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What drew you to collect your Army


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Ultimately I think all my armies have started with an idea. Not necessarily something in the fluff (Although, these are the ones that have generally kept their appeal), but something that can be fashioned and worked into an army.

In AoS, I've collected 2 armies.

Slaves to Darkness - I really liked the look and appeal of a Chaos Undivided force in the classic (And IMO best looking!) black armour. But I also didn't want to build up a big 2000 point army during 8th edition of these guys, it didn't really appeal to me but nobody back then really wanted to play smaller games. I also had picked up the Be'Lakor and Crom the Conquerer models while they were still in metal because I really liked those models. So AoS was basically the perfect opportunity for me to start this army, as everyone was kinda starting afresh and playing smaller games that ultimately worked into larger forces. I basically started the AoS scene here because I ran an Escalation Campaign just so I could build this army :)


Free Peoples - That being said, Slaves to Darkness did take it's toll. I kinda felt that the force as a whole was a bit underpowered, and pretty frustrating as well in some aspects when you don't have any shooting attacks. My only options were to drive straight through my enemies, but plenty of enemies could drive straight through me and still out ranged me. So I knew my next army I wanted to have shooting in it.

I had built a few human forces in my time, an old Dogs of War army from 6th/7th edition, and part of an Empire army back in 7th as well. I also loved the look of the newer Empire models like the Griffon and the Demigryph Knights, so I think it was a really good fit. Ultimately this army (which is what I'm currently still working on) is a mix of new miniatures, 2nd hand miniatures, and old models I have that have been repurposed into this army.

So in essence I guess, this army started with the idea that I wanted an army I could build somewhat cheaply, had ranged attacks, and definitely appealed to me from a models perspective.

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I wanted to learn how to paint miniatures, and the rules finally seemed streamlined enough so I jumped into AoS as my first wargame this summer. I'd always loved the art and lore, and I almost went skryre, stormcast, and khorne, but who was I kidding beastclaw ogors was the best! 

On the painting side, a good mix of fur, skin, metal, guys and beasts. Aesthetically I loved the idea of full cavalry army on woolly mammoths and crazy gorilla-oxen.

Fluff wise I enjoyed all the beast lore and the everwinter is a great image. 

Table wise I was hoping for a competitive army that used the max amount of behemoths to drive around crashing into stuff and shooting death beams in random directions. I didn't finish assembling and painting everything before ghb17 put the kibash on competitive viability, but the playstyle is super fun, and with a ghb every year I'm not too worried.

Pic related is my Stonehorn Leadbelcher Beastriders!


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Skaven pestilens has been my first warhammer love ever since I first saw them. I still remember looking at some warhammer catalogue many many years ago and the unit that stood out was plague monks. Problem of course was that they were all metallic and for poor kid to collect metallic miniatures back in those days just didn't work out. So when years later I saw that skaven pestilens was aos army with cool verminlord and plague furnace models and plastic plague monks, I was sold.

Fyreslayers I started collecting for one simple reason: magmadroth. I like the slayers themselves fine enough but if it weren't for magmie, I would have never bothered with them. So any of you who say "armies don't need centrepiece models", oh trust me, they do.

Tzeentch army I started because I liked the idea of cultists running around fatemaster (even if he does suck) and lord of chance was badass model.

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The two things that drew me to Chaos were:

1. The old gargoyle from Hero Quest had evolved into this even heftier Greater Daemon (Bloodthirster),

2. Not only that there was a Greater Daemon for 5 different chaos gods!  And each (well almost) had their own lesser daemon infantry as well.  I guess I liked the symmetry in an army of "chaos" - I had always liked cycles of similar cards in each of the colours of MtG for example.

Despite that the other army that caught my eye were Dark Elves.  As such, of course, I opted for a Cult of Slaanesh as my first Chaos army (Dark Elves + Slaanesh daemons).  Now Slaanesh is the smallest of my branches of chaos.  The only reason I haven't gone after the current Archaon model is the lack of Keeper of Secrets head - it's just not a complete model! :P I need a plastic Keeper of Secrets head for a conversion but feel like it's going to be quite a challenge to do... 

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I started off with my Bloodbound for a load of different reasons.  I'd always wanted to collect an army for Warhammer (and in fact purchased loads of Dwarves at one point), but never quite got there.  When AoS came out and I saw the YouTube videos Duncan did, the Bloodbound jumped out as an army that I could get a really good quality tabletop army on the board pretty quickly.  So I picked up a cheap copy of the starter set and the rest as they say is history.  Back then, there were no points so myself and a few friends just based everything on the number of wounds the army had, so the Bloodbound rapidly grew until it's over 2000 points now.  Having an army that was mostly new models also made it a joy to put together and paint.

From there I now have a Deathrattle army (part assembled), Ogor army (in a similar state), Slaanesh Daemonette army (Diaz sculpts, still in blisters) and I'm now starting to dip my toe in with an Ironjawz army.  Deathrattle just appealed from the point of view of endless hordes of skeletons and Ogor was because I had picked up loads of old Ogre models years ago (and the same with the Daemonettes).  Ironjawz are the next "focus" because I've yet to play against an Ironjawz army where my opponent didn't look like they were enjoying themselves (it's very easy to become too serious).

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My first AOS army is the kharadron overlords wich was for me a logic step from collecting dwarfs since 8th edition. It all started as an experiment to build a unit of an arkanaut company from parts I had from unfinished dwarf warriors, thunderers and miners. This resulted in what I imagine the first kharadron warriors looked like during the age of extinction, with the aesthetic of the dispossessed but with custom build special weapons and armed with pistols and hand axes. 

Image of this unit can be found here:

This have given me a blooded tooth to discover and paint the official kits so these fellows can rule the skies of battle. 

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On ‎05‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 8:50 AM, Karchev23 said:

So i pin the question to you, what was your first AOS army? And what drew you to collecting them?

For me it starts a lot further back than AoS, my first AoS armies were all from my old WFB armies who I chose to flip over into service for the new game.

The first AoS army I played (rebased) was my TK, they were my favourite army before AoS and I wanted to keep going on them, it also helped that they were a pure unadulterated power list before the points tweak.

From there I then decided to flip my dwarfs over, this was actually an act of contrariness as I specifically chose to only use models from the 80s & early 90s (when I think they dwarf figs had the most character) so it was all about taking really old things and jamming them into a new setting to give them a new lease of life.  They were great fun & looked good but still suffer a little from the same problems dwarfs have always had.

After there I went off chasing the meta and tried out a mixed chaos list which was basically all about buffing up 6 combat stormfiends and launching them across the table with Sayl (obviously no longer a thing).  List was a mix of skaven and some nurgle elements to give me the punch and the survivability, was a bit of fun but wasn't quite ticking the box for me.

I was hunting around for a while at this point and messing about with a few different armies.  I ended up adding a few bits to the TK for an event where I ran a filthy netlist  copy of what had done well at the UK masters.  I then flipped back to order and tweaked my dwarfs to be a mixed order gunline vaguely in the style of the event winning lists of the time.  That was a core of dwarfs shooters with a skink screen, a hurricanum and a frostheart.  This one was built for the specific requirements of not duplicating scrolls for the 6 nations to try out how the gunline worked if you took out the kurnoth hunters. I had most of that painted anyway so it was just a case of a little rebasing, so during this time I was painting up Khorne Bloodbound because I'd picked up 2 of the Christmas boxes (great value and solid core of an army). 

So for 2017 it was mostly Khorne and then once they were complete I expanded out my Tzeentch daemons (again from WFB days) into a full Disciples of Tz army.

Hmm just realised that I missed doing a moonclan army at some point in the middle of all of that too. That was part rebasing, part painting new stuff.

So my first army for AOS was just old armies.  The only army that has been an out and out AoS creation was my Bloodbound but I am now working on KO.

As to what is my favourite army... All of them!


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I always wanted to play the chaos dwarves. Back in the days I didn't have enough money to buy a full army and they weren't supported as well as they are now buy GW/FW. That's why I used to play dwarves. Though I'm a bit sad they'll probably never get their own allegiance abilities.

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I went with Ironjawz after some heavy soul searching, and a long story.  First off, if I had the money and time for it, I would have a decent sized collection of models from nearly EVERY army.  There are only a few models and armies that don't interest me, but the majority are cool to me, and I would be the guy to have shelves full of complete armies just to look at.  However, I do not have the time and money to do so, and as such I try to stick with more modest and humble collections.  Considering the fact that I have managed to stick with a single army after a full year is an achievement in and of itself.

So anyways, my story:

After getting over the End Times and death of the Old World, I decided to give AoS a shot with the release of the first General's Handbook.  I grabbed it, and used the Matched Play army structure as a guideline for planning out an army.  I originally wanted to go with a Chaos army, specifically, Khorne, since they were in the Starter Set.  Not long after, I lost focus.  I now wanted to put together a Slaves to Darkness Chariot & Cavalry army.  But I couldn't come up with a good paint scheme that I liked, so I put it on hold.

Right after that, I made a decision to research the various armies, put more time into planning my purchases and figuring out what I want out of the game, and figure out a color scheme and personal fluff that I can get excited for as much as the official lore.  I can't afford to get everything I want all at once, so I need to make smart decisions about what I truly want for an army.  So I made myself a list of requirements that I wanted in the army - all plastic, decent costs, starter boxes/army bundles, and a recently released army book in hardback.

Going through everything, I settled on Ironjawz.  An all-plastic army, had the Battleforce last year in addition to the Start Collecting box, and the fluff in the army book got me excited to make my own army - Da Crimson Crushas.

And I have managed to stick with them so far without straying into other armies or even other games.  Which, if you knew my hobby ADD from years back, is a remarkable accomplishment for myself.

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I like knights a lot, and love the colorful look of bretonnian armies. Too bad i'm late in the party. Since you know they are discontinued and i'm not gonna ruin myself on ebay.

But i'm looking for new models to see i can make my own army of colorful knights. They dont have to be alive tho, so maybe pick some Black Knights and paint them in bretonnian fashion ? I dont know Like an army of dead knights who comes back to fight some glorious battle for eternity. For ze Lady !

Too bad stormcast dont have horse with nice robe, and i dont know how to sculpt so cant custom much the palladors mount. I'm pretty much a beginner in miniatures so converstion are out of my reach for now. But if i can do stuff like that that would be perfect (well i still have the problem to found mounts)




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Khorne mortals. I like the idea that in a world full of war my guys have become tired of being pushed about and decided to do something proactive about it.

I also really like the models and have enjoyed painting them over the past months. In addition really like the synergies and crazy strategies you can do with mortals, daemons and slaves. Plus allies now too.


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I have always had a true love for fantasy (meaning imaginative stuff) and colours, so when I came across Warhammer nothing excited me more than seeing a crazy army of reptile warriors and wizards known as Lizardmen reigning supreme in the jungle...

I fell in love 'cause they were in my eyes the true embodiment of (Warhammer) Fantasy, while the other races were simply the same old Tolkien's stuff: elves, dwarves, orks, dragons, etc.

Now with AoS everything is moving away from the traditional fantasy style, and I couldn't be happier: we see flying armoured pirates, monstrous cannibals who believe they are noble knights, ... and the "simple" Lizardmen has become Seraphon. Feral beings filled with magic who give space and time little meaning, and who represent the very essence of the universe: inscrutable, sometimes silent and cold, sometimes brutal and frightening, but always seeking balance and justice.

How couldn't I love it?

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13 hours ago, Sance said:

I like knights a lot, and love the colorful look of bretonnian armies. Too bad i'm late in the party. Since you know they are discontinued and i'm not gonna ruin myself on ebay.

But i'm looking for new models to see i can make my own army of colorful knights. They dont have to be alive tho, so maybe pick some Black Knights and paint them in bretonnian fashion ? I dont know Like an army of dead knights who comes back to fight some glorious battle for eternity. For ze Lady !

Too bad stormcast dont have horse with nice robe, and i dont know how to sculpt so cant custom much the palladors mount. I'm pretty much a beginner in miniatures so converstion are out of my reach for now. But if i can do stuff like that that would be perfect (well i still have the problem to found mounts)




Well, you could just use different horsemen in a mix, like dragon blades, cold one elves knights, black knights, demigryphs... Why not? otherwise former caledor dragon princes are your best bet :)

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My first and favourite army... Nurgle.

Always loved their theme and lore and the fact that there are always something to convert or kitbash if you feel like it. When I started playing AOS after more than 15 years away from WHFB, I instantly fell in love with the Blightkings and the Maggoth Lord models. However lately I have grown tired of the much needed Nurgle update still not even previewed and for now my Nurgle army is being painted and terrain made but no further expanding. Instead I have started building up a Tzeentch army (most daemons). Thus I am forfilling my teendream of owning units of Pink and Blue Horrors. Back in the days such a unit would be so insanly expensive to buy since everything was sold in metal blisterpacks. That was never going to happen but today I can easily field 90 horrors. Wohooo

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My first and only love started as The Empire in 4th edition Warhammer Fantasy, using my first paycheck to purchase The Grand Theogonist Volkmar riding his War Alter. I liked the look of The Empire models with their puffy shirts and eventually fell in love with their backstory. 

Human's are the ultimate underdog story and there is no greater story than the basic humans (Empire/Free People, Imperial Guard in 40k, or general Human in Dungeons & Dragons) being able to defeat their overpowered enemies of Chaos / Undead / Orcs / etc.

I'm now moving to Flesh Eater Courts because I'm inspired by a narrative and creative idea that I'm planning to explore. 

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Nurgle Daemons are my primary army, with some Slaves for when I want to break out the Herald of Decay. I've always had a love of  Nurgle, particularly in how he expresses genuine affection in the most backwards way imaginable. Plus there are Nurglings, which as we all know are the real superstars of the Warhammer universe.

I'm working on various Skaven armies too, because Skaven are one of my favorite fantasy races. Primarily focused on Pestilens, but Skryre and Moulder as well. I have a small Moonclan force too, but the sheer volume of unpainted spearmen I have to work through is depressing. I have a Start Collecting Seraphon box that I'd like to build upon later.

Eventually, I'd really like a standard Greenskinz army, if I can ever lay my hands on a a wyvern. Similarly, I would love a Brayherd army, but some of my favorite Beastman models are getting hard to find.

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