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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

The Gaunt Summoner and Colour Theory

This was an early progress shot on the Gaunt Summoner that I painted up for my Tzeentch army as a little break from all the terrain that I had been doing recently. I wanted to do a really fun and brightly coloured miniature, but the problem that this leads to is how do you balance all of these colours so it still works as a model? @Vincent Venturella and @StoneMonk talk a lot about colour theory and the colour triangles and this was something I wanted to try and emulate on the model. However I h



Braggoth's Beast Hammer in Action

Short writeup, but summary is at the end. Battleplan: Scorched Earth Armies: Points: 2000 Free Peoples/Bretonnians: 5 Grail Knights 8 Knights od the Realm 5 Freeguild Outriders 10 Freeguild Handgunners 3 DemigryphKnights 16 Peasant Bowmen 16 Peasant Bowmen 10 Freeguild Greatswords 1 Empire General (general) 1 Noble Champion 1 Battlemage 1 Damsel 1 Trebuchet Beastclaw Raiders: 1 Frostlord on Stonehorn (Tokens of Everwinter) 1 Hunter (Pelt of Charng



Rogue Idol unboxing!

Hi all! Check out my unboxing of the newly re-released Orruk Rogue Idol! I'm really happy they are producing these again and can't wait to paint mine up for my ironjawz as an ally for 2000 point games



Da Big Blue Fist: Introduction

Long ago in the Age of Wonder the Bonespitterz that would become Da Big Blue Fist were just one clan among many that roamed the jungles of the Plane of Beasts in search of their monstrous prey.  This all changed when a great blue star fell from the Heavens and crashed into the jungle. The prophet of the clan saw the star fall and thought it might be either a sign from the gods or a great celestial beast to slay and led his Bonesplitterz to the site where the star touched down.  They arrived at a



The Story so Far

It all started a couple of months ago, I dug out my old Battle for Skull Pass set and hit the town going to local shops to see if anyone in my town was playing AoS. Eventually I found a shop and the owner told me that they were starting a Path to Glory campaign. I got very excited, bought two boxes of Ironbreakers/Irondrakes, and I put them together in one night! At my first outing for Path to Glory I brought a list of : Warden King, Warriors, Thunderers, Cannon. I played 3 games my first day, l



Nova Open 2017 Impressions Part 1

Hey Everyone!  Hope you had a great week of Hobby with plans for more throughout the weekend.  Today I want to bring you more coverage of my time at Nova Open 2017 looking more at a general recap, how I spent my time and all the great people I got to know better, meet, and spend time with throughout the weekend.  In one of the next posts in this series, I will do a more in depth breakdown of my games so keep a look out.  I am sure I missed mentioning a few people in the sections below and if I d



Weekly Hobby Update : 9-6-17 (Nova Recap Edition)

Hey Everyone!  I am back from Nova and sadly don't have much in the way of my own hobby due to the event, but today I did wish to bring you my pictures (warning there will be a lot of large images on the page) from The Capital Palette Painting Competition that was held at Nova Open. What I really enjoy about The Capital Palette is how the awards are based on the skill of each individual model and not a standard 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  In any category, there could be four golds or no golds etc...



Tales of Clan Machi I

Here is the first story my skavenclan. I know the my chars didn't really speak like skaven but I don't have an entire grammar collection of skaven. I think my clan has some feeling of a cult with a charismatic and feared prophet. And here comes the story. If someone finds errors, its nice to hear. And now, just have fun : One year before the Scabrous Sprawl campaign, the last betrayal  



Clandescription and Characterdescription Skaven Warlord "Zrik Nightclaw"

So, I have translated my stories I wrote for the skaven. To get a little faster through it I use the google translator this time and read it to search for errors. Hope I didn't oversee something. First the clandescription: I have a story work in process where my Celestial Vindicators are fighting in the Scabrous Sprawl but I'm not finished yet with it. I think Ratskit has a little wipe of another charismatic bold leader who leads a brotherhood. And the following is the character



Yelena! let arrows rain upon our enemies

So, they waited for over a month (started painting them end of July), but I just finished the judicator retinue that's led by Yelena Stormheart. So here they are:   Another thing. I bought Blightwar today, (but I think I will have more use for the daemons than the stormcast models). It's just sad that Neave Blacktalon is a named character and she is actually bound to the "Hammers of Sigmar" (I  don't like the golden colortheme of the Stormcast Eternals posterboys).



The Tribes joined in + plan for the first 1000 Points

All righty then. The Tribes joined in to protect eloni from the chaosforces. Hier are the first 20 painted Tribesmen that would be played as Freeguild Guard with Spears and Shields I didn't paint them in the standard like my Stormcasts, because it would take quite long and I think it would cause motivationproblems again. And there spiritual leader (there shaman or battlemage)   Also I made my plan what I should paint to get my first 1000 points. So th




I just painted up some fellwater troggoths for my Ironjawz force as the new generals handbook allows them to ally with ironjawz. They are great models, full of character and charm. I hope you enjoy the video!



RCGT2 (Redland City Grand Tournament)

In August 2017, the Thunderstrike Brotherhood hosted RCGT2, a 2 day Age of Sigmar tournament with a 2,500 point limit.  There was a lot of uncertainty leading into the event as it was the first major event using a 2,500 point limit and happen to coincide with the end of the original General's Handbook. This is my story from the event; RCGT2 Player Pack -------------------- Game #1, Benjamin James, Blades of Khorne, Border War Helmut von Hass, leader of Altdorf's Company



Hobby Tunes

Hey Everyone!  Nova Open is in full swing right now with live coverage from Warhammer TV as well as pictures all across Twitter so be sure to check out what is going on.  Today I wanted to discuss what I listen to while I am building or painting in at my Hobby Desk and what I have heard others do as well be it for background noise, a distraction, or a form of motivation while they are deep into the Hobby.  At the end, I added some playlists on some of my Hobby Music Playlists for you to judge an



Back Again!

Guess who! So, I have a deadline of the 11th of September, as I am heading to Nottingham with some mates and I know they prefer painted on their tables. So, I have to get the ironjawz done! Due to points changes, I am shelving the ardboyz, replacing them and the ironfist with gore gruntas and a grot shaman. So now I have to finish: 1 megaboss, 10 brutes, 3 gore gruntas, 1 shaman. All close to start/middle of painting. The brutes nearly have their armour done. No pictures as yet, but I



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