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Hag progress.



The first hag is coming along nicely. I base coated it blue grey, and it really changed how I looked at the colours. I decided not to use gold for the mask as I have on other models, but to instead go with “cold iron”, like the altar. I like it a lot; it’s less regal and vain, more dark and practical. The magenta cloth still adds some brightness, still in the cool tones. Only the flesh is warm. I considered going for pale blue, as if they were no longer entirely human, but decided it would be looking more undead than my goal. The contrast makes the model  easier to read on the table too  

I want to place a small dot of plastic in the eye socket to paint magenta, so it gives the facemask more life. Not sure how to do that, but I’m open to suggestions.

The hair will blend to white, like my other girls. The model is about 2/3 complete. 







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Recommended Comments

5 hours ago, XReN said:

I know it's supposed to be OSL, but she looks like she's blushing, thats so cute :3

Heh, yep! She’s probably embarrassed by the stripper costume. 

I’m doing the second hag with blue hair and eyes, to see which I prefer.

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