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A Southern California Age of Sigmar community page.

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Huge Age of Sigmar Contingent at LVO 2018

Los Vegas is always fun, with the shows, restaurants, attractions and of course the drinking and gambling.  For us though the thing that brought us to the town was Warhammer.  Over a thousand hobbyists and players visited the convention hall to see, talk, and play their favorite tabletop games.  For me that was Warhammer, Age of Sigmar. Battles in a mythical flavored world where the gods walk amongst men and send their chosen to fight for control of the realms.  From Azyr the reforged of the G



Dicehammer GT Part 1

On July 8th and 9th the Southern Califonia Age of Sigmar community got its first (annual?) Dichammer Grand Tournament at At Ease Games. The event was put on by a local tournament organizer that goes by the name of Nick Dicehammer along with Scott Reed. They used matched play scenarios from The General’s Handbook along with secret agenda’s that must be picked prior to starting the game. This was the first two day AoS tournament, that I am aware of, that was held at a local game store and not at



Running a Demo Event

About two months ago I organized and ran an Age of Sigmar Demo event at Kingdom Con in sunny San Diego. I wrote most of this article a couple of weeks after the event and paused right when my schedule got out of control. Now I am revisiting this article with the perspective of also seeing the results of community engagement. With the amazing help from my buddy Rob from our Wednesday AoS group I feel we put together a great event. Kingdom Con is a four day game convention that hosts The Broads



Community Player Spotlight – Tyler Hamil

Welcome back to another edition of our Community Player Spotlight series. This time around I am interviewing one of our top players, Tyler Hamil. Since it did not come up in the interview, I would like to congratulate him again for taking 2nd overall in last years ITC rankings. Enjoy! Name (Nickname): Tyler Patrick Hamil (SlickKid) Club: I have learned through the Age of Sigmar community that you don’t necessarily need to belong to just one club. I have become friends with players all over t



Community Player Spotlight – Frank DeLoach

As the lead blogger for the Age Of Sigmar Community team I thought it would be a great idea to recognize and interview members of our local gaming community. For our first interview I reached out to one of my favorite AoS players; Frank DeLoach. Frank and his clubmates are top notch players and amazing members of the community and I couldn’t think of anyone better to start with. Without further delay here is the interview: Name: Frank DeLoach Club: We Slay Dragons (W.S.D. for short) Home F



Spring 2017 At Ease Carnage

Saturday was the Spring At Ease Carnage, a one day Age of Sigmar tournament in San Diego California. It was hosted by one of our local FLGS’s At Ease Games and run by our superstar TO Scott Reed. Not only was this a super fun time but it also served as prep for a two day GT in San Diego called The Broadside Bash at the end of April. Scott has been working on tuning The Generals Handbook’s matched play scenarios to include secondary and tertiary objectives. This approach is very similar to what



Adepticon 2017 Championships

After a little more than a month after going the Las Vegas Open I went to Chicago to attend my first Adepticon. I was under the guise of visiting friends and family for a week while fitting in the Age Of Sigmar Championships Saturday and Sunday. My list was very comparable to what I brought to the LVO. The biggest exceptions being there was no sideboard, and my Chaos Spawn is now exclusively keyworded Tzeentch. Three days before adepticon I banged out 10 Chaos Marauders to replace the Spawn alo



Age of Sigmar Podcasts

With the release of Age of Sigmar in the summer of 2015 we saw a fracturing of our community. Players moved on to other games, quit wargaming all together, or embraced the new AoS system. This fracturing carried over to some of our favorite podcasts. Some started covering other games, quit podcasting, or stuck with the new edition of Warhammer fantasy. Some of the old guard that are still with us and include Garagehammer, CanHammer, HeelanHammer, Facehammer, and the Bad Dice podcasts. For me,



Southern California Age of Sigmar Update

As some of you may have noticed Age of Sigmar in the Southern California area has been booming since the end of last year. On March 3rd we had two one day RTT’s in the area garnering over 20 players.  Since January of this year there have been a total of  8 one day tournaments. On top of that we had the Las Vegas Open which many of us drove to attended. It is my opinion that the rise in popularity of Age of Sigmar in Southern California can be attributed to 4 things (on top of The Generals Hand



Las Vegas Open 2017

I have now had two weeks to recover and reflect on the Age of Sigmar GT I participated in at the Las Vegas Open. Frontline Gaming partnered with Games Workshop and really put on a hell of an event. FLG even had their new battlemats, forest scenery, and a boatload of GW terrain on hand for some epic play areas. The event ran Saturday and Sunday, each day consisting of 3 games from the Generals Handbook. (As it turned out we played all six scenarios in order.) I had 6 amazing games with most comi



Empires At War!

Yesterday was the last Age of Sigmar tournament for me prior to the 2017 Las Vegas Open. It was hosted by Game Empire Pasadena and jointly run by their staff and Scott Reed. The event used a similar rules pack to LVO’s. 2000 points with a 500 point sideboard from the General’s Handbook.  Again I brought my Nurgle Rotbringer list led by The Glotkin and his Lieutenant Bloab Rotspawned.  My sideboard had 500 points of Daemons of Nurgle but I did not dip into them for the event. For my first game



At Ease Carnage Tournament Recap

Yesterday was the At Ease Carnage tournament held at At Ease Games in San Diego. The event was run by our very own Scott Reed utilizing the upcoming Las Vegas Open tournament pack. The turnout was phenomenal! We had 20 players show up for the 3 round event. It was the largest Age of Sigmar tournament in the SoCal area to date. For the tournament Scott utilized West Coast pairings. This automated the matchup process along with Swiss scoring and ITC points. At Ease Games provided all the tables n



Review: Bladestorm

I just got done reading Bladestorm by Matt Westbrook. It was the first full length novel of The Realmgate Wars series I read from the Black Library. I have read a few other books but they were collections of short stories or novelettes.  To date it is the best Stormcast Eternals book I have read. It is probably a toss up the The Call of Archaon featuring 3 Champions of Chaos fro my favorite Age of Sigmar book. In his book Westrbrook sends Lord-Celestant Thostos Bladestorm and his Celestial Vind



Green Tower Games ITC Battlehost Tournament Recap

Yesterday was the Age of Sigmar Battlehost Tournament at Green Tower Games in Santa Clarita, CA. The event had 8 players show up for a one day 3 round scrap. Once again I brought my Nurgle Rotbringers led by The Glotkin. There was another Chaos Nurgle, Tzeentch Slave to Darkness, Skaven, Stormcast Eternals, Ghoul Kings, Duardin Dispossessed, and Bretonnians armies present. The rounds drew the following scenarios: Escalation, Gifts from the Heavens, and Blood and Glory. I was paired with Ian



White Dwarf October 2016

The follow up issue to the new White Dwarf monthly format lived up to expectations. It featured the new release of the Genestealer Cult for Warhammer 40k and contained a bonus comic book set in the grimdark. As far as Age of Sigmar content goes White Dwarf featured A Tale of Four Warlords. This appears to be an ongoing feature where four Games Workshop employees started with a Start Collecting AoS faction. In October’s issue we were introduced to their paint scheme and new additions to their ar



Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts

For the third installment of the Realmgate Wars gaming supplements Godbeasts appear to be the first to have an original storyline. The previous two books drew from Black Library books offering abridged versions of the narrative. As the title suggests this book is about a couple different types of gods in the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar universe. There are five primary gods; Sigmar, Alarielle, Grimnir, Gorkamorka, Nagash along with the four Chaos gods. There are also what are called Godbeasts. One



The Realmgate Wars: Balance of Power Review

Balance of Power is the second installment in the Realmgate Wars released by Games-Workshop. Like it’s predecessor, The Quest for Ghal Maraz, it contains a condensed version of the Black Library novel Warbeast, 8 new Battle Plans, and an assortment of new Warscrolls and Warscroll Battalions. The story continues with a rag tag group of Stormcast Eternals and remaining forces of Alarielle the Everqueen’s Sylvaneth host and their desperate retreat from the forces of Chaos. The Lady of Vines, cradl



Lords of War Tournament

Yesterday was the Lords of War tournament run by Scott Reed and hosted by At Ease Games in San Diego. We had 10 players show up for a one day three round event. The tables were beautiful. At Ease Games has a bunch of F.A.T Mats from Frontline Gaming and a huge range of terrain. On a given day At Ease Games can accommodate at least 10 6’x4′ mats with a ton of terrain.   Scott, the Tournament Organizer (T.O.), utilized bestcoastpairings.com for registration and matchups. The program allows th



Warhammer Quest: Arcane Heroes

On Saturday we saw Games Workshop put up another expansion for Warhammer Quest titled  Arcane Heroes. It gives players 5 more playable characters for both The Silver Tower and Age of Sigmar. Along with the Mighty Heroes expansion this brings the total number of playable models to 15. Arcane Heroes includes: Grey Seer Chaos Sorcerer Knight-Heralder Sorceress Skink Priest Before I get to value I would like to point out the Sorceress model is an old Night Elf Sorceress model. GW did not use



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