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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Moldek's Scavengers

In the shadows of broken peaks, grim beings lie in wait, Carrion eaters, madmen, freaks, creeping beneath the gate - excerpt from "Songs and tales of the Mountains" by Armont de Carnesec So I've been slowly but surely working on my warband. I wanted to wait until everything was perfect but I think it's a good time to take a step back and show what I have so far, all very WIP of course. Most models are at 90%, I have some detail work to do one some of them, maybe go over the whole band



Weekly Hobby Update : 7-26-17

Hey Everyone!  The Paint is really beginning to flow on my Hobby Table.  Also with Nova Fast approaching, I am trying to play as many games as I can to prepare for all the events!  It is an exciting time for Age of Sigmar as well with the announcement of the Generals Handbook 2017 coming in August, be sure to check out the video announcement.  It is a real gem! My Blades of Khorne Color Scheme was decided and I got to work on my Bloodletters.  It took a good portion of my Saturday, but I manag



My favourite

Hi pals, here's my first entry for this blog. For this "event" I want to show you one my favourite model: SLAMBO.  He embody all I love about Chaos Warriors. Hope you may like it.   I kept a simple colour scheme, for this and all other chaos model of my army. Armours are deep black with no decorations, and the second color is an oxidized brass used only in some detail.



What's in Aesthetics

So today I'm going to write about aesthetics and why the sub-faction break down was both a good and a bad thing for Age of Sigmar.   Games Workshop at the beginning (and still is) in a tough spot when they decided to reboot the Warhammer Fantasy game. They wanted to create a world, where you could focus on a particular faction, or branch out and collect whatever you want. They wanted to create worlds where they could introduce new factions into the game, and wouldn't have to launch a h



1.1 - Motivation

1.1 Motivation Do you want a job requiring probably hundeds of hours of work with no pay and the possibility of financial liabilities? Yes? Welcome new TO! The AoS calendar, at least in the UK, is jam-packed full of tournaments . So in full, in fact, that you could probably do 40 tournaments a year if you were stuffed full of cash, passionate about motorways… and were very, very single. People all over the UK - and beyond - give up their time and take on board sizable responsibilities

Marc Wilson

Marc Wilson

The Azure Tempest (finally) hit 2000pts

Hello all, it's been some time since my last post! I won't beat around the bush - as was the case with many I'm sure, 8th Edition 40K stormed into my life and Age of Sigmar was, quite simply, put on hold while I sorted out my first 1000pts army. Beyond the miniatures themselves, there were a number of scenery pieces that needed painted and assembled and in between all of that, I'd been chipping away on my Nurgle Daemons, who I'm hoping to have a dual existance with in both my 40K army and my eve



The Ancient Waystone

For the Realm of life table I wanted to add in a piece that called back to the Old World, so I thought that an Elven Waystone dedicated to Allarielle would be a nice way of doing this. It could be kept standing through the powers of the wanderers and have some magical effect that bolstered the Sylvaneths power. One of the challenges with making this from blue foam is keeping all the angles consistant. To solve this I b cut a rectangular block and then cut a wedge from a a second piece to ma



Player Spotlight : DJ

Hey Everyone!  This week I wanted to continue my new segment where I talk to a club mate about his Hobby and his efforts in Community Building.  Today I will be talking with DJ who I have known since I began playing Warhammer years ago.  DJ has taken on a large task within our Local Community.  While I have been trying to grow and develop my local club, DJ has been embracing Wargaming, Board games, and Tabletop RPG's by creating a group for everyone to chat and discuss all the tabletop goodness.



Building the Silver Tower

One of the things that I have wanted to make ever since the South Coast Grand Tournament was my very own Silver Tower as the centrepiece terrain feature or my Tzeentch  table. I wasn't sure what to use as the start of the model though, until I came across this cheap (£6.99) lighthouse from The Range. I thought with a bit of tweaking it would work as the base for the model.  The first thing that I did was remove all of the shells and nautical decoration. It had al been attached with a g



The Sisters

As mentioned I've been working on a squad of sisters of slaughter. I don't feel as if these guys are near my best work - but they look great at a distance. I also got a tad bored painting them; finding the skin tones tedious at times. I may have gone overboard with the gore but it does fit in with their lore. After all, these guys are meant to live to fight. Let me know what you guys think. Hope you all enjoy the progress updates! It really means a lot to share this army with the commu



Tales of Yelena Stormheart 1

Here are my first two tales for my chamber. Both take place when Ionus Cryptborn arrived with a dozend Stormhosts to support Vandus Hammerhand and Thostos Bladestorm on the mission to recapture Ghal Maraz in the Book 'Quest for Ghal Maraz'. I wrote this story in two parts (used about 2 hours to write 'Departure to ordeal' yesterday and translated it today for this blog). Have fun Edit: I actually did some rewriting in this two stories, and after they are part of the same plot



Character descriptions of the Blazenhearts 1

So, here are my first characterdescription to give parts of my characters some background. I wrote these in german and translated them for this blog in english. Hope I didn't make much disspellings and grammatical errors. I think there could be some controverial points about some things, but I think there would be a possiblitiy in AoS. And even Stormcast Eternals couldn't be flawless The three Liberator Primes have there models, but these are not painted yet. Judicator Prime, Yelena Stormh



Dicehammer GT Part 1

On July 8th and 9th the Southern Califonia Age of Sigmar community got its first (annual?) Dichammer Grand Tournament at At Ease Games. The event was put on by a local tournament organizer that goes by the name of Nick Dicehammer along with Scott Reed. They used matched play scenarios from The General’s Handbook along with secret agenda’s that must be picked prior to starting the game. This was the first two day AoS tournament, that I am aware of, that was held at a local game store and not at



Weekly Hobby Update : 7-19-17

Hey Everyone!  My Hobby is finally starting to gain some momentum.  Considering Nova Open is about five weeks away it is about time I try to kick it up a notch.  My recent vacation time has invigorated me to get back at it as well.  Spending a week away from my Hobby table was the best thing to refresh myself and make a push to finish my Blades of Khorne. My Club held a Shadow Wars: Armageddon event this past weekend with the store kit and it was a fun and relaxed day despite there being pri



Braggoth's Beast Hammer progress 2

While the forum was down I managed to get converted mournfangs painted. I like the outcome, the poses are quite natural. I usually don't like banner bearer models, so I made my own that is much cooler than the "official" one.  I started with gore gruntas, but it's summer and there has been a very long pause. So I have only one painted. I wanted to make him brown skinned like my bonesplitterz, but the is would have been just one big brown model. I am not entirely happy with the colour s



Southern Impact TO's Report

So last Sunday was Southern Impact, the last schedule tournament for the year in South Australia. After a good turn out at Gobbocon (13 players), I was pretty confident in getting more players to Southern Impact. That being said, I was a little worried when I found out that Warhammer 40k was dropping in June. Would the new edition mean people weren't interested in playing Age of Sigmar? Luckily enough, my doubts were unfounded, as we got our largest turn out in years! We had 15 players paid



Falling for Chaos : Part 1

Hey Everyone!  If you have known me for a bit you will know that I prefer to play the "Good Guys".  Aleves, Duardin, and more recently Stormcast Eternals are my mainstay.  I enjoy their background and how in The World That Was Order was typically the underdog and on the backfoot, but despite the inevitable End Times they still fought and tried to save it all.  Whenever I would buy a starter set or a bundle I would always sell or trade off the Chaos without a thought.  I never truly identified wi



What to do with Greenskinz

So I was reading the July White Dwarf, and came across the section about the artwork of the Orruks. What struck me immediately, was how awesome the artwork was for the 6th edition Orcs and Goblins army book. You've got this big slab of Orc  standing there, not armoured to the bone, but with a decent amount of metal and furs and the like. And in some ways, it got me a little inspired about the Greenskinz. At some point during 8th edition I aquired a whole bunch of Orcs, intending to run big



Weekly Hobby Update : 7-12-17

Happy Wednesday Everyone!  Vacation season is upon us, but that doesn't the Hobby has to stop.  Hopefully, your summer is full of fun in the sun as well as plenty of Hobby! Reading list set for Vacation.  High Elves on the Beach! It has been very humid and hot in the Northeast U.S. lately and it has stalled my project work as I have been unable to prime for a week or so, but I was able to get the primer down just before leaving for vacation.  I am using my vacation to step away from touc



My Southern Impact Army

Well, we're 4 more sleeps until Southern Impact now. My army is all finished, so figured I'd run through it and what I think of the units I plan to use. Note, I certainly don't strive for the list to be 'top tier', I work within my theme and do the best I can with it. I also will only be playing if we have odd numbers, so it's fine to have an army on the weaker side (Since I won't be able to win any prizes anyway). So without further adieu, here's the army: The Army in it's entire



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