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8 minutes ago, CeleFAZE said:

My pet theory is that they're delaying the FAQ until Christmas so it doesn't have a negative impact on shopping. Keeping us in the dark fuels "it could get better with the FAQ" buying.

My personal opinion is I don’t think miniature rules and point generally affect model sells that much. Hobbyists just buy what every appeals to them and if the model is of good quality and  the game aspect end up being secondary

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Finally, if it’s not enough that Cursed City is returning, it will also be accompanied by expansions, so your adventure into Ulfenkarn can grow and continue with even more dramatic twists and turns. Spoiler alert: Radukar isn’t dead – he’s just really, really angry!

Does make me wonder if those SBGL models were redistributed Cursed City expansions then, even if they were always planned to pull double duty.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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It depends since looking at Blackstone, majority of their expansion where limited edition models that go up on sale and disappear after they sold out like the Zoat and the chaos commissar. They are not particularly playable in the main 40K game

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10 minutes ago, novakai said:

My personal opinion is I don’t think miniature rules and point generally affect model sells that much. Hobbyists just buy what every appeals to them and if the model is of good quality and  the game aspect end up being secondary

I'm not sure how true this is - definitely, I think model appearance and theme are bigger selling points than rules, but at least looking at the number of people online who have said "I'd like to get into Hedonites" only for someone to say "They're pretty rubbish so I wouldn't recommend them" (and then for the asker to thank them for the warning and move on to another army) would suggest it has at least a measurable impact. People speaking online is obviously a minority, but I do think a strong negative reaction around rules does have an impact on sales (but I doubt a positive reaction has much of a positive effect). 

I think, from my job, it's very easy to persuade someone not to buy something (much easier than persuading someone to buy), so bad rules likely do have an impact. If someone is on the fence, being able told "you won't enjoy playing them" is a great way to knock them to the "don't buy" side.

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Definitely agree rules arent the main driver of mini sales, you have to remember the vast majority of hobbyists just arent as tuned in to the games as the online minority are, let alone gift buyers and pure painters etc. 

The most prolific customer i had in my store came in every few days, picked a box they liked the look of and painted it, then came back for another. Did a few into games over the years, i suspect out of politeness but never changed :)

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There’s a surprise. To pick up the theme of the last few pages, probably would have been best had GW not gone completely radio silent for half a year - “there ain’t no Cursed City and there never was!” - but it’s great to see that it’s coming back.

RE: expansions, I think even at the time most folks had a decent grasp on which kits were expansions finding wider release (Hulked Out Radukar, etc) and which ones weren’t so I guess we’ll see.

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7 minutes ago, Enoby said:

I'm not sure how true this is - definitely, I think model appearance and theme are bigger selling points than rules, but at least looking at the number of people online who have said "I'd like to get into Hedonites" only for someone to say "They're pretty rubbish so I wouldn't recommend them" (and then for the asker to thank them for the warning and move on to another army) would suggest it has at least a measurable impact. People speaking online is obviously a minority, but I do think a strong negative reaction around rules does have an impact on sales (but I doubt a positive reaction has much of a positive effect). 

I think, from my job, it's very easy to persuade someone not to buy something (much easier than persuading someone to buy), so bad rules likely do have an impact. If someone is on the fence, being able told "you won't enjoy playing them" is a great way to knock them to the "don't buy" side.

Counter example would be shark and turtle in IDK where people still bought them even if at that moment in time they where not that good. People still buy and make Troggherd and squig army even if Gloomspite is not a good army at the moment and they are one of the more popular armies currently. Fyreslayer have always been competitive but is larded as not a popular army. Generally the feeling is that rules are temporary ( and subject to the whims of GW balancing act) but model you like last forever. That why I feel they call people hobbyist and not really gamers.

Edit: granted I think Slaaneshi has historically been Marmite and has always has its fans and critics. 

Edited by novakai
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2 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

So with cursed city expansions planned, are these likely to contain new models? Since the models we have are the rumoured original expansions :( tbh I’m just greedy and want more vampires 🤣

With Blackstone fortress they where all new models (like Zoat and Armbull) but they where almost like limited edition model and once they sold out they disappear and no longer where available to buy.

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2 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

So with cursed city expansions planned, are these likely to contain new models? Since the models we have are the rumoured original expansions :( tbh I’m just greedy and want more vampires 🤣

On the Undead side, the Vyrkos dynasty dudes (Kritza, Belladamma and Annika) may very well end up in expansions set. Radukar the Beast sure is, going by the WarCom article.

I'd like to see more Undead Minions too. 

For the Adventurers, it's open to speculation. 

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58 minutes ago, novakai said:

My personal opinion is I don’t think miniature rules and point generally affect model sells that much. Hobbyists just buy what every appeals to them and if the model is of good quality and  the game aspect end up being secondary

On one side yes, but on the other side, if a previously overpowered model gets reined in, ebay becomes full of them.

I hope for that to happen to the Admech Pistoleers and Outriders, as well as their walkers.

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5 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

On one side yes, but on the other side, if a previously overpowered model gets reined in, ebay becomes full of them.

Well Metachaser got to metachase but I don’t think they really represent the population and maybe be an extra blip on the sale figures in the end. Scalper probably have more of an effect then them 

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6 minutes ago, novakai said:

Isn’t both Radukar and Belladona base to big to be Cursed City? I though it was just a nod that he not dead and has an upgraded form in SBGL so Cursed City is not dead either

Well, yeah could be. Or they could occupy more than one space (with some new rules, like the Gargant in WHU ? I don't play that game...). 

At least the Ambull, Zoat and Guardian drones in BSF had the biggest bases of the BSF range and still fitted in the basic space of the game tiles...

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52 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Does make me wonder if those SBGL models were redistributed Cursed City expansions then, even if they were always planned to pull double duty.

I doubt it. The timelapse between those miniatures being previewed/released and Cursed City selling out instantly was basically nothing. There's pretty much no way GW had time to spin-around and instantly repackage them as regular SBGL content. Even their preview content is written months in advance usually, to say nothing of actual production shifts.


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I think we will see new minis in the expansions. When the extra minis were first revealed before the troubles at the launch of Cursed City, the bases were already different from cursed City. 

All these rumour engines could be from the expansions. The pics we thought were Nighthaunt could be from the expansions as well .


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6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I think we will see new minis in the expansions. When the extra minis were first revealed before the troubles at the launch of Cursed City, the bases were already different from cursed City. 

All these rumour engines could be from the expansions. The pics we thought were Nighthaunt could be from the expansions as well .


I would also add the bone flute one since it been confirm it is not Nurgle.

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1 hour ago, novakai said:

My personal opinion is I don’t think miniature rules and point generally affect model sells that much. Hobbyists just buy what every appeals to them and if the model is of good quality and  the game aspect end up being secondary

Agreed, I own 12 slaangor.....

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I wonder if there will ultimately be Chaos and Destruction themed expansions actually. The basic Cursed City game is almost all about champions of Order (and an Ogre merc) fighting against the undead, but I read the tie in novel, and that actually featured both sides trying to track down a Khorne worshiping serial killer. I could see them thus having thematic expansions, like a chaos cult, or the like that still fits the gothic vibe of Cursed City, but isn't just more vampires.

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The majority of people who buy GW miniatures don't even play the game, or play it only a couple times a year at most. For those people rules probably have pretty limited impact on sales.

There is another contingent of people for whom rules matter a lot, though. Witness the people who have reacted to the new Maggotkin book by going out and buying 10 Beasts, players who bought four foxes, etc. They make up a definite minority of sales but they also spend a lot of money per person so they are significant to GW for that reason. 

I really doubt they're waiting to drop the FAQ for sales reasons, they will get a boost from the FOTM crowd as soon as it comes out that is probably larger than any hopeful buys people are making now. 

Plus on a more fundamental level I just don't buy GW has that level of joined-up thinking. Like are the people doing the FAQ reporting back to the inventory managers and being like "cast moar bullgors they are about to hawt hawt hawt!"? I really doubt it. GW doesn't give the impression of a company capable of that level of coordination.

Edited by yukishiro1
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