart for this small indie [world-renown] company. It's rough for them right now [with massive year over year profits]! They can [choose to] barely pay their employees.

Edited by Mutton
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19 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

People still buy the books?

I found it weird they spent so much time on the one skaven model but didn't even touch on Nighthaunt or DOK which are supposed to be imminent. Like, couldn't we have gotten a date? 

Sylvaneth models blew my mind though. They are on another level.  

They generally don’t talk about books, rules, or actual release date during previews. That usually leave that job for Warcom to market them and even they don’t talk about stuff that much until the week before preorders happen

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3 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Have a heart for this small indie [world-renown] company. It's rough for them right now [with massive year over year profits]! They [can] barely pay their employees.

Sounds like something I hear about from Valve, Blizzard and Microsoft 

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I quite liked what was shown, especially the Syvaneth, though admittedly I'm not a big Skaven fan (though I do feel sorry for their players and think they should get a release). 

I agree about the reused tome art - it's quite odd really, all things considered. They often have new art for their new models, so it's odd they can't go the extra mile and extend the artist to a new cover. I'm not sure the philosophy behind it when 40k gets new art (on both normal and LE books) - either they don't think AoS fans care about new art, they don't think the books are profitable enough to warrant new artwork, or they think the current art is the best it could possibly be. I don't even think it can be attributed to laziness as getting art designed isn't so time consuming it  would impact the release schedule. Just from an optics point of view, it suggests to the customer "this is the same book as before with little to no changes inside", which isn't a good selling point. Even if it isn't lazy, it looks lazy, which is almost as bad.

If GW's reading this thread, I'm happy to offer my services...



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Really like the Butterfly Revenants, ill be getting some for sure.

Big Bugs are for Chaos though,  not feeling them in this context. I'm not averse to the idea, if they were riding big butterflies I think that would have worked really well, but these chitinous things ain't doing it for me.

Pretty meh on everything else. The Ogroid model for Warcry is one of my favourites of all time, but somehow seeing a bunch together lessens the impact? The Free People's are exciting but nothing to see yet.

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Cities of Sigmar is all about being multi-race and a rejig to put the focus on humans would be a massive backwards step. I am hoping that the multi race element will remain, and the new humans will be a faction within the Cities of Sigmar.

With regards to the new models, I really love everything apart from the flying bugs. The riders themselves are great but the heads on the bugs and the shape of the wings are really lacking.

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I had hoped that Skaven would get more than one model considering how old their range is. It's like expect nothing and still get disappointed... I suspected with Heresy coming as core game there would'nt be so many full range refresses in the summer.

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17 minutes ago, Enoby said:

I quite liked what was shown, especially the Syvaneth, though admittedly I'm not a big Skaven fan (though I do feel sorry for their players and think they should get a release). 

I agree about the reused tome art - it's quite odd really, all things considered. They often have new art for their new models, so it's odd they can't go the extra mile and extend the artist to a new cover. I'm not sure the philosophy behind it when 40k gets new art (on both normal and LE books) - either they don't think AoS fans care about new art, they don't think the books are profitable enough to warrant new artwork, or they think the current art is the best it could possibly be. I don't even think it can be attributed to laziness as getting art designed isn't so time consuming it  would impact the release schedule. Just from an optics point of view, it suggests to the customer "this is the same book as before with little to no changes inside", which isn't a good selling point. Even if it isn't lazy, it looks lazy, which is almost as bad.

If GW's reading this thread, I'm happy to offer my services...



I agree wi the @Enoby, the Sylvaneth reveals today were pretty amazing, but that only made everything else feel a bit lackluster. I’m mostly mad at the lack of Slaves to Darkness reveals, there were so many leaks last week it felt like GW had to skip a whole segment of Warhammer Fest last Friday. Now I know that the road map said that Slaves are the Winter battletome, but that line of logic didn’t stop them from previewing Cities of Sigmar or World Eaters (who are both still in the concept phase)!

regardless, I’m overall happy with the pst two days of reveals. There’re plenty of units and kits coming that can be converted into all sorts of unique monsters, and I can’t wait to see what the various Warhammer communities do with them.

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8 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I agree wi the @Enoby, the Sylvaneth reveals today were pretty amazing, but that only made everything else feel a bit lackluster. I’m mostly mad at the lack of Slaves to Darkness reveals, there were so many leaks last week it felt like GW had to skip a whole segment of Warhammer Fest last Friday. Now I know that the road map said that Slaves are the Winter battletome, but that line of logic didn’t stop them from previewing Cities of Sigmar or World Eaters (who are both still in the concept phase)!

Regarding the speed with which they realize 40K projects I wouldn't be suprised at all if World Eaters appear way before Cities of Sigmar 2.0. Maybe early 2023? 

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