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This blog is dedicated to my various projects in the hobby. Thx for taking a look and coming along for the ride.


Entries in this blog

The Penitent Crusade: Patriarch Ignatius And His Devoted Procession

Patriarch Ignatius, supreme head of the religious arm of the Church Of Saint Simeon leads a grand procession of the faithful zealots against the enemies of the Crusade.  Bearing relics of the Saint himself into battle the Patriarch whips the faithful into a reckless frenzy before unleashing their righteous fury on the heretical foes before them.    Here are my converted Abhorant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist  along with his converted Flagellant Ghoul followers.  



The Penitent Crusade: Lord Stephanus

Here is my Infernal Courtier, Lord Stephanus Grand Master of the Order Of The Broken Lance. The Order Of The Broken Lance are the vanguard of the Penitent Crusade. Made up entirely of Infernal Courtiers and Crypt Flayers they rush forward to meet the foes of the Crusade with reckless abandon. The beginnings of the Order go back to the time  of the Carrion King himself.  In the early stages of The Atonement War the Carrion King lead an insane charge into the strength of the massive Khorne ar



The Penitent Crusade Of Saint Simeon: An Introduction To My FEC

During the Age of Might the Kingdom of Odentia in the Realm Of Death was a quiet fiefdom far removed from the main population clusters of the Realm.  The political power in the Kingdom centered around the Order Of The Bended Knee, a loose association of knights who controlled the local countryside from their scattered feudal holdings. The Order’s political power was buttressed by their role in the religious ancestor worship/veneration that dominated the cultural landscape of the kingdom. The pop



Realm of Shyish: Table Terrain Project

With the Legions Of Nagash and Malign Portents I have finally found the motivation to finish the Shyish themed table I started awhile back.  I collected a bunch of terrain for my Shyish board, assembled it but never got around to painting it.  My hope is to really get on it. Here are my first two pieces, a set of the Hobbit Ruins and a Shyish themed Realmgate. 



Nagash's Muster

With the new Legions Of Nagash Battletome finally giving Death some love I have started the process of rebasing and finishing my Death army.  My first goal is to focus on getting both a Grand Host Of Nagash and a Legion of Sacrament list up and painted.  I have most of the cheap units painted (80 skeletons, 60 zombies, 10 Black Knights, 10 Dire Wolves) just need to get them rebased. I also have Nagash and Arkhan in the box ready to be built. My first step to getting this project going is co



Da Big Blue Fist: Leaders

Daankop, has not been the leader of the Da Big Blue Fist clan for long.  Always gifted in the shamanistic ways of the tribe, he had served the previous Prophet as a Wardokk for many years.  A few years ago the simple nomadic existence of the tribe had been interrupted by the appearance of strange warriors from the heavens. Wrapped in gold and bathed in blue lightning these warriors descended from the sky and waged war across the plane of Ghur.  Da Big Blue Fist met them on the field of battle an



Da Big Blue Fist: Introduction

Long ago in the Age of Wonder the Bonespitterz that would become Da Big Blue Fist were just one clan among many that roamed the jungles of the Plane of Beasts in search of their monstrous prey.  This all changed when a great blue star fell from the Heavens and crashed into the jungle. The prophet of the clan saw the star fall and thought it might be either a sign from the gods or a great celestial beast to slay and led his Bonesplitterz to the site where the star touched down.  They arrived at a



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