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Painting, conversions, battle reports... mostly ogor related

Entries in this blog

Firebelly painted

After long pause, after painting lots of Blood Bowl miniatures I bought new Feast of Bones box - ogor half of it. Plus Great Mawpot. I started painting them, converted some into Ironguts, Hunter and added Firebelly to the tribe.  I painted Firebelly first, there is small upcoming painting contest and I wanted to try out object source lighting. It took some time and I cannot say I'm content with it, but it's best I could. As an additional remark -  I haven't painted many finecast models, but



Blood Bowl teams

I've really been into Blood Bowl and played/painted AOS much less, so here are my teams so far (2 on them commission, not based). If the upcoming Wood Elves team is nice, that's my next project. Edit: and for the record I added my Wood Elves team as well. Finally a shot from little Street Bowl league with StreetBowl Cup:



Blood Bowl Ogre Team Conversion

After having played mostly Gutbusters/Beastclaw in AOS, of course I had to try to play Ogre team in Blood Bowl! At first only online, but now I finally finished tabletop ogre team. I didn´t like any available ogre models, so I bought 5 regular human GW ogres plus Grak and Crumbleberry from ebay and kitbashed/converted them into different positions. Not much - I changed the heads and arm positions, also replaced one hand with Orc Thrower hand. Just minor changes, but overall look became quit



Braggoth's Beast Hammer vs Ironjaws: battle report

Battleplan: Knife to the Heart Armies: Beasclaw vs Ironjaws Points: 2000 Ironjaws 1 Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (Ethereal Amulet) 1 Megaboss 1 Grot Shaman 10 Brutes 5 Brutes 3 Gore Gruntas 10 Ardboys 10 Ardboys +Redtooth and Brutefist or something battalions and Maw endless spell Beastclaw Raiders: Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders (Shyish) Frostlord on Stonehorn (420) - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet Huskard on Thundertusk (360) - General - Trait: Everwinter's Master



Troggoth Hag painted

I finally finished my Troggoth Hag. Very nice model, but a pain to put together - lots of mold lines and hands didn't fit together at all, plus the joints left great gaps. I used a lot of greenstuff to fill in the gaps and make it okay to look at. But otherwise the model has many opportunities to try out different painting techniques and colour scemes. Blending the belly, trying to give everything slight greenish tinge was very challenging.  Base is Deathworld Forest with Athonian Camo



Troggoth Hag in action - battle report

There is an upcoming small 1000 point tournament, so no Braggoth Beast Hammer this time, but for a long time I have wanted to paint and play the Troggoth Hag. So I squeezed her into my 1000 points and had a couple of test games. Both against Ironjaws and with slightly different lists. First game we played the scoring wrong and it was a short game, second was bloodbath. No pictures, because Troggoth Hag has not arrived yet, so I used a proxy. Summary is at the end. 1st game Battleplan:



Skirmish Warband Final

The skirmish campaign  is at it's end - today will be the final battle. So far the Stormcast have been victorious: 1 minor and 4 major victories. As I planned, I mostly invested in high movement and ranged attacks. And after 5 games I can say that movement is one of the most important characteristics in skirmish battles. My warband's damage output is less than medicore, I won only one battle by wiping enemy out (and even there I just killed the general by dumb luck and others models ran away), o



Skirmish Warband new recruits and conversions

I was able to finish my heroes before the next game.  Both of them converted - Knight Azyros from prosecutor and Lord Relictor from liberator. I tried to make them both as similar as possible, so very simple conversions, nothing fancy. I also painted one Paladin Retributor - I have 8 points spare from last minor victory and I am not sure, should I get Paladin now, or collect renown and then take Relictor for 16 points. I must say Stormcast are surprisingly interesting to paint - simple, but



Skirmish Order Warband

There is an upcoming Skirmish campaign in my local shop. I didn't plan to participate, but on the last moment I reconsidered. Which also meant I was in a hurry to get some models. I didn't want to play with my usual Destruction and I have always wanted to paint some Stormcast models. I asked from local community for spare Stormcast models and got few Liberators, two Paladins and two Prosecutors with hammers. I converted one Liberator to Lord-Relictor and one Prosecutor into Knight-Azyr



Braggoth's Beast Hammer battle report

It's quite long battle report, but there is a summary at the end. Battleplan: Scorched Earth Armies: Beasclaw vs Slaves of Darkness Points: 2000 Slaves of Darkness 1 Mighty Lord of Khorne 1 Exalted Hero 1 Bloodsecrator 1 Hellcannon 1 Chaos Gargant 10 Chaos Hounds 15 Bloodreavers 5 Chaos Knights 15 Chaos Warriors 15 Chaos Warriors 5 Chaos Chosen Beastclaw Raiders: Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders Frostlord on Stonehorn (460) - General - Trait: Everwinte



Ogor Butcher conversion completed

I made a second Bucher conversion for my Gutbuster/Beastclaw army. I used Blood Bowl ogre. It is a little bit smaller than usual ogors, but not noticeably so, and has really nice dynamic pose. Gives some variety to otherwise quite similar and static ogors.  So I put Ironblaster ogor head on him and hands from regular Ogors. That required some greenstuffing and cutting, but it was easy enough and I hid the flaws with shoulder plates. Cauldron is also from Ironblaster/Scraplauncher kit, fille



Ironblaster completed

On the first day of 2018 I completed Ogor Ironblaster. I was a very nice model to paint, however, as a hindsight I must say that I should have made the cannon darker, more bronze-looking. Would have looked better overall. There can be seen my fist try of OSL shining from the lantern. It does not really look like one, but it's okay for the first try, I will try again next time. I used yellow glaze mixed with little bit of the same yellow I used for lantern. Considering its rules I don't thin



Blog import

I just imported my old blog from other hosting site to here. After some initial troubles it seems to be working now. It will be the place to post my painted miniatures, WIPs, conversions and occasional battle reports. Mostly Ogor or at least Destruction related stuff. I started with the hobby quite recently, therefore I'm still a beginner in both painting and gaming. Currently I have an Gutbuster Butcher conversion in progress and unpainted Ironblaster waiting in queue.



Converted Butcher WIP

The second Blood Bowl Ogre was meant for Butcher conversion. I wanted it to pose him differently from Tyrant, use other hands etc. While converting the tyrant was easy kitbashing, there was much more to do with a Butcher. I attached normal Gutbuster ogor's arms on it and used Grot Scraplauncher bits for cauldron, both required some greenstuffing and messing with wires for chains. Anyway, now the greenstuff is hardening and it looks rather nice. I probably add some body parts fallen from the caul



Converted Tyrant

I just finished new converted Tyrant for my Gutbusters - some day I want to try out running two tyrant list. But mostly I just wanted to paint the Blood Bowl Ogre and kitbash some weapons to him. I really like the dynamic pose of the model. It's very good alternative to any Gutbuster hero model. Or it can well be made into Maneaters. My next idea is to convert an additional Butcher from the same Blood Bowl model, but this requires a bit more than just kitbashing. I added some pictures for c



Blood Bowl and New Ogor Tyrant

Haven't had much hobby time for a long time, but now the mojo is back and a little bit more time as well. I had few games in the meantime, tried out my regular Gutbusters list (Tyrant, Butcher, ogors, ironguts and leadbelchers) and irongut heavy list (Tyrant, leadbelchers, and lots of ironguts). The last one feels good, definitely want to try it out more. Ironguts really need some luck to be effective, but if they have luck... wow, can they up the carnage! From the last tournament my



Braggoth's Beast Hammer in Action

Short writeup, but summary is at the end. Battleplan: Scorched Earth Armies: Points: 2000 Free Peoples/Bretonnians: 5 Grail Knights 8 Knights od the Realm 5 Freeguild Outriders 10 Freeguild Handgunners 3 DemigryphKnights 16 Peasant Bowmen 16 Peasant Bowmen 10 Freeguild Greatswords 1 Empire General (general) 1 Noble Champion 1 Battlemage 1 Damsel 1 Trebuchet Beastclaw Raiders: 1 Frostlord on Stonehorn (Tokens of Everwinter) 1 Hunter (Pelt of Charng



Braggoth's Beast Hammer ready

Finally my braggoth's battalion is ready. Just few weeks before new GHB release, it would be just my luck if it makes this battalion unplayable... I had this battalion idea from April and already had Frostlord on Stonehorn and four mournfangs. So I bought new mournfang set and start collecting Ironjaws (and took only gruntas from it and traded the rest for 3 additional gruntas). Since May I have been converting and painting these 10 models... Mournfangs were okay, but painting the grun



Braggoth's Beast Hammer progress 2

While the forum was down I managed to get converted mournfangs painted. I like the outcome, the poses are quite natural. I usually don't like banner bearer models, so I made my own that is much cooler than the "official" one.  I started with gore gruntas, but it's summer and there has been a very long pause. So I have only one painted. I wanted to make him brown skinned like my bonesplitterz, but the is would have been just one big brown model. I am not entirely happy with the colour s



Braggoth Beast Hammer in progress

Just a small update of my Braggoth Beast Hammer progression. From the pictures the gore gruntas riders were nice, but mounts' pose was too relaxed. I wanted to make gore grunta mounts a bit more dynamic, like I did with mournfangs, but it is VERY hard to convert these models. Therefore I settled with grunta riders instead, giving one Brute's left hand and other mournfangs leader weapon and changing their head position a bit. I really like the one with two weapons myself. Here's the ide



Tournament Battle Report

Today was my first tournament ever. So far I have only played against bretonnians/free people and twice against chaos demons. Therefore I was really looking forward to it. Battleplan: Take and Hold.  Armies: 1000 points My list: Savage Big Boss, general (Bellowing Tyrant, I used it with his command trait giving additional hit rolls on hit rolls of 6) 20 Savage Arrow Boys 3 Ogors 3 Ogors  5 Savage Boarboys  Huskard on Thundertusk First game F



Mournfang conversion WIP

I'm in the process of making a Braggoth Hammer battalion. I already had 4 mournfangs, so I wanted to make next models a bit different to get some variety. Currently I have 3 gore gruntas, but when I get the other 3, I'll make something similar with them. If the result turns out okay.   I want to make some of them in rearing position, although repositioning their legs is much harder than it seemed. But repositioning the riders is even more difficult, because if a mount rears you lean forward



Wurrgog Prophet painted

I finally finished Wurrgog Prophet. I like the model very much, great details and very enjoyable to paint. I don't really need it for games, I just wanted to paint it.  However, I messed it up a bit: tried out new glaze medium, which worked fine at first, but left paint very glossy after painting. Then I soaked it in denaturated alcohol to get the paint off, but it is finecast model (?) and it went soft and I lost small details. Also I could not get the primer out from the smallest cracks. 



Tournament preparation battle report 2

Our small tournament will be in the end of May, so we tried some more lists. I exchanged Butcher and Tyrant for Huskard on Thundertusk, Bretonnians came with the same list. We played two games, Blood and Glory and Escalation. First game: Battleplan: Blood and Glory Armies: Points: 1000 Bretonnian army: 5 Grail Knights 8 Knights of the Realm 5 Freeguild Outriders 10 Freeguild Handgunners 1 Empire General (general) 1 Paladin 1 Paladin Standard Bearer 1 Battlemage



Savage Big Boss and Wardokk conversions

I had some leftovers from Savage Boarboys, so I made Savage Big Boss and Wardokk from spare legs/bodies. I have Wurrgog to paint, then I think I'll stop painting bonesplitterz - as it turns out, horde armies are not my favourite to paint, I tend to get bored and therefore hurry to finish the models. Currently I cannot imagine that painting another 20 savage orruks could be very interesting. Single models are more like it.  Big Boss has body/legs from boarboy, hands from Big Stabbas. I stret



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