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About this blog

 I just started with the hobby just a couple of months ago and I thought it would be really cool to detail my journey so far. I am currently working on some Dispossessed, as I started with an old Battle for Skull Pass set, but I am constantly making plans for the next army I want to buy, and constantly changing them. (So far I've thought about : BCR, FEC, Wanderers, Skyre, and the current one I am debating about is Moonclan).  I haven't played any variant of Warhammer (never did actually play fantasy, despite owning a starter set) since I was a young 12 year old, and I played with some Space Marines but I could hardly paint. After that I bought a lot of LoTR miniatures because my friends and I thought they were very cool, tried painting them (didn't work out so well) and we just used to play huge battles on top of Lego castles.  It's been almost 14 years since I've done anything with the hobby and I am super excited to be back into it!

I hope you you enjoy reading about my misadventures as a new comer to the hobby!

Entries in this blog

The Story so Far

It all started a couple of months ago, I dug out my old Battle for Skull Pass set and hit the town going to local shops to see if anyone in my town was playing AoS. Eventually I found a shop and the owner told me that they were starting a Path to Glory campaign. I got very excited, bought two boxes of Ironbreakers/Irondrakes, and I put them together in one night! At my first outing for Path to Glory I brought a list of : Warden King, Warriors, Thunderers, Cannon. I played 3 games my first day, l



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