The skirmish campaign is at it's end - today will be the final battle. So far the Stormcast have been victorious: 1 minor and 4 major victories. As I planned, I mostly invested in high movement and ranged attacks. And after 5 games I can say that movement is one of the most important characteristics in skirmish battles. My warband's damage output is less than medicore, I won only one battle by wiping enemy out (and even there I just killed the general by dumb luck and others models ran away), otherwise I managed to kill one or two models. But I was able to keep away from the enemy, rarely lost any models and just fulfilled the objectives.
For the last two games I took Vanguard-Palladors (love the models!) - their damage output is rather low, but 5 wounds, good save and good movement. So they are my tanky units. Today's the last game, we'll see, how it goes.
Here's my final warband, 87 renown:
Knight Azyros, general (converted from Prosecutor)
Lord-Relictor (converted from Liberator)
Judicator (converted from Vanguard-Hunter)
Freeguild Handhunner
Doomfire Warlock
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