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3 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

WHOOO HOOOOO! Soooooooooooo glad I learned the lesson that End Times taught and resisted buying all that cool Magnus related stuff and the 3 Storm books.

I feel so vindicated! 

And,  also, yay - I really want a new 40K so I play my Necrons again. 

Same here. It was tough but I could see what was happening last year. I'm really excited and can't wait

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I can understand that... but those books are not VERBOTEN. They just aren't going to be the primary mode of tournament play. There's nothing to stop you from playing with the books you already have, with your pals. Just like I can dig out my 2nd Edition Rulebook and play it. It was inevitable it was going to shift.

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35 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

Looks like half the entrenched 40K community is freaking out about having recently bought books.

Outrage is such a hot commodity these days I wager a good chunk are going to go out and buy books AFTER this news just to be outraged.

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I blame @Thomas Lyons for making me think this would be a big announcement, I knew my hype should have been tempered! /s

I am interested to see where 40K goes as I could make it my second game. And maybe pick up a nice, used army for cheap with these continued announcements and the "freak outs". :P

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I knew the announcement was going to be 40k. They tried to trick us by announcing it in the middle of SCGT, but I knew. 

They are clearly trying to transition more softly in order to avoid their mistakes with fantasy. Regardless, I'm sure the new "matched play" rules will still be convoluted w/ lots of special rules and split profiles which you have to keep jumping back and fourth between pages to know whats going on.

I don't like 40k. Its not that the game is not fun, its that
- Shooting is always the least interesting kind of tabletop, and 40k is 99% shooting.
- The constant rule updates mean that people are always having to buy new models to adjust to the meta and so the game promotes unpainted or poorly painted models. I'm not saying there aren't amazing 40k painters out there, but the average painting level of AoS is much higher, and the chances of playing a "totally gray army" at a local game is much more likely with 40k. 
- I don't love the lore and art direction. I really like 10% of the models and the lore, whereas with fantasy I really like 90% of the models and the lore (if not more).
- I don't like space marines, and about 75% of players are space marine-types, which makes the game fairly visually repetitive. 

The idea of just buying what I want and painting it is appealing, but we all know that is not going to be the case.  I'm sure it will be with 'open play' but finding someone else to play open play is going to be very difficult, and even so the games are going to feel silly where nothing really matters.

Honestly, unless tomorrow they come out with space death or something, I don't see myself ever getting into 40k. Even if there is an army which is really appealing to me, there is always going to be 3x more cool armies in AoS that I would rather make.

Last weekend a GW employee told me that a new elf book was coming and then some kind of new Tomb Kings. Meanwhile, deathrattle is getting reboxed and the rumor engine has a blatant skaven tail. I have no idea whats going on anymore.

Edited by WoollyMammoth
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8 hours ago, Gauche said:

I blame @Thomas Lyons for making me think this would be a big announcement, I knew my hype should have been tempered! /s

I am interested to see where 40K goes as I could make it my second game. And maybe pick up a nice, used army for cheap with these continued announcements and the "freak outs". :P

I accept the blame. The New GWtm has conditioned me to shoot for the stars.  I just anticipate they are only going to spit liquid sunshine and rainbow extract.

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3 hours ago, WoollyMammoth said:

- Shooting is always the least interesting kind of tabletop, and 40k is 99% shooting.

Going a bit off-topic here but 40k isn't supposed to be, melee is meant to be half of the game, but GW have always struggled to balance out shooting and melee, so 6th and 7th 40k have been far more shooting oriented then they should be, while during 5th ed melee was far more viable.


And I think the bit about the meta promoting rushed paintjobs is totally subjective and depends on the people in your area.

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@Bjarni St.
The first army i ever started was Necrons. They have been sitting in my closet for 5 years and now I'm trying to sell them actually. Its not because I don't like them but more because my painting and general hobby skill has progressed far enough that it hurts me to look at them. Despite that they do look cool, they were painfully boring to play. Walk, shoot, walk, shoot, walk, shoot. You can do some things but, last I knew that was the most effective way to play them regardless.

Helanhammer 170, they talk a lot about how the painting levels for 40k tend to be lower than AoS

That's not to say there are not great painters all over the place. I've seen some really cool stuff in my area.


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It is interesting reading the reaction comments on social media. I believe that GW learned a lot of lessons from AOS, and that the new 40k won't be too far away. They need to get this new edition out asap as people will slow down/stop buying models until they can see the new rules.
The sooner it's out the better for AOS, as they can then focus back on this game.

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I think we'll get a full slate of releases for aos alongside the 40k stuff, were currently sitting comfortably on a new book per month this year.

And to recap, we have rumour engine pics of scourge privateers/shadowkin, daemons of nurgle, a random tombstone that could indicate deathrattle (maybe with some TK stuff in #wishfulthinking) and of course that rat tail!

Exciting times!

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13 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

yeah yeah yeah..... we are all exited.

But this has absolutely nothing to do with AGE OF SIGMAR rumours

Actually it potentially does. If the same rule structure for AoS is used for 40k, what's to stop people staging mixed-system battles? It wouldn't even be that hard to explain fluff-wise. "One game to rule them all" and so forth...

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The whole thing is positive for the hobby, it will bring new people coming to the hobby may take up either system. As a returning player after a very long break I think all this new direction from GW is exciting. No matter what the universe or realm it's in.
Back to AOS, there should be some Nurgle goodness to look forward too. Another interesting comparison is that only Death Guard and Thousnad Sons are listed on the 40k site, no menthing for Khorne and Slaanesh? Will the write out Slaanesh completely or are they going to do it a latter date? T

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Not to bog down the rumour thread with 40k lore but the current event seems to be positioning the Edgar Death Deity to be laying the smackdown on Slaanesh. 


Also re: @WoollyMammoth's issue with the game being 99% shooting, my 40k playing friend was saying they're changing Assault to be "who charges first attacks first" instead of basing it on initiatives, which should give Ork Mobs the edge they've needed, instead of having them patiently wait their turn to fight after they've charged. 

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2 hours ago, DGH875 said:

The whole thing is positive for the hobby, it will bring new people coming to the hobby may take up either system. As a returning player after a very long break I think all this new direction from GW is exciting. No matter what the universe or realm it's in.
Back to AOS, there should be some Nurgle goodness to look forward too. Another interesting comparison is that only Death Guard and Thousnad Sons are listed on the 40k site, no menthing for Khorne and Slaanesh? Will the write out Slaanesh completely or are they going to do it a latter date? T

I think only TS and DG are listed under "faction" because they are the only chaos ones that recently had a proper update (Wrath of Magnus and DG incoming with the new edition). Which leads to think that Khorne and Slaanesh will probably have an update later on. I bet that for Slaanesh it will be along the AoS release as many kits can be used in both games.

A chaos release in 40k is always relevant for warhammer too because of daemons. I expect to see some new Nurgle (Beast?) for AoS soon!

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17 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

yeah yeah yeah..... we are all exited.

But this has absolutely nothing to do with AGE OF SIGMAR rumours

I think that the gathering storm campaign will be the showcase for new daemon units and models and naturally there will be the cross over to AoS as a result in the same way the tzaangors were.

daemons are important because they straddle both systems and new players can dip their toe into the curiosity pool without getting their pockets burnt, especially now that core rules will be free.

what gw can't and don't want was what happened under the devil Kirby blackout, where people get nervous and jittery and sales stop stone dead because everyone is waiting.  It's already startled to happen at one indi I go into, who has bought over 5k of stock only to have it sat on a shelf and not move.  His customers have said that until 8th lands they're not risking buying anything, and the same goes for his AoS and ghb2.

the fact the community is being drip fed what's to happen and how things will work is great, and they will hold the rules long before it lands I'm sure.

thryve also said 30k players will still stay on 7th but I'm sure that once a conversion book comes out be it free or paid tHe community will migrate naturally to it out of choices because they have nothing to lose. It's the way 8th should have transited to AoS.


i also thing that the rules will be of interest as it will also give clues to things that could be implemented or work in future AoS releases.

haters gonna hate, but the truth is that 40k players don't have anything to belly ache about, they're having the rebirth we w,ou,d have killed for in fantasy. 

Theyve learnt the hard w,at from fantasy, now it'll be interesting to see what we can pick up for age of the empermar :)

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