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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

500 point mini game BoC vs KO

Visited FLGS last night and a friend challenged me to a mini pickup game of 500 points of AoS. (I had my BoC army still at store from last weekend's 1000 event).  Matched Play: 500 points Mission: Starfall (played on 2x2 board so edited mission so that objective would drop in center of either board rather than 3 locations). Lists: BoC: Greatfrey: Allherd - 1 x Beastlord  (General, Command Trait: Dominator, Artefact: Blade of Desecrator) - 1x 10 Ungor (mace and



January 2

Today I finished the Branchwraith off and began to lay down the base coat for my Treelord Ancient. On top of that, I began painting some test Blood Angels with a drybrush scheme, to try and get it as close as possible to my current scheme. It was a success!



I Hobbied Every Day for 2018

At the beginning of 2018, I made a New Year's Resolution to do something related to Wargaming each and every day. Yesterday (the 31st of December, 2018), I crossed the finish line of my marathon. This is a fraction (About 1/3) of what I have to show for it: Since I know that a few of you have made this same pledge this year that I had made a year ago, here are my personal insights about the resolution: 1. The idea came about from two summers ago, when I finished my first Warm



Painting Started, Working List Made

Hello fellow Maggotkin!     It's New Year's Day, so ... new year, new army. Nurgle caught my eye largely due to its fantastic models and its strategic diversity. I started painting my first Warhammer miniature in years yesterday, a Putrid Blight King that has been a blast so far, despite that I forgot how to set up my wet palette properly and struggled to keep the right amount of paint on my brush.  Regarding Putrid Blight Kings: in reading the Nurgle battletome, it stru



January 1

Started work on my converted Branchwraith. Have it almost all the way painted; just have to finish off the base.



01-01-2019 Update 4

Previous count 2 Additions since last count: 1 Daughters of Khaine Battleforce - which I'm going to count as 5 boxes worth of content (it includes 2 khinari, 1 melusai, 1 witch aelf and 1 cauldron kits) Completions since last count:  Set of 5 Doomfires finished 2 sets of 5 khinerai finished (one wing was damaged and being replaced) Set of 10 Witch Aelves finished Current Count 3   First day of the New Year and, technically, the starting point for this quest to keep



New Year

Happy new year, one and all.  My shop is running a hobby accountability.  Here is my progress for my Gloomspite Gitz.  This post has my current batch and the pile of sprue for 20 grots, Zarbag's Gitz, and some fanatics.



The Aspects of Pleasure - Lore Post

Rumours abound of the next Slaaneshi battletome. What is certain is that it'll represent a definitive direction for the god in Age of Sigmar, and so I'm anxious to see what direction they'll take it in. The rumours about Slaanesh being 'toned down' to be more child-friendly can be pretty much discounted based on the surprisingly extreme models in the Wrath and Rapture box (fiend mammary glands and the tendon harp are pretty disturbing details). However, it's not enough for Slaanesh to keep



Starting the Jalopy of Doooooooom!

Honestly, I’ve been hesitant to start the altar for a couple of years. I love painting warriors and wizards and creatures... but machines, not so much. I rarely feel any real inspiration for colours or styles. Strangely enough though, last week I finally got struck with a bolt of inspiration  and realized I’d better run with it immediately before I lost it.  I’ve been painting my cold one knights and corsairs with dark blue-grey armour, and ended up applying that to my bolt thrower. I



30 days of hobby: Blood for the plastic god!

So Friday did not have any building or painting due to being at Warhammer world all day alas and Saturday I was also out and busy most of the day.   However I did manage to build valkia the bloody and half a unit of blood warriors. Not much but still something! And that's what counts.   My chaos force is building up nicely. Now just need to get more paint on stuff.



The Hunt

>>>>>  This story start righty after the Malign Portent story "To End the Everwinter"  <<<<<   “Bjorgulf was no more.” His words carried a heavy tone of grief, shared by everyone on the dimly lit hut. Háma sighted heavily. He is tired of this. For months he could barely rest, the non-stop dreams troubling his already troubled sleep. His back aches, more than it ached during his long life. He is used to pain since he was born, but the piercing st



Rise of the Witch Elves

I’ve always loved the Witch Elves... they were one of the units that really defined the dark elf personality and helped differentiate them from the high elves which were ubiquitous in fantasy, even back in the 80s.  But a few things kept me from adding them to my delf army: 1. The price. 2. Low armour (glass cannon doesn’t suit my play style). 3. The price. 4. Liked the corsair models as well, and they cost less while having higher survivability. 5. Did I mention th



Welcome to Age of Blogmar!

Here, I plan to write about my involvement with Age of Sigmar. I am getting into AoS for the first time, after having played Warhammer 40,000 off and on every few years since the early 2000s. Currently I am just beginning to collect a Maggotkin of Nurgle army and learn the lore of AoS. In this blog, I will detail my thoughts related to both the hobby and strategic sides of the army, sharing my progress with pictures and, eventually, battle reports and more! I typically go deep into the hobb




Alright, here we go... So I’ve been painting minis for over thirty years now, and I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. At the very least, it’s a hobby that helps me achieve some level of zen meditation, a way to block out the real world for a little while.  Not that the real world’s terrible, or at least my little corner of it, but it’s always a nice break to escape to the realm of Sigmar for a fantasy recharge.  I’ve loved GW’s versions of the dark elves since Trish and Aly Mor



30 days of hobby: Chaos for daaaaays

So yesterday I didn't get much time to paint but I got some good stuff done. Finally got some paint on my priestess and lady of slaanesh as well as getting a bit of paint on some blight kings and doing more work on archaon! Still plenty left to do though.   (Apologies for picture quality. Light in the room was not the best for photos and I was tired)



28-12-2018 Update 3

Previous count -3 Additions since last count: 1 Daughters of Khaine Battleforce - which I'm going to count as 5 boxes worth of content (it includes 2 khinari, 1 melusai, 1 witch aelf and 1 cauldron kits) Completions since last count: 0 ; chipped away at a few models here and there, but no block completed.  Current Count 2.    So Christmas has hit and with it a storm of content in the form of a Battleforce which has fast pushed my count back into the positives. I fully ex



30 days of hobby: Further details

Today unfortunately I didn't manage to get much done. I've done further drybrushing work on archaon but it won't show up enough in pics to warrent showing really. But I did start getting some metal detail on my green varanguard. Tomorrow shall have to be more productive.



30 days of hobby: Dorghar, varanguard & acolytes

So today being Christmas and living with my family meant that I didn't have too much painting time today. But I still got a decent amount done!!   First I added blue to my acolytes and even did their scroll which I'm rather proud of. Now mostly need highlights and basing.   I also managed to wash and drybrush my varanguard, something different compared to my last unit but certainly an interesting style. And a rather different colour scheme. Need to start getting detai



Halfling GREATSWORDS 2.0

Hi there again,  Finally got a little more hobby done. This time it’s an addition to Halfling  greatswords!  I still need to complete a standard banner, and then a unit of 20 will be complete.  These are part of a small force for a local escalation league that starts in January. Next are demigryph knights and a free guild general!  Also, I know I promised Halfling crossbowmen last time, so here’s a little WIP shot.  Hope you like what I’ve got!  Untile next time



30 days of hobby: More varanguard and a start on kairic acolytes

So as per usual I have continued to work on my beloved varanguard. With 2 of squad 1 almost finished and squad 2 now base sprayed caliban green for something a little different. Figure hey why not really differentiate the squads, get that proper multiple bands coming together as everchosen feel. Whew that's a lot of photos of beefy horsemen!! So let's have something a little different. I started on batch painting my 10 kairic acolytes I'll need, doing them very quick and dirty because I need



Straddling the Divide

I made the trip to my local game store this weekend to pick up my wife's Daughters of Khaine battleforce, and my Wrath and Rapture box. Pleasantly, the Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount I ordered was also waiting. Once I got home I promptly opened the Lord kit and started prepping it for assembly, blithely ignoring Wrath and Rapture until I had reached the point where the Lord required conversion elements I did not have on hand. Oh Thanharath, someday your raiding band of daemonic pirates will



30 days of hobby: More varanguard painting!

On friday I did a little bit of building a nurgle gnarlmaw which isn't worth a photo really. On Saturday I was too busy tabletop roleplaying for painting alas but today... Today I have continued to give glorious cover to the strongest of all chaos warriors!! THE VARANGUARD!   This first squad is slowly but surely getting there. I can only hope it'll prove quicker for other ones so I can try and get them ready for friday!!



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