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A chronicle of my exploration of Age of Sigmar and my fledgling Maggotkin of Nurgle army

Entries in this blog

First Model Finished, Stab at Competitive List

Hey fellow Maggotkin! I (almost entirely) finished painting my first model! This Putrid Blightking is lacking a base banner color and a satin varnish, but beyond that he's basically done! I think I'll go back and touch up his apron when I paint the other PBKs, though.  Feel free to ask any questions about the paint job or basing. I learned a great technique from my local GW manager: to get cork board edges to firm up and look less jagged, apply PVA glue to the edges. For the



Painting Started, Working List Made

Hello fellow Maggotkin!     It's New Year's Day, so ... new year, new army. Nurgle caught my eye largely due to its fantastic models and its strategic diversity. I started painting my first Warhammer miniature in years yesterday, a Putrid Blight King that has been a blast so far, despite that I forgot how to set up my wet palette properly and struggled to keep the right amount of paint on my brush.  Regarding Putrid Blight Kings: in reading the Nurgle battletome, it stru



Welcome to Age of Blogmar!

Here, I plan to write about my involvement with Age of Sigmar. I am getting into AoS for the first time, after having played Warhammer 40,000 off and on every few years since the early 2000s. Currently I am just beginning to collect a Maggotkin of Nurgle army and learn the lore of AoS. In this blog, I will detail my thoughts related to both the hobby and strategic sides of the army, sharing my progress with pictures and, eventually, battle reports and more! I typically go deep into the hobb



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