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9 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

Does the army of scantily clad chainmaille bikini elves actually appeal to female audiences though? 

My partner (non binary assigned female) thinks they look cool. I chose to buy raging heroes models as proxies for my soulblight so I could have some sexier vampire models.

On the other hand I'm totally uninterested in sisters because they have really bad haircuts. Weird reason I know...

I don't want to open up a big off topic debate, but getting women and girls into the hobby has a lot more to do with culture and creating spaces that are welcoming rather than models.

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29 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

I don't want to open up a big off topic debate, but getting women and girls into the hobby has a lot more to do with culture and creating spaces that are welcoming rather than models.

I agree about not going off topic, and this will be my first and last thing I say about this, but I do think representation in models is important. 

That's not to say that women will only go for all female armies or vice versa, but the choice to be able to see a bit of yourself in the characters is important. That's not to say a man couldn't play a female army/character (or the other way around), but people do tend to gravitate towards things more similar to them. This is especially the case in kids. 

I can say that, from experience, I have really struggled to get into 40k because every single important Chaos character pretty much has to be male (and this is close to true in the Imerium as well, when it comes down to Primarchs who now seem to dictate the setting). I certainly don't dislike male characters, but I get more easily invested in female ones when I'm creating them. Having the option would really help me at least. 

It's hard to explain without going really deep into it, but for me (especially when younger) representation was the number 1 thing that got me interested in something. When I was a lot younger (like under 10), my first experience with Warhammer was being told that the only girl characters were the "Witch Finders" (which I think were Sisters of Battle), but they sucked and the best faction was Space Marines, but women couldn't be them because they were too weak. I should say that this guy was 12-13, so not the pinnacle of maturity, but that put me off Warhammer for years. 

However, you're right that the community is key - all the representation in the world wouldn't matter if playing a game with someone had a significant chance or harassment or bellittlement. 

I think representation is good for getting people interested, but that only goes so far and the state of the community is what makes or breaks someone joining the hobby. 

In both regards, AoS is far superior to 40k. 

As for DoK, they don't really do anything for me - the lore doesn't grab me (but I do like Morathi) and the witch aelved/sisters of slaughter seem a bit too generic looking. Most of the women I know who play like Soulblight or Slaanesh, both of which are good for representation. Aelves are also pretty common.

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57 minutes ago, Thraugh said:

Am I the only one who thinks that the starter can carry old bands? the image looks like one of the skaven from shadespire and a daughter from beastgrave. Another inter-season recycled minis.

That would be surprising. They had the new starter on their roadmap and the Underworlds leaker on this site mentioned that we will be getting six new warbands.

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10 minutes ago, Enoby said:

I have really struggled to get into 40k because every single important Chaos character pretty much has to be male (and this is close to true in the Imerium as well, when it comes down to Primarchs who now seem to dictate the setting)

I agree with everything you said, but let's be honest... If GW don't give us trans girl chaos space marines then we've all been failed.


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13 hours ago, HollowHills said:

As a woman I personally like the approach they took with the eldar which is to give you a choice of options with each kit. I'd also just prefer kits have lots of choices in general to be honest.

This is why I'm championing for Duardin women, but at this rate Shyish will freeze over before I get my Duardin ladies 😔

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35 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

That would be surprising. They had the new starter on their roadmap and the Underworlds leaker on this site mentioned that we will be getting six new warbands.

Agree . 

Underworld roadmap states new core set with two new warbands.

Definitely clan eshin and some sort of shadow aelves as for the image posted yesterday on WarCom

Edited by cyrus
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1 hour ago, Thraugh said:

Am I the only one who thinks that the starter can carry old bands? the image looks like one of the skaven from shadespire and a daughter from beastgrave. Another inter-season recycled minis.

There was a skaven armed with claws in Spiteclaw's warband, but he doesn't look at all like the one in the pic (he wears armour instead of ninja-rat outfit).
Also, I don't think that kind of set would be as appealing as new stuff, ad GW knows that (specially if they keep charging 80€ for it!)

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1 hour ago, Thraugh said:

Am I the only one who thinks that the starter can carry old bands? the image looks like one of the skaven from shadespire and a daughter from beastgrave. Another inter-season recycled minis.

None of the daughters in Morgwaeth's band have capes like the one in the artwork, indeed Shadowstalkers are the only DoK minis with capes at all.  That said the underworlds artwork is not always totally consistent with the models.

On the topic of combining the DoK faction with a future Malerion force, as a DoK player I'd selfishly be against it!  I think the DoK and Morathi are probably the best example of bringing WHFB elements forwards into AoS in an interesting way, and I'd be concerned that that'd be diluted if the book also has to pay dues to a whole other faction of similarly shadowy and suspicious elves. ( See how a lot of the beastclaw raider lore didn't make it into the current ogor book.)

The reason I'm not convinced that the Khainite Shadowstalkers are a preview for or related to Malerion's elves is just how much of their design comes straight from the DoK models, things like armour, weapons, and ornamentation are sometimes totally identical, where you'd expect (or perhaps hope!) for a new faction to occupy its own visual unique design space.

Edited by Lucentia
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Indeed, if Malerion kept an assassin army for his own(which is likely) then they’ll probably look significantly different to the Khainites.(Ulgulians are noted expert hunters and trackers so could have more a padded and wilderness look than the uncovered bathe in blood look the murder zealots have)


“Khainite Shadowstalkers are Morathi's trusted assassins and saboteurs. Chosen from the Daughters of Khaine each is branded with the shademark, a sorcerous pact that grants supernatural abilities while binding their souls to the Shadow Queen’s eternal servitude.”

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Is it wrong that as much as I'm excited about eventually seeing Malerion's followers the prospect of alternate models based on one of the Warcry warbands has me more excited? It just opens up all of the stuff from Warcry as possible sources for new warbands in Underworlds and vice versa adds more sculpt variety for Warcry

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Man, i hope today GW gives me more rats. 


I want SO BADLY to throw to the trashcan the monkey shitposes... (i mean, i'm not joking, they look like they're shitting on the battlefield)


(Well, I don't hate the 1999's models to be honest, really love the capes and all, but man, I'm so tired of them...)

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6 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Like other humans, women vary quite a bit. There are those that like it, and also those that hate it.

My ex was interested in them, so there's a sample size of one.

But it is better to have all gender/races represented on the table than to just look at a lot of white dudes if you want to appeal to a wider audience.

My Frostgrave Wizards 2 box needed replacement because it does have female heads of varying ages and races and I make minis for quite a few people that start playing d&d.

Well I feel it also ok if some armies are mono gender as well just to fit a niche and not every army have to fill quota just for diversity sake 

that why I feel like there isn’t a need for female space marine since Sister of battle exist and it ok for SM to be all males.

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6 hours ago, vorathian said:

That sounds pretty racist man. 

That's an interpretation, but since there aren't armies that are basically small variations of single gender negroid, indian, east asian, mongolian, native American or aboriginal armies in Warhammer, while the caucasian male template is used for all space marines (Salamanders might be painted black, but they are just exagegrated caucasian heads like other space marines), most Necromunda, Imperial Guard, Empire and even most AoS Chaos, GW certainly has a type. 

If and when GW makes the majority of their lineup another ethnicity without adding diversity in them, I would complain about that as well.

1 hour ago, novakai said:

Well I feel it also ok if some armies are mono gender as well just to fit a niche and not every army have to fill quota just for diversity sake 

that why I feel like there isn’t a need for female space marine since Sister of battle exist and it ok for SM to be all males.

I don't think any expansion for space marines is neccessary, but if they add another colour, let it be more than just a hue change, gender change might as well be part of it. Considering a big thing is grafting into bodies, the gender with the lower rejection rate of organs would be more logical.

The mono gender male niche is filled by about 75% of the GW lineup with discernable gender coding, and Daughters of Khaine and Sisters of Battle are the only female predominant factions. I don't see a reason to make more mono gender male armies at the moment.

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10 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

That's an interpretation, but since there aren't armies that are basically small variations of single gender negroid, indian, east asian, mongolian, native American or aboriginal armies in Warhammer, while the caucasian male template is used for all space marines... GW certainly has a type. .

I think that a British company making their fictional armies based off the ones they know of from history they've learned (nearly entirely white men) is not really anything to put down.

It may even be preferable than for gw to make a completely non western army... It would be really difficult to make it not just seem like a stereotype of the people its supposed to represent

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8 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Mixed factions are a lot more humanizing and interesting than just copies of the same white dude.

Are we discussing AoS? If you deliberately choose to ignore Destruction, Death, majority of Chaos and about half the Order then yes, you may have a point with the "white dude".

42 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

The mono gender male niche is filled by about 75% of the GW lineup with discernable gender coding

Is that a problem in a game representing the clash of close combat military forces? A serious question - and I think it deserves a separate thread.

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5 hours ago, Fulcanelli said:

I want to reply to this: I see your point, but the problem – possibly – is a sexualized representation of women which is, believe it or not, an inherent aspect of our chauvinist society. This is a fact, for ages, in figurative art. And GW know that. If you don't see the problem, watching a Nurgle army and a DoK one, well, maybe this is demonstration of the fact :)

I think on what we disagree on is what we consider to be sexualization. To me it's a female depiction of powerlessness or just being there for (male) pleasure. So if we had a Daughter of Khaine model on her knees, blowing someone a kiss, that I'd consider sexualized. But a Witch Aelf in mid-air, her face fierce and her daggers ready to strike is just a lethal female warrior, not a victim nor a prize. Not any more sexualized than a barbarian with a bare chest, arms and legs, be they man, duardin or saurus. 

But I do unterstand there are probably lots of people, male, female etc., who'd rather agree with you on this point than with me. I've never felt sexualized or objectified myself so I can't claim any authority whatsoever. I just wanted to present my rather uniformed view on the topic. 

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“If the ancient legends are true, then deep beneath the ocean bed can be found the resting place of Harrowdeep’s creators – shadow daemons from the liar’s moon of the Orb Duplicita, sworn enemies of the physical world.”




Hello, Witch Hunter.

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I think I see a witch Hunter, those mysterious creeper from the RE, and a Eshin Rat Ogor?

the art is pretty Rad this time around compare to the recent Harrowdeep art we been getting.

oh but it just another teaser, Oh The Humanity!!!!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, novakai said:

I think I see a witch Hunter, those mysterious creeper from the RE, and a Eshin Rat Ogor?

the art is pretty Rad this time around compare to the recent Harrowdeep art we been getting.

oh but it just another teaser, Oh The Humanity!!!!!!!!


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Anyone else not seeing this article on warcom? I was wondering why nothing was up yet :( 

fluff wise this is better than the last two at least:

“If the ancient legends are true, then deep beneath the ocean bed can be found the resting place of Harrowdeep’s creators – shadow daemons from the liar’s moon of the Orb Duplicita, sworn enemies of the physical world.

The mercurial passageways of this new maze convulse and shift as if moved by an unseen hand. Shadowy entities stalk these halls, gnawing on the fear of those that walk beside you.

What is their intent, and what part do you play in their plans?

How do you fit into these writhing schemes? More will be revealed tomorrow."

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