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About this blog

The Faithful of Elony are my version of an Human/Aelfish civilisation, living in Elony (a continent in Ghyran) and mostly worshipping Alarielle. Some of the devoted to Sigmar Models should be priests or normal people, that go fanatic because of there loses to the age of chaos, some of them are worshipping Sigmar, but the there faith is something that helps them survive.

I would mostly play the army as a Free Peoples army (even I use mostly Wanderers Models)

The Mainproblem is, that GW has no real human models what would fit to Ghyran Civilisation.

The Army contain actually the following units:


Order of the Verdant Cycle

Nomad Prince (80)

Waystrider (80)

10 x Glade Guard (120)

10 x Glade Guard (120)

10 x Glade Guard (120)

20 x Eternal Guard (140)
20 x Wildwood Rangers (240)

20 x Bleakswords (180)

Total: 1080

Maidens of the Verdant Cycle

High Priestess (160)

Schwester Christina (160)

Paladin Sister Champion

Defender Maiden Captain (80)

Handmaiden (120)

Priestess (100)

- Heartwood Staff

Handmaiden on Steed (130)
Dragon Noble
- Reaver Bow & Starblade

10x Maiden Defender (100)
10x Maiden Defender (100)
2x Maiden Chariots (180)

10 x Archer Maiden (180)

10 x Archer Maiden (180)

10 x Archer Maiden (180)

5 x Maiden Council (220)

5 x Maiden Council (220)

5 x Maiden Reavers (140)

5 x Maiden Reavers (140)
10 x Maiden Knights (260)

10 x Maiden Knights(260)

20 x Paladinsisters (320)

Total: 3050


The Forelorn

Excelsior Warpriest (80)

Warrior Priest (80)

- Sigmarite Warhammer & Shield

Warrior Priest (80)

- Sigmarite Greathammer

Witch Hunter (40)

- Pistol & Silver Greatsword

War Altar Of Sigmar (250)

Warrior Priest (80)

- Sigmarite Warhammers

20 x Flagellants (160)

20 x Flagellants (160)

Total: 930


The Tribesmen

Battlemage on Griffon (240)
Battlemage (110)

Archmage (100)
Freeguild General (100)

- Shield & Sigmarite Weapon
Freeguild General (100)
- Great Weapon
Freeguild General on Griffon (280)
- Greathammer

5 x Reavers (140)
5 x Reavers (140)
20 x Freeguild Guard (160)
- Spears and Shields
20 x Freeguild Guard (160)
- Spears and Shields
10 x Freeguild Archers (100)
10 x Freeguild Archers (100)

6 x Demigryph Knights (260)
- Lance and Sword
6 x Demigryph Knights (260)
- Lance and Sword
10 x Freeguild Greatswords (120)
10 x Freeguild Greatswords (120)

Total: 2490

The Allied guard of Mithrilfels

Freeguild General (100)

- Great Weapon

6 x Demigryph Knights (260)

- Lance and Sword

5 x Freeguild Outriders (120)

5 x Freeguild Outriders (120)

Total: 600


Total: 8150

Entries in this blog

Growing of the Tribes

After I made the Thread in the Modelling and Painting Subboards I didn't wrote more blog entries. To give a little update here. Since September 2017 the project contained Tribesmen. Here the blogentry Those were only planned as a mixed force at the beginning. Since june 2019 those guys are growing to become a recogniseable force on there own. Already Painted are these guys. Chieftain on Griffon Shaman on Griffon Shaman Demigryph



Update July 15, 2018 Reinforcements have arrived

Okay, I did a little building again for my maidenguard Actually I build 2x10 Maiden Defenders (didn't glued the Shields yet) A Handmaiden on Steed And 2 Maiden Chariots (not glued yet, because I brush the deers normally after shading) Even when not using the fan made Battletome it gives me more variation because the Maiden Defenders (Bleakswords) are Battleline and I can build an Order army with combined with the reavers.



A naming problem

Hi Guys, at the moment, I'm a little slow at painting because of soccer WM (even as germany left in the group phase) Yesterday I realized something when looking for the name "Order of the Yellow Rose" Once there is a monk Order in D&D as it looks like: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Monastery_of_the_Yellow_Rose and there was someone on Twitter saying that his son joined the Order of the Yellow rose. So the order is a real thing? Hm, I know that I used places o



An own fanmade Battletome for the Order of the verdant cycle?

So, I made a little building for a fanmade Battletome (it's my nonlayout style again because it makes changing stuff easier). I called it "Order of Flowers" so different Alarielle following orders could be made. My order of the yellow rose is only one of them. Order of Flowers version 0.9 As you know, the Order of the Yellow Rose was planned as a mix of Humans and Aelfs Worshipping Alarielle. (but for once, there is no way taking Humans as Allies for Aelfs and so on). At the momen



A little more Building

Alright, a little more building. I got my order for 4x Sisters of the Thorn and 1x Sisters of the Watch and my plan building Sisters of the Watch styled Reavers worked. I didn't get them spears because profilewise it didn't make sense. In the profile they get them spears and the Champion has a sword (because this was the way it was with the Spire of Dawn models). But, the spear and the blade have literally the same profile (the blade has 1 attack more, but its because it's the cha



Updates until June, 17, 2018, more WIP

So, to give a little update for the last week. My Ranger part of the army got another 10 Eternal Guard (so the unit contains 20 now) and 10 Wildwood Rangers). Actually don't have pictures of it because it's not really interesting showing mostly noncoverted minis. A little more interesting should be, that I made a High Priestess containing parts of Yvraine and parts of the Sisters of the Thorn. Actually I don't know that warscroll I should use (Spellweaver looks a little wasted here). I



Updates until June, 10, 2018

So, to give a little update here. I both another 10 Sisters of the Watch (to fill the third Battleline) and a Nomad Prince (except I don't know if he really fits with Antler) into the Order of the verdant cycle). After Path to Glory only has the Nomad Prince as Herochoice for Wanderers right now (okay Sisters of the Watch are not even part of it, but would somebody say something against it if they were took instead of Shadow Warriors?), I made a Kitbash Nomad Prince for my Maidensguard



Girls going wild

So, I painted my first 5 Wildrider models for the all female maidenguard today. I know, the actual warscroll doesn't have shields (while they are in the sprue from 8. Edition WHFB). I think the shields are quite fitting for them. Now I have to paint the other 5 models I have, that are containing the Champion (after I switched the head, so the champion could have a sword instead of a spear) and the banner bearer.  



Oh deer, a little Building a little painting.

To give a little update here. Thursday I painted the deers of the first 5 Wildriders Still haven't painted the Female Riders I showed last time. Today I build some new stuff for the army. I build another 5 Sisters of the Thorn (didn't make a picture). Build another 5 Wildriders I build my first 10 Eternal Guard, after having my Tribesmen. At the end I thought, maybe I should have some more heroes when the new Edition arrives, so I build something that coul



A little reconstruction

Okay, after all the time I did nothing about this project, I did some reconstructing. At first I planned, using mostly Freeguild Warscrolls for them, but there is quite a little to much Wanderers Style in them. For a little organisation, I structured the Army in "Order of the verdant cycle", "Maidens of the verdant cycle", "the Forelorn", "Tribesmen" and the "Allied guard of Mitrilfels"  First here is the List Orden of the Verdant Cycle Sister Christina (100) Loremaster



The Tribes joined in + plan for the first 1000 Points

All righty then. The Tribes joined in to protect eloni from the chaosforces. Hier are the first 20 painted Tribesmen that would be played as Freeguild Guard with Spears and Shields I didn't paint them in the standard like my Stormcasts, because it would take quite long and I think it would cause motivationproblems again. And there spiritual leader (there shaman or battlemage)   Also I made my plan what I should paint to get my first 1000 points. So th



Characterdescriptions of the Faithful of Eloni

Here is my first characterdescription for my faithful army. Its the description for sister Christina, my Free Guild General of the Order of the verdant cycle. There is already a hint, that she met with my Stormcast Eternals (How the Stormcast Eternals gets there is still Work in Process). For everyone who is wondering, I called the town 'Rosenheim' in the german version (Mithrilrock is called 'Mithrilfels' there for example. You guys already know Mithrilrock from my characterdescription of



First Models painted

Here are my first models painted for that project. These models are part of the Order of the verdant cycle. Freeguild General (Sister Christina) Freeguild Archers (Rangers)



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