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After following Warhammer Fantasy for 30 years, I’m finally building the Dark Elf atmy I’ve always dreamt of. 



Entries in this blog

Dooooooom snek!

Alright, back to the evil snek girls! I took a break from my girls to work on Cities of Sigmar (dark elves, of course), then some Yu Jing goodness for Infinity, but the release of the new endless spells for DoK, and a new army book has me excited about working on these again.   I felt the previous DoK book had one very powerful list option, which felt a bit OP to me. I game with a small group of friends that has limited gaming time, meaning we’re fairy casual and don’t have the time


Ravenborn in Dooooom snek?

Pointy sticks of Doooooooooom!!!

I was going to work on corsairs next, but got distracted by my old bolt throwers.  These are the old metal versions. I built them about a decade ago, with the brilliant idea of putting in spaces for the crew to sit on the base.  Of course, the rules for DE bolt throwers in AoS were lacklustre at best, so I only used them once or twice. Now, with Cities of Sigmar, I realized I could run them as Sigmarine Celestar Ballistae, and have decent rules with great old school models t



Kharibdyss completed

GHLUBLARGALGURGLE!!! 170 pts of tentacled horror ready to haunt my table. C’thulhu would be pleased. The beastmaster chaperone is not glued in place, just pinned, so the angle’s a bit goofy. But I need to move on to something new already. Going to update some corsairs for the army. This was a lot of fun to paint, but I kept repainting areas over and over. I just couldn’t get the dark plates on the back to work, until I realized the secret was to reverse it out, and paint a light c



Scorpion’s Sting

Well, here’s my first completed unit for my Cities of Sigmar armies. It will be all dark elves, but some units will be conversions of non-elf units for fun. Up next; finishing my Kharybdis. 



Bloodwrack Hurricanum

Wow, my elves have been on hold for eight months now. I needed to sell my house to downsize, and that meant  packing away all hobbies and distractions while I shifted my attention to house repairs and upgrades since the seller’s market has been brutal for the last five years. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could find a victim, er, buyer, to pay enough so I could afford the move, but here I am, finally, in my new home. So. The new Cities of Sigmar book was quite the pleasant surprise, giving me



The Warlocks ride forth

Took a break from painting due to well, life. I’m now a grandfather! Lots of other stuff going on that’s not nearly as much fun, but I’ll save that for therapy. Anyways... warlocks. Love the concept, like the individual models... but I’ve been trying to get excited about painting them for years. My primary issue is that there is no real variety in their poses or gear. Individually they look dynamic, but as a group they’re a bit lacklustre, particularly when sitting next to models



Can’t spell “Slaughter” without “laughter”

So... painting the three Queens let me finally nail down my colour scheme. It’s different from what I originally intended, but much better. It has good contrast, balances dark accessories reasonably well with all the pale skin, doesn’t seem too derivative of anyone else’s work (that I’m aware of) and let’s me enjoy paiting the armour (blue grey) lighting effects (pink) and some rare highlight items (gold). Even leather is fun (black, blue, white). If that sounds odd, painting is kind of a zen th



Do hags dye their hair?

I hate February. It’s hard to keep any painting momentum going, when my brain wants to curl up in the fetal position under my desk and hibernate until Spring.  And by “Spring”, I mean June. I love Canada, but it sucks too right now . Sigh. Anywho, here’s proof I’m still making some progress on the girls: Overall, I’m pretty happy with how they’re turning out. A big reason for the slow progress is that I’m still figuring out my colour scheme. I’m moving more to dark blu



Hag progress.

The first hag is coming along nicely. I base coated it blue grey, and it really changed how I looked at the colours. I decided not to use gold for the mask as I have on other models, but to instead go with “cold iron”, like the altar. I like it a lot; it’s less regal and vain, more dark and practical. The magenta cloth still adds some brightness, still in the cool tones. Only the flesh is warm. I considered going for pale blue, as if they were no longer entirely human, but decided it would be lo



Three hags and a nag.

Just a quick update. I put the Jalopy of Doom on hold to work on my priestesses. (...of Doom). I’ve never been excited about the hag models. Bigger hair is a fairly reliable way of depicting officers in Warhammer, but these girls just weren’t doing anything for me. I wanted them to be more mysterious, more creepy and even terrifying to the average Johann. I finally realized the best way fix this was to use the Melusai masks. It definitely set them apart from the rank n’ file welves. Th



Starting the Jalopy of Doooooooom!

Honestly, I’ve been hesitant to start the altar for a couple of years. I love painting warriors and wizards and creatures... but machines, not so much. I rarely feel any real inspiration for colours or styles. Strangely enough though, last week I finally got struck with a bolt of inspiration  and realized I’d better run with it immediately before I lost it.  I’ve been painting my cold one knights and corsairs with dark blue-grey armour, and ended up applying that to my bolt thrower. I



Rise of the Witch Elves

I’ve always loved the Witch Elves... they were one of the units that really defined the dark elf personality and helped differentiate them from the high elves which were ubiquitous in fantasy, even back in the 80s.  But a few things kept me from adding them to my delf army: 1. The price. 2. Low armour (glass cannon doesn’t suit my play style). 3. The price. 4. Liked the corsair models as well, and they cost less while having higher survivability. 5. Did I mention th




Alright, here we go... So I’ve been painting minis for over thirty years now, and I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. At the very least, it’s a hobby that helps me achieve some level of zen meditation, a way to block out the real world for a little while.  Not that the real world’s terrible, or at least my little corner of it, but it’s always a nice break to escape to the realm of Sigmar for a fantasy recharge.  I’ve loved GW’s versions of the dark elves since Trish and Aly Mor



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