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2 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Not sure why he didn’t gift himself a second regular eye on his face instead of his palm...probably one of the worst places to put an eye.

guess he isn’t that great of a sorcerer 

When it comes to Tzeentch I don't think you would get much of a choice.

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22 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Not sure why he didn’t gift himself a second regular eye on his face instead of his palm...probably one of the worst places to put an eye.

guess he isn’t that great of a sorcerer 

It's a very good place to put an eye for perfect eye-hand coordination if you're hunting fairies (as anyone who has seen the fantastic films - Pan's Labyrinth - can attest too)

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5 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Not sure why he didn’t gift himself a second regular eye on his face instead of his palm...probably one of the worst places to put an eye.

guess he isn’t that great of a sorcerer 

Chaos followers don’t gift themselves things, their gifts come from the gods. 

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10 hours ago, Double Misfire said:


If you're looking to get really inappropriate, ask a Swede if the fancy playing though Bögenhafen with you ;) 


I played this back when it was first released and didn't think much of it.....but shouldn't we see the back of a demon as the reflection in the mirror?

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7 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Not sure why he didn’t gift himself a second regular eye on his face instead of his palm...probably one of the worst places to put an eye.

guess he isn’t that great of a sorcerer 

Yeah. Highfiving his buddies down at the local Tzeentch temple should be most painful.

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So as we have band release for nightvault on a week of his own release can we expect the other four bands to be released this month?? I just wanna see Darkoath minis. Maybe they will not be a perfect idea to how will that army go but we could see something cool.

Btw, my loved sylvaneth is other I wanna see. That tree revenant with bow makes me think if maybe we will see bow tree revenants or maybe is only because a kurnoth hunter is too much for the system of wh underworlds... please GW make something like skirmish but cool and with support.

Tzeentch army the only model I see cool is tzaangor... kairic are like half detailed for me, compare them to silver tower models and his clothes are so much elaborated. And the wizard.... I just feel it is not completed 

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35 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

So as we have band release for nightvault on a week of his own release can we expect the other four bands to be released this month?? I just wanna see Darkoath minis. Maybe they will not be a perfect idea to how will that army go but we could see something cool.

Btw, my loved sylvaneth is other I wanna see. That tree revenant with bow makes me think if maybe we will see bow tree revenants or maybe is only because a kurnoth hunter is too much for the system of wh underworlds... please GW make something like skirmish but cool and with support.

Tzeentch army the only model I see cool is tzaangor... kairic are like half detailed for me, compare them to silver tower models and his clothes are so much elaborated. And the wizard.... I just feel it is not completed 

They might space it out a bit because of the release of the new Speed Freaks game and the Ork releases for 40k, but I don't think it's out of the question to see at least one more pair of warbands this month.
I believe there's only going to be tree revenants and whatever the leader is in the sylvaneth warband at least if we go off the box art they released a while back, good thing about the revenants with the bow in the warband though is that it probably means we might see that for AoS proper eventually later on. My hope for skirmish is that they rework it to be similar to or incorporate elements of Kill Team, I've been finding it pretty compelling and I think they could easily make new game boards and terrain pieces based on the 8 realms (which could also help flesh them out even more from a lore perspective). They could even do some boards and terrain in the realm of chaos based on each of the gods as well.

Totally agree on the kairic acolytes, in comparison to the silver tower ones these are a bit bland that said though I still like them. I love the Magister, he's still recognisable as being one but just different enough so you know he's a named one. The cloak of feathers and trading out the third arm for the eye in the palm of his hand is a nice touch that adds to the uniqueness, also like the fact he doesn't have horns poking out of his head like the generic version and instead has that weird face plate/crown thing. The armour looks like it's a bit of a mix of the generic magister and tzaangor armour too which is pretty cool.

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10 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

but I don't think it's out of the question to see at least one more pair of warbands this month.

In the previous version Ironskullz Boyz and Sepulchral Guard came out a few weeks after the core box, then we waited until Feb for Spiteclaw / Fyreslayers. It could very well be the case that we don't see anymore until early next year, which would potentially coincide with faction book and model releases for moonclan / darkoath. If you look at the last couple of years some big releases for AoS have always come in March / April (2017 Tzeentch and Kahadron, 2018 DoK and ID). As such my belief is we will see Wrath and Rapture in November, Value boxes in Dec, Slaanesh codex and KoS in January, Shadespire warbands in Feb and army releases for Moonclan and Darkoath in March / April 2018.  

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21 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

In the previous version Ironskullz Boyz and Sepulchral Guard came out a few weeks after the core box, then we waited until Feb for Spiteclaw / Fyreslayers. It could very well be the case that we don't see anymore until early next year, which would potentially coincide with faction book and model releases for moonclan / darkoath. If you look at the last couple of years some big releases for AoS have always come in March / April (2017 Tzeentch and Kahadron, 2018 DoK and ID). As such my belief is we will see Wrath and Rapture in November, Value boxes in Dec, Slaanesh codex and KoS in January, Shadespire warbands in Feb and army releases for Moonclan and Darkoath in March / April 2018.  

Waiting for that sweet sweet Idoneth value box in december. This is basically right, oh I'm so hyped for new releases next year. Even if I have no intention of collecting them because I have my own AoS models are so exciting to see and look at. You never know what's going to wow you. I'm hoping Sepharon get an update next year as then I can have my 3 fav's all up to date for AoS. 

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A few months back Malign portens started with 4 characters with no full army. Then when that campaign ended we got sachrosant SCE vs Nighthaunt that is two characters army battle...

I know next box is wrath and rapture with daemons and I love it but how cool it would be to have a box of Darkoath vs Fungoid grots? Two big releases on a box and everyone going crazy... for November, with the other box and GW going nuts with swimming pools full of money... and december Mordheim in age of Sigmar with competitive packs... everyone will remember 2018 as THE year of exploding wallets

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18 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

I'm hoping Sepharon get an update next year as then I can have my 3 fav's all up to date for AoS.

Lizards will get a ne book, max. The line is rounded and one of the most numerous one. They where the only WHFB faction not getting chopped up and there is little to add without making the line bloated beyond necessity. Thing actually is, there is a certain saturation with lizardmen. Redesigning the line would result in an "invalidation" of existing models, and the question is, how GW could improve on the design without diverting to much from the current basics


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I feel like they might be well served to expedite the Underworlds (boy it's tough not to call it Shadespire) releases a little- from what I understand, the big lull between the release of Ironjawz/Guard and Fyreslayers/Swarm was really not a good thing for the game's popularity or take-up, and made it seem like Shadespire was an afterthought in danger of not being supported (having stuff be mail order only after the first few releases didn't help either). 

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The key is that Underworld/shadspire is the ideal side game to many armies; which means many people just aren't "interested" until their army is represented. This gives added weight ot GW getting the models out there sooner so that they can push the game forward faster. The more races they add the larger the player pool is. 

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11 minutes ago, Overread said:

The key is that Underworld/shadspire is the ideal side game to many armies; which means many people just aren't "interested" until their army is represented. This gives added weight ot GW getting the models out there sooner so that they can push the game forward faster. The more races they add the larger the player pool is. 

Agreed! In addition to that, inho it didn't help that the majority of Shadespire  warbands did not translate well into Age of Sigmar when they were given warscrolls.

I didn't delve into Shadespire  because the khorne warbands ,which interested me, felt subpar to their equivalents of Bloodwarriors and Bloodreavers when they got warscrolls and points.

It appears they are taking a different approach this year, by having one leader in each warband be a hero with a unique warscroll, which i like so far.



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@Overread If someone plays Shadespire and already has the models, i absolutely agree. 

But as a consumer currently playing Age of Sigmar, there is no reason to pay 22.5 euros for 5 Bloodreavers (Garrek's Reavers) with fixed poses when i can pay 46 euros for 20 Bloodreavers with full command, extra bits and customization options.

If the warscrolls were more thought out to be either an upgrade to an existing unit of Bloodreavers or had a unique hero warscroll like they do with Nightvault, i would surely pick it up and very likely branch out to try the Underworlds game as well.

Not saying the warscrolls should be an auto-include for Age of Sigmar competitive games, just useful or unique enough to help get AoS players interested in them and potentially delve into the board game as well.

They seem to have taken that into account with Nightvault and hopefully it will help increase sales even more and lead to us getting even more releases and support for that game.

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