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Darkling Spawn

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About this blog

A Blog for the Lords of Naggaroth

Hey all!

I'm a young medic and in my free time, like you all, I paint and collect warhammer. It's a fantastic hobby which has been with me for years. Since 8th edition I started a small dark elves force. Alas with the transition into Age of Sigmar my incomplete force was put aside whilst I worked on other projects. Now I'm revisiting the models, in light of a possible future re-release? Not to mention the dark aelves are beautiful beyond measure.

Here I will post up my progress with my dark aelves for Age of Sigmar. I will post up progress updates, lists and whatever I deem relevant to the Witch King of Naggaroth (RIP).

Hopefully you all enjoy this blog. I'll try to make it as interesting as possible.

Currently I have:

- 10 Har Garneth Executioners
- 10 Bleakswords
- 5 Cold One Knights
- 10 Sisters of Slaughter
- 2 Repeater Bolt Throwers
- 1 Supreme Sorceress
- 10 Mengil Manhide's Manflayers

Most of these models are unpainted. I have recently started back on them and will post as I progress.


Dark Elves Art.jpg

Entries in this blog

The Sisters

As mentioned I've been working on a squad of sisters of slaughter. I don't feel as if these guys are near my best work - but they look great at a distance. I also got a tad bored painting them; finding the skin tones tedious at times. I may have gone overboard with the gore but it does fit in with their lore. After all, these guys are meant to live to fight. Let me know what you guys think. Hope you all enjoy the progress updates! It really means a lot to share this army with the commu



The Assassin

So I decided to finish up one of the heroes of the army and there really isn't much else to say. This guy (below) was easy to pile into an afternoon. Everything is neatly divided on the model and the cape has lots of flats which allows for easy blending (which I definitely still need to practice). Further, I'll admit the lighting is a little off but I was trying a sharp contrast - if he was leaping out of the darkness and into the light. I've also finished up some sisters of silence, but I'



The Bleakswords

Figuring that every army needs its battleline I decided to finish off a unit of bleakswords. These guys are nice and quick to paint. Really fun to smash out. If anyone is looking for a quick unit to work on between projects then I would definitely recommend considering these guys. I also tried taking Old Stonebeard's advice and turned down the lighting a bit to give the photos a more natural feel. I think it's helped slightly but I'm fairly limited in what I can do in my current location. I



The Knights

So I know it hasn't been long since I last posted but over the weekend I finished up a unit of cold one knights. So I figured might as well put up some pics! I've been trying out a few new techniques with them - it was actually my first time using an airbrush for the cold ones and I'm really happy with how they have turned out. I figured a purple cold one, so that if I ever feel like painting traditional nagarrythe units I will have no problems with getting the models to match. Then the sta



The Executioners

Welcome all. So the first unit which I've decided to finish up are my Har Ganeth Executioners. So far 9 of the 10 are complete, I just have the standard to go. Given the idea behind Har Ganeth I have decided to theme my army in red. This way I can build an army of Har Ganeth with Khaine as the core theme.  Comments and Criticism Welcome! Well without further a due here are my executioners: Clue "It is said that a fully-trained Executioner knows the way to kill any



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