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The Rumour Thread

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It seems like 40k has been having supply problems too. The stores around me seem to get the new releases sure, but they sell out the weekend of release and don't get restocked. I missed the boat on heavy intercessors when they came out in May last year and my local STILL hasn't gotten any more in since.

I think their supply issues are running pretty deep right now and they're just scrambling to keep up with the weekly release thing.

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Yeah, I don’t envy them on the chaotic supply issues that are popping up everywhere and I imagine news and releases are gonna get more sparse for all the games now that we’re approaching releases that were “worked on” back in 2020’s quarantine.

Might be a very slow year and the next until they properly recover.

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1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

Just going to point out that GW never show anything that isn't due out in the next 3 months.  We also have Adepticon at the end of March when I highly suspect we'll have another preview.  Just because we've not seen something doesn't necessarily mean we won't see it 😉

I do understand the frustration at no sign of any battletomes (as many of you know, I have quite a number of Nighthaunt!)

Adepticon I feel will be a pretty massive Preview. It usually is but with nothing new coming for AOS with these models previewed* and the Rumour that AOS will be getting more support around June, I could see them going ***** to the wall for the Adepticon preview!!


*That we know of.

1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

AND its a ranged model, a rarity in death factions. 

I got to say, I hit a home run for once with a GW battlebox. I have the entire Nighthaunt line, except 4 units, and three of them are in the new battlebox PLUS 2 new units (hero and crossbowmen) AND they threw in the Alternate sculpt Sprit Torment hero "Crawlocke the jailor" instead of the standard model. I assume its because he's on the same sprue as the chainghasts, but its still a nice touch. 

And my friend plays DoK, so I have someone to split the box with, Gotta say, even thought he overall preview was lacking, I personally made out like a bandit for once. 




Chuffed for ya mate that's deadly!

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40k had a slow release too, so the reason they are getting a lot of love right now may be that their codexes arrived late and have to be crammed in right now. Son in a couple of months we might see a lot of AoS eh they arrive.


Sadly for me none of the 2 boxes have nothing interesting, so instead I have started to paint some Tzeentch.

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2 hours ago, Austin said:

Strangely these issues with factories and books seems to mostly impact the piles of AoS battletomes just waiting in China instead of their 40k counterparts.

Well if the problem is still the container, then they probably didn't order enough boxes to stuff AoS products on the ship. XD

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

Codexes could have been printed a year ago. I feel GW is having some horrid supply issues, and what we're seeing for AoS model releases and announcements is whatever happens to trickle in on a slow boat from China. I don't think this is what they had planned for their big 3rd edition launch. But GW, has a nasty habit of holding all their cards close to their chests and not telling their customers what's going on. A single post of "Hey guys, supply chains are a mess, we'll be releasing what we can over the next 6-8 months, but can't really predict exactly what will arrive when" would go a long way to placating the player base. 

Hell even if it was a bald faced lie, it would make us feel better :)


The only time that I remember of them admitting logistic problems was with the sylvaneth book…

Edited by Jymmy
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happy to see archers for death finally. and i love doks but....


pretty infuriating to see gw uselesness on fair threatment. why give new units to  maybe the third biggest army released like 3 years ago?? 99% armys are in more need of units and hero.


and dok.... they allready had an army vs army box with new hero only 1 year ago, some armys dont ever see one of them in all his lifetime, and dok had 2 in 1 year wtf



the different betwen god elven factions and godles is absurd....

sylvaneth got 1 box, 1foot hero, 1 midle hero, spells and new terrain.and 2 tomes

lumis got.... some things :D and 2 tomes in 0 time

dok got 2 boxes with 2 foot heros, 2 tomes, spells etc etc

idk got.... 1box with 1 foot hero and 1 tome, thats it.


even on lore, sylvaneth got huge with new life wave on all planes, lumis killed nagash, dok got morathy to goddes. and idk... were stomped by slanesh. failed on his rebirth, his maker wanted to destroy them, dok stomped every enclave together in last war with only 1 city.... getting tired of being the punchbag and dont get even a tome per edittion like everyone should get. at this rate we wont have a tome for this edittion too and i dont care if rules are good, but everyone loves refresh on his army, proper magic lore. priests, relics etc etc change in scrolls ( even if they are worse) and new lore.


btw gw showing his 0 skills doing female heads like always

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9 hours ago, GenericEdgyName said:

I'd like to point out that despite the reveal od two new units for Nighthaunt, these rumour engines reamin unsolved, leading me to believe *snorts copium/warpstone* that our beloved spooky ghosts are going to receive more with their battletome (or a Cursed City expansion)



You're going to feel real foolish when this is revealed to be a Furnace Kings Varanite Lantern and a Tactical Duardin Codpiece (will slash the ankles of aelves) .

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4 minutes ago, Matrindur said:


They uploaded the Arena of Shades teaser again and replaced the Preorder Now with Coming Soon so it was probably just a mistake and it won't be out for a while. Would have been strange to release two boxsets shortly after each other

Oh I dunno, I think we'll see it quite quickly. As of right now, the only announced, unreleased items off the top of my head are this box, the Eldar/Chaos box, (which is already marked for Feb) and, uh....that HH model they just showed? We've got a 50/50 chance of this being either this Sundays Pre-Order Preview or the next one, IMO.

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Yeah it's kind of surprising how little there is due out compared to how the last few years have been. We have today's previews, the Aeldari vs Chaos box, a Middle Earth release and some Black Library stuff. And I think that's it. I kind of expected the Kill Team box to be fully revealed and released at the end of February too. Be interesting to see what they have planned.

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17 minutes ago, Jymmy said:

The only time that I remember of them admitting logistic problems was with the sylvaneth book…

Sylvaneth, which delayed the whole release by several month, and latest Horus Heresy Black Book where it was a "we have no clue where exactly the shipment is" kind of answer.

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I do wonder if these supply chain issues, especially with the books, might push GW into a new format for releasing battletomes and codex. If the rumors of Warhammer+ not doing well are to be believed, perhaps they would see an opportunity to switch the narrative and tie those releases into warhammer+ in the app.

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3 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

I do wonder if these supply chain issues, especially with the books, might push GW into a new format for releasing battletomes and codex. If the rumors of Warhammer+ not doing well are to be believed, perhaps they would see an opportunity to switch the narrative and tie those releases into warhammer+ in the app.

They definitely picked an hilariously poor time to drop digital sales of codexes/battletomes.

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That was probably one of the saddest reveal shows I've seen in ages, unless you specifically play Eldar.

Even as a DoK player--no one asked for yet another elf foot hero. They don't need more heroes. And even if they did, why not a Khinerai one? Or something more extravagant? It's just the laziest type of model they could have made.

No battletome announcements was pretty damning too.

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39 minutes ago, madmac said:

Oh I dunno, I think we'll see it quite quickly. As of right now, the only announced, unreleased items off the top of my head are this box, the Eldar/Chaos box, (which is already marked for Feb) and, uh....that HH model they just showed? We've got a 50/50 chance of this being either this Sundays Pre-Order Preview or the next one, IMO.

Eldar vs chaos, eldar codex, eldar release (possibly cut in two parts like orkz and sororitas) and W40k combat patrols are waiting to be released on Feb.

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2 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Eldar vs chaos, eldar codex, eldar release (possibly cut in two parts like orkz and sororitas) and W40k combat patrols are waiting to be released on Feb.

I didn't count the Eldar codex/model release because I fully expect it will be separated from the box for at least a month, that's how it usually goes. Hasn't been announced yet, either.

So really that just leaves the Eldar/Chaos box, the AoS box, and a couple of combat patrols. Not exactly a packed schedule.

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29 minutes ago, Mutton said:

That was probably one of the saddest reveal shows I've seen in ages, unless you specifically play Eldar.

Even as a DoK player--no one asked for yet another elf foot hero. They don't need more heroes. And even if they did, why not a Khinerai one? Or something more extravagant? It's just the laziest type of model they could have made.

No battletome announcements was pretty damning too.

Its funny that both DoK and Nighthaunt are both factions that could use a new monster, as they have none other than their god model (Morathi and Nagash). Would be really cool if they gave us one less unit but changed the foot hero for a monster heros for both sides. It would even be flavour for the actual season...

Edited by Arzalyn
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11 minutes ago, madmac said:

I didn't count the Eldar codex/model release because I fully expect it will be separated from the box for at least a month, that's how it usually goes. Hasn't been announced yet, either.

So really that just leaves the Eldar/Chaos box, the AoS box, and a couple of combat patrols. Not exactly a packed schedule.

Leakers said that codex will come 19th or 26th and this month's coin is eldar aswell

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29 minutes ago, Mutton said:

That was probably one of the saddest reveal shows I've seen in ages, unless you specifically play Eldar.

Even as a DoK player--no one asked for yet another elf foot hero. They don't need more heroes. And even if they did, why not a Khinerai one? Or something more extravagant? It's just the laziest type of model they could have made.

No battletome announcements was pretty damning too.

I dunno about that, a big issue with the DoK line is the lack of individual hero releases. The range has a good number of units but for a long time you either had Morathi or the Cauldron of Blood. With this, the Ironscale and the Hag Queen from Underworlds it kind of makes them more new player friendly.

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So I play both DoK and Nighthaunt so I'm pretty happy with a battlebox. The new DoK hero looks cool but I doubt will see play, the crossbows are cool just probably not how I want to play Nighthaunt but the new NH hero... love him.

Very excited for the prospect of a NH book but the total opposite for DoK; the current book is so good and I can't see how it doesn't end up worse (although I noticed a lot of people felt that about Ironjawz update as well).


As for shipping issues... I get it, it's somewhat unavoidable but their reaction to it has still been pretty lackluster. I still think there is plenty of stuff they could've done that wouldn't have required shipping stuff half way across the world. Just off the top of my head; they could have put out a whole load of short stories exploring some factions/characters reactions to the events of Broken Realms. They could even have spent more than an afternoon on that winter FAQ.

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