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Do hags dye their hair?



I hate February. It’s hard to keep any painting momentum going, when my brain wants to curl up in the fetal position under my desk and hibernate until Spring. 

And by “Spring”, I mean June. I love Canada, but it sucks too right now . Sigh.

Anywho, here’s proof I’m still making some progress on the girls:



Overall, I’m pretty happy with how they’re turning out. A big reason for the slow progress is that I’m still figuring out my colour scheme. I’m moving more to dark blue and pink, rather than purple, pink and gold. 

I think the hair needs to have a lot more pure white, like my Slaughter Queen on the left. It’ll help them stand out from my regular witch elves on the table. She’ll end up on my Altar.

And I’ve managed to break two sickles already, and they haven’t even been in the battlefield. Damn.

What do you think looks best for hair?

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White fading into the pink or blue could be really cool! But I mainly suggest that because I really like the pink and blue but you said you wanted to go more white so a gradient would likely be cool. Depends whether you're comfortable painting that though.

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I love this! Seriously great work.

Re: the hair. Like you, I would fade into a grey or white colour. Chris Peach does strands of grey. Personally, I do a feathered graduation of colour to grey. Ulthuan grey looks quite bright near a vivid colour and even pallid wych looks super-bright. So I wouldn't go "pure" white more off-white.

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Thanks Zed. :)

So I’m really happy with the final results... kind of lilac (dark bluish purple with lots of white added). It’s more purple underneath, almost pure white at top.



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...and they’re done.

The Slaughter Queen will be on my altar, so the base is temporary. I’ll finish the hag bases later, when I can do a dozen or so at a time. 


Up next: my Sisters o’ Slaughter.


Edited by Ravenborn
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