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1 hour ago, Barkanaut said:

Sounds like GW trying for force more magic down my Kharadron Overlords throat. First they tell us to buy sacrosanct now it seems we will have endless spells which makes 0 sense from a lore perspective. I just want KO wave 2 at this point to fix our army properly. Or at least one or two models that can offer us lots of buffs that isn’t some generic spell. :( 

I can imagine a "endless spell" release with some sort of machinery/drones with at least 1 "eating" magic or debuffing wizards

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The age of "dwarfs can't do magic" is past.
Duardin of this age are as magical as everything else, Fyreslayers are especially magical being kind of fire-imp thingies, one could say Fireys ;)
There's no reason that Duardin should have access to some cool magic stuff.
In fact it would be great if they did, both Kharadrons and Fyreslayers could really make use of some new fun units.

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I'd suspect the slannesh and keeper of secrets would come during the 40k heavy release, that way they can do it as a duel release and AoS still gets a release on a heavy 40k month.

I've been wondering about KO endless spells, and would they really fit. Personally I think they need them as otherwise they would end up being the only race that didn have them. However this does give GW the excuse to work outside the current mould of endless spells. They could go in a different direction, I'd love to see KO styled tech that has models like the spells, but work more as anti magic like olden dwarven runes. I'd love to something like defence turrets, Aether-gold deposit, fuel depot- that kind of thing. Have them absorb enemies spells of give buffs. That way they can have access to magic with out being flown blown fantasy magic.

1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

There is no such thing as a small goblin army.

I made a small goblin warband for skirmish. It's ended up at about 30 miniatures so far and no sign of slowing down! I can't wait to see how big my planned 'small' army of gloomspite grots ends up! haha

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1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

I’ll bet you the models were done a while ago - at least all the digital design.  My bet is that the release window simply got juggled for some reason.  I expect that GW has a couple of completed army designs (artwork, rule concepts, model digital sculpts) that they are sitting on at any particular time.  The lead times for a lot of this stuff is pretty long and the design team will keep churning out stuff regardless of release schedule.  

From there someone in logistics is probably figuring out the manufacturing lead times and how to best manage the sales windows throughout the year.  I very much doubt that they did not release this army earlier last year when rumors indicated simply because they wanted to keep it in the oven and cook it a bit more.  I think the business just juggled it for some reason.  But that said, I don’t really care about the wait.  I collected goblins for quite a long time and a bit more wait was not an issue.

At least some of the Gloomspite Gits models were definitely finished earlier last year if not even before then, one of the painters posted the Loonboss on foot on instagram just yesterday saying it was the first model she was given to paint for GW back in February last year. So I could definitely see them sitting on releases for quite a while probably waiting on rules being ironed out and letting people's excitement boil over waiting for whenever they think the best time to launch is.

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There's no such thing as a small goblin army...
That reminds me of a saying I've heard (and use) : All armies start small :)
Because whenever something new and shiny is released, it's always "I'll just do a small force" and it always ends up massive !
I can't see Grotz or Skaven or any other army being any different :)


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I’m glad slaanesh got mentioned, because I was somewhat fearfull we might not see slaanesh for an entire year until next januari. The fiends and harpist will Probably be released as seperate kits in a few months. Maybe there will be some extra stuff for slaanesh then. I’m hoping for a release the size of the new goblins (12 new kits?) but we’ll see. 

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5 hours ago, RexHavoc said:

I'd suspect the slannesh and keeper of secrets would come during the 40k heavy release, that way they can do it as a duel release and AoS still gets a release on a heavy 40k month.

I've been wondering about KO endless spells, and would they really fit. Personally I think they need them as otherwise they would end up being the only race that didn have them. However this does give GW the excuse to work outside the current mould of endless spells. They could go in a different direction, I'd love to see KO styled tech that has models like the spells, but work more as anti magic like olden dwarven runes. I'd love to something like defence turrets, Aether-gold deposit, fuel depot- that kind of thing. Have them absorb enemies spells of give buffs. That way they can have access to magic with out being flown blown fantasy magic.

I made a small goblin warband for skirmish. It's ended up at about 30 miniatures so far and no sign of slowing down! I can't wait to see how big my planned 'small' army of gloomspite grots ends up! haha

They could do awesome Kharadron stuff that uses Endless Spell rules but aren't "spells" per se. Like some kind of mechanical flock of birds used by arkanauts for reconnaissance, or a remote controlled missile, or an aerolized spray of aether-gold-derived stimms that enriches the mind and enrages the spirit.

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I don't know. I like my duardin lore consistent.... Even the knigh-incantor ally hurt my lore-love in that regard. 

Duardins should have some solid antimagic, not partecipate in the wizardry race.. I much prefer to be left out of the endless spell use than a wacky "some duardin can cast spells, now!"

Edited by Furuzzolo
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4 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

I don't know. I like my duardin lore consistent.... Even the knigh-incantor ally hurt my lore-love in that regard. 

Duardins should have some solid antimagic, not partecipate in the wizardry race.. I much prefer to be left out of the endless spell use than a wacky "some duardin can cast spells, now!"

In the main rulebook in the realm of metal sections it talks about the nations of "Azgal, Sigyorn, Patina, Prosperis, and Viscid Flux convene a great conclave of their mightiest aethermancers.." 

Azgal is referenced in the Kharadron Overlords book as being one of the pre-KO (before they took to the skies) duardin kingdoms. So it stands to reason there are Duardin wizards in AOS. Kharadron Overlords could have an Aethermancer and it would legitimately be plausible at this point.  They could have wind and aether-based magic and it would make sense in my humble opinion. Making ships and Endrinriggers/Skywardens go faster. It would be too cool. 

It wouldn't even have to be them using magic like most Wizards. It could be via "mechanical wonders"/technomancy,  like how the Aetheric Navigators use tech to see the currents of magic and call upon them to disrupt enemy spells etc. 

Edited by Lord Veshnakar
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3 hours ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

In the main rulebook in the realm of metal sections it talks about the nations of "Azgal, Sigyorn, Patina, Prosperis, and Viscid Flux convene a great conclave of their mightiest aethermancers.." 

Azgal is referenced in the Kharadron Overlords book as being one of the pre-KO (before they took to the skies) duardin kingdoms. So it stands to reason there are Duardin wizards in AOS. Kharadron Overlords could have an Aethermancer and it would legitimately be plausible at this point.  They could have wind and aether-based magic and it would make sense in my humble opinion. Making ships and Endrinriggers/Skywardens go faster. It would be too cool. 

It wouldn't even have to be them using magic like most Wizards. It could be via "mechanical wonders"/technomancy,  like how the Aetheric Navigators use tech to see the currents of magic and call upon them to disrupt enemy spells etc. 

I totally agree. Aethermancers perfectly fit. They can use come sort of aether magic, dispell Endless spells and debuff enemy casters. 

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5 hours ago, Aegisgrimm said:

I would like to see them use rune magic to make bound golems.  Would add some magic without seeing Duardin throwing spells around.

I can see how fyreslayer would create big Grimnir statue and activate it with runes (like Avatar of Kheine) 

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well, new endless spells are always good but a bit of lore nerd I really want to get my paws of grots book as this is the third major faction of destruction. But I really want to know what is the name of that damn darkoath casters name since the only one I am gonna be replacing in my army is her. also, new Slaanesh units mean it might be lust aelves idea of mine maybe real down the line.

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8 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

I don't know. I like my duardin lore consistent.... Even the knigh-incantor ally hurt my lore-love in that regard. 

Duardins should have some solid antimagic, not partecipate in the wizardry race.. I much prefer to be left out of the endless spell use than a wacky "some duardin can cast spells, now!"

Me too.

One of the first things that AoS don't have is a "magic phase". 

We have abilitites that we call "magic", and this abilities have to be rolled first and the enemy can try to stop them.  There are other abilitites that need one type of unit (Hero with CA) and spend resources (CP), others that just needs a roll (prayers), some armies have abilitites to heal/ressurect units or even summon new ones, so it's time that Duardins have their own rune-abilities:

From Animated automatons/golems with runes (some tipe of summoning maybe?), protective-runes (scenary/ endless spells for duardins?) or some type of cannonballs with runes that can dmg endless spells, wizzards or whatever (Everblaze comet for Duardins?)...

Just some brainstorming here, but you get the point.

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Personally as soon as I saw there was a KO warband in Nightvault I assumed this would be the initial route in to getting magic users into a KO force and get them some endless spell love. 

Seeing as every warband in this ‘season’ has or will be led by a magic user it seemed significant they’d slotted a KO one in there. Figured the leader will have to have some magic/Rune-Tech ability (or at least a strong anti-magic one).

Anyway I think they should have let KO ally with Collegiate Arcane, if a mercantile, pragmatic race can’t, for some hand wavey reason, use magic (rather than say actively hate it like Khorne) then, to me.  it makes in-universe sense they’d probably hire a wizard errant or 2, strap them to the prow of their sky ships and have them around to combat unforeseen arcane aerial threats.

If you’re all about the lore/narrative, then it could make a great bit of fluff for your army having a couple of down on their luck, disgraced human battle mages who having left one of the great cities after some sorcerous scandal now have to ply their trade on Duardin ships to make ends meet, with all the hilarious, banging head on low beams, odd-couple hi-jinx that would entail.


Edited by JPjr
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10 minutes ago, JPjr said:

Anyway I think they should have let KO ally with Collegiate Arcane, if a mercantile, pragmatic race can’t, for some hand wavey reason, use magic (rather than say actively hate it like Khorne) then, to me.

Trust Aethermatics, Not Superstition.

To quote the KO codex.

Command abilities should be explored more for non-magical/martial armies like Kharadron and Dispossessed. Fyreslayer could delve deep in the rune lore (even Dispo) but "magic" is just an interactive way to give abilities to an army...you can do that without wizards. Prayers are risky and not interactive (look at DoK), command points and "strategems" look on point, to me. 

Edit: both Dispossessed and KO can interact with magic with Runelords and Navigators. I know, KO players, Navigators sucks.... but hey, Runelords are greats!

Edit2: the quote was to point out that duardin not only don't use magic but they do not trust the wizards arts. That's why it's hard, to me, to see a magical expansions for Dispo, Fyre and Ko.

Edited by Furuzzolo
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20 minutes ago, JPjr said:

Anyway I think they should have let KO ally with Collegiate Arcane, if a mercantile, pragmatic race can’t, for some hand wavey reason, use magic (rather than say actively hate it like Khorne) then, to me.  it makes in-universe sense they’d probably hire a wizard errant or 2, strap them to the prow of their sky ships and have them around to combat unforeseen arcane aerial threats.

I hate this solution. 😋I didn't buy brand new shiny faction to be forced to buy old minis not matching the design of KO just to be competitive. It's really not hard to introduce new mini or two for KO to play a magic role with good lore explanation. Or rework some existing KO warscrolls to have magic or magic-like abilities. Same for Khorne. 

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16 minutes ago, Aryann said:

I hate this solution. 😋I didn't buy brand new shiny faction to be forced to buy old minis not matching the design of KO just to be competitive. It's really not hard to introduce new mini or two for KO to play a magic role with good lore explanation. Or rework some existing KO warscrolls to have magic or magic-like abilities. Same for Khorne. 

Magic for khorne and Duardins.

thats heresy!!

 what the dwarf and Khorne army really need is a great bonus in stopping magic.

well the idea to have magic like ability’s for a no magic force is great, just remember that khorne already has something like this in the form of prayers. And this prayers are in some terms very good.

Prayers an some kind of rune themed bonuses are probably are direction the dwarfs want to go.

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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