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About this blog

In this blog I will post my progress in makong terrain and a warband for a minor chaos Deity (Moldek), and the background that goes with it

Entries in this blog

Fully painted!

Even before the Realmgate collapsed, there was an air of defeat, an atmosphere of fear to this region. The bloody wars of yore left the valleys filled with bones and broken metal, blood washed away by the rains. Gigantic skeletons slowly turn to stone while moss and shrubs cover the ruins. Not many newcomers venture on the old road, and the sparse hamlets are half empty. There are tales of old magic of course, and creatures grim and faceless that dwell in dark places. Who knows what corrupt



Moldek's Scavengers

In the shadows of broken peaks, grim beings lie in wait, Carrion eaters, madmen, freaks, creeping beneath the gate - excerpt from "Songs and tales of the Mountains" by Armont de Carnesec So I've been slowly but surely working on my warband. I wanted to wait until everything was perfect but I think it's a good time to take a step back and show what I have so far, all very WIP of course. Most models are at 90%, I have some detail work to do one some of them, maybe go over the whole band



The stalker

As the path crossed a small clearing, Harek stopped and turned to look behind him. The forest was quiet. Just the dripping tune of a hidden creek down in the depth of the valley, and up in the peaks, the wind howling. Yet he felt watched. Maybe the darkness was getting to him. Barely any light passed through the thick canopy of the giant pines. was something moving behind that tree? Just a bark-snail leeching off a rotten stump... with slightly unsteady hands he made the sign of the travell



The cursed sheep

Here is the first mini of my project. It's not GW, actually it's just a toy farm animal but I think it sets the tone of this project quite well; this is not about gigantic hordes fighting high stakes battles for control of the realms. This is about skirmishes on the fringe of civilization, mutants raiding small farms, corrupted cattle, and all that "aesthetic of the pathetic" I keep hearing about!  



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