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Honestly this is pretty great for AoS. Obviously it would have been nice to see the Slyvaneth and Skaven but it's not like those aren't coming. New rules for path to glory and anvil of apotheosis is great, new lore exploring the era of the beast and the dawnbringer crusades is fantastic, the new scenery looks genuinely cool and the new Nighthaunt hero might be the best mini for that range yet. 

Edited by Chikout
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44 minutes ago, AngryPanda said:


does this match the the new bug cavalry? 




notice the two birds in the photo have the same hooked beak. 

I don't think that leg matches with the design of the dustbugs.  The hook and carapace look doesn't seem the same to me

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Initial reactions;

-Necromunda Nomads are cool, the bugs are awesome and I'm sure someone will come up with a real cool way to convert them into AoS.

-FrankenZombie warband is fine, but ultimately pretty disappointing, feels like they could have pushed what is a pretty cool idea a lot further than they did.

-Big Knight cool, little Knight very much not, Bloodbowl a strong meh. Horus Heresy was a cool video, do that more, don't care about the game though.

-Nighthaunt boat is freaking awesome. I love it. Its awesome. 

-Waiting to see what the Thondia actually is before making any real judgement on it, as is, its pretty disappointing.


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my expectations were allready low, only a picture of next 2 tomes... but gw did even worse. 0 tomes, only a narrative book....


but 40k got

 2 next tomes with full release of minis ( 2 sets in ik army is a full army lol)

chaos marines with of course new miniatures.

necromunda box.

horus herehy


and all aos got was 1 minigame band,1 hero and 1 narrative book with 3 new sceno...


gw always had the focus on 40k but it is getting way too absurd lately. 40k get so many units for lots of armys where aos is lucky to get 1 tiny heroe

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I'm curious to see what the new "campaign" book is. Is this purely a narrative thing? Personally, I'm stoked to have more lore, especially if it is delivered in a nice hardcover book with lots of great illustrations.

But it almost seemed like this includes the rules for next season too. Is this replacing the GHB? Is it in addition to the GHB? If it does have seasonal rules will they also be included in the GHB, or will you need both?

I will end up buying both anyway, because I'm a sucker and I enjoy the books, but I'm worried about the other players in my group. Buying multiple books is a big investment, especially for more casual players and I could see many players in our group not wanting to pick them up, and unfortunately I find that sometimes helps kill the interest or leads to rules misunderstandings. Pirated versions will likely make do, even if it's just distributed between members of the local group, but I'm curious to see how it works out.

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Just now, Kaizennus said:

I'm curious to see what the new "campaign" book is. Is this purely a narrative thing? Personally, I'm stoked to have more lore, especially if it is delivered in a nice hardcover book with lots of great illustrations.

But it almost seemed like this includes the rules for next season too. Is this replacing the GHB? Is it in addition to the GHB? If it does have seasonal rules will they also be included in the GHB, or will you need both?

I will end up buying both anyway, because I'm a sucker and I enjoy the books, but I'm worried about the other players in my group. Buying multiple books is a big investment, especially for more casual players and I could see many players in our group not wanting to pick them up, and unfortunately I find that sometimes helps kill the interest or leads to rules misunderstandings. Pirated versions will likely make do, even if it's just distributed between members of the local group, but I'm curious to see how it works out.

they said something about both narrative and match play rules on the stream i believe (or it from the Adepticon presenters)

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Interesting. My inital response to the AoS segment was that it was a bit underwhelming - some scenery, a narrative book and yet another endless spell (effectively) didn't seem like much of a step forward in the context of what we've had for AoS 3.0 in the past 9 months. Though I didn't have big expectations of something like a new faction, so I certainly wouldn't say I felt disappointed.

That said, now I've seen the new NH hero - which is gorgeous - I'm more upbeat.  

  • Scenery: Some cool bits in there, I especially like the mini-Shrine and statue, though I already have plenty of scenery and these days (cost of living plus new pricing) I probably won't go for it.
  • The Incarnate: I don't really like the model much, but this may just be endless spell fatigue. I realise there's apparently more to it than that, and it could be that with more context/rules it's really cool. So I'll withold judgement until there's a bit more info.
  • Thondia book: I buy all of the narrative books, so I'm sure this one won't be an exception. I'm still a bit unsure of how the Season of War thing will work - if GHB is coming in the normal time, and it will change to a new realm, this does seem a bit late in the year to introduce, and would have been more logical alongside Dominion? Maybe it was COVID delays.
  • Awlrach the Drowner: All the yes.

Overall it's great to see a substantial new unit for Nighthaunt - and along with the Scriptor and Crossbows, that's encouraging to see. I guess at the same time, I can't help but wonder why Fyreslayers - arguably much more in need of something substantial to boost variety... and not just another foot character - didn't get anything.

I'm sure I hope we'll see plenty more for AoS 3.0 this year, so far since new Stormcast and Kruleboyz I think it's just 2 new hero models (Idoneth and Fyreslayers), with 3 new heroes (NH and DoK) plus one unit (NH) to come.

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15 minutes ago, SlyRebirth said:

Interesting. My inital response to the AoS segment was that it was a bit underwhelming - some scenery, a narrative book and yet another endless spell (effectively) didn't seem like much of a step forward in the context of what we've had for AoS 3.0 in the past 9 months. Though I didn't have big expectations of something like a new faction, so I certainly wouldn't say I felt disappointed.

That said, now I've seen the new NH hero - which is gorgeous - I'm more upbeat.  

  • Scenery: Some cool bits in there, I especially like the mini-Shrine and statue, though I already have plenty of scenery and these days (cost of living plus new pricing) I probably won't go for it.
  • The Incarnate: I don't really like the model much, but this may just be endless spell fatigue. I realise there's apparently more to it than that, and it could be that with more context/rules it's really cool. So I'll withold judgement until there's a bit more info.
  • Thondia book: I buy all of the narrative books, so I'm sure this one won't be an exception. I'm still a bit unsure of how the Season of War thing will work - if GHB is coming in the normal time, and it will change to a new realm, this does seem a bit late in the year to introduce, and would have been more logical alongside Dominion? Maybe it was COVID delays.
  • Awlrach the Drowner: All the yes.

Overall it's great to see a substantial new unit for Nighthaunt - and along with the Scriptor and Crossbows, that's encouraging to see. I guess at the same time, I can't help but wonder why Fyreslayers - arguably much more in need of something substantial to boost variety... and not just another foot character - didn't get anything.

I'm sure I hope we'll see plenty more for AoS 3.0 this year, so far since new Stormcast and Kruleboyz I think it's just 2 new hero models (Idoneth and Fyreslayers), with 3 new heroes (NH and DoK) plus one unit (NH) to come.

I think people are just jumping the gun and assuming that the next GHB is going to another realm but in reality they don’t change battleplans that much during an edition so it made more sense to stay in Ghur for a while

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Just listened to Warhammer weekly. They said that the things in the big terrain box will be sold separately later, so if you just want the monster it will be available eventually.  

There is a Warhammer  world event called Battles in Thondia in May so that should give us a pretty good idea of when things are coming. My guess is as follows. 

Nighthaunt Vs DoK -very soon. 

Nighthaunt and DoK battletomes and Underworlds zombies in April, Thondia in May, ghb in June, Horus Heresy and maybe new underworlds starter in July, Skaven and Slyvaneth in August maybe even September, Cursed City in time for Halloween and maybe something new for AoS in November. 

Thats not a terrible schedule. 




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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

Just listened to Warhammer weekly. They said that the things in the big terrain box will be sold separately later, so if you just want the monster it will be available eventually. 

Glad to hear it. It would look very cool in a Gravelords army. I was a little underwhelmed by the Arcwalkers. They seem to be a bit of a rehash of the new zombies. 

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I'm a bit annoyed about Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur. It seems to be the new "Endless Spells 2.0" and that's something that I don't like see: Models with an expiration date printed on their books. I can understand campaigns and books because they are telling an story with a resolution (ending) but I'm not a fan of miniatures that seems to be an upgraded version of a 4 years old mechanic with dedicated models.

I hope I'm totally wrong and I just misunderstood the whole Post. It will be a nice new addition to the game without anything in common to Endless Spells.

Edited by Beliman
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Great show. 8/10

New Chaos Knights look absolutely awesome. Flea Riders close after. New Nighthaunt hero is a creative design which I will welcome on my shelf. Underworlds warband is just ok as nothing stands out really.

Not so keen on the terrain. It seems as if someone gathered random pieces together. 

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Spent this morning's bus ride frantically catching up with the reveals on my phone - looking forward to seeing them on a proper screen after work 🙂

My initial reactions have been a little mixed in truth.  Necromunda is a firm yes from me, anyone who follows me outside TGA will know that I'm a big Necro fan and recently just finished painting up a new Orlock gang, so this new box appeals to me!  The new Age of Darkness ruleset for HH is another one I'm keeping an eye on, I'm less keen on the scale creep and ideally want MKII armour for my Death Guard, however it's a really positive step for what is a really good game.  The new Imperial Knight codex is certainly on the shopping list for my Knight Army and one of the new Chaos Knight kits may well become a future project just for fun (likely a couple of years away though).  Bloodbowl was certainly all about beer boars 😂  I really love how BB has retained that light-hearted entertaining element, which we've seen replaced with grimdark in other systems.  The Underworlds warband I'm less invested in as a game as I'm not keen on that endless cycle of deck building, however the necromancer is a lovely spin on what we've had traditionally.

AoS wise I felt was a little more lack lustre, which is a shame.  The new Nighthaunt character is great on the one hand, but on the other I'm not convinced a named character is enough to bring my army up enough - for that we need the new battletome and sooner rather than later.  I also feel Nighthaunt are one army that's missing things like a big centrepiece model and a terrain piece.  Let's have a ghostly snake or gheist giant and a soul well to allow summoning new units 👻

The campaign book looks really good, though I'm cautious on it's contents from a gaming perspective having been somewhat burned after building a Legion of Grief army from Forbidden Power.  The scenery is great as we've come to expect, really reinforcing that Azyr aesthetic which is a combination of Order cultures.  Again though it lacks anything that properly blocks light of sight!

Overall it was a very packed reveal show, it's just the slice of cake for AoS felt a bit meagre in comparison to other offerings.

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I’m quite disappointed in the Underworlds warband. The leader is really cool but the zombies are basically normal zombies with the odd bit sticking out of them. I was expecting more Frankenstein type creations, something like the Skaabs in Magic or the Soldats in Resi8. 

The Nighthaunt character is very cool. Definitely killed a few of him in Elden Ring. 

Mainly excited about Plastic Heresy personally, and the flea riders. 

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