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About this blog

A simple blog where I aim to keep track of my building over the year and my objective to keep the number of boxes of unbuilt stuff I own, by the end of the year, down! 

Entries in this blog

Conversion idea hub

So because I keep seeing cool ideas and then promptly forgetting them I'm going to try and keep a rough archive of neat ideas I'd like to do here! 1) Slaves to Darkness Chaos Chosen warriors of Slaanesh - convert using the Sisters of Silence kit with swords; add heads/arms/bits from deamonettes  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157955669807432&set=pcb.1653943808078708&type=3&theater&ifg=1   2) Use Daughters of Khaine parts/heads for Harlequin riders/t



End of Year Report

So after a dramatically great start of the year here its time to see if I managed to keep up with my 2019 resolution to own less boxes of unbuilt stuff at the end of the year than I started with! So going off the LAST count done at the start of 2019 lets see where I WAS Additions since last count: 1 Daughters of Khaine Battleforce - which I'm going to count as 5 boxes worth of content (it includes 2 khinari, 1 melusai, 1 witch aelf and 1 cauldron kits) Completions since last count: 



01-01-2019 Update 4

Previous count 2 Additions since last count: 1 Daughters of Khaine Battleforce - which I'm going to count as 5 boxes worth of content (it includes 2 khinari, 1 melusai, 1 witch aelf and 1 cauldron kits) Completions since last count:  Set of 5 Doomfires finished 2 sets of 5 khinerai finished (one wing was damaged and being replaced) Set of 10 Witch Aelves finished Current Count 3   First day of the New Year and, technically, the starting point for this quest to keep



28-12-2018 Update 3

Previous count -3 Additions since last count: 1 Daughters of Khaine Battleforce - which I'm going to count as 5 boxes worth of content (it includes 2 khinari, 1 melusai, 1 witch aelf and 1 cauldron kits) Completions since last count: 0 ; chipped away at a few models here and there, but no block completed.  Current Count 2.    So Christmas has hit and with it a storm of content in the form of a Battleforce which has fast pushed my count back into the positives. I fully ex



22-12-2018 Day 2

Previous Count 0 Current Count -3 Completed two boxes of Doomfire Warlocks, 10 more models done! Though technically they are only part done as I want to paint some parts up before final assembly. But they are as close to done as they will be before paint is applied. I also completed a 1 model blister of an attack dog from Wild West Exodus, neat little dog and well cast.  I've also been chipping away at some metal chaos dogs and khorn hounds in metal. Be nice to get one or two boxe



17-12-18 Day 1

So I figured I'd give this site blog thing a try for something mostly to keep track of myself as I work through the year and for when I don't want to post this kind of thing to my regular blog, which I at least try to keep a little more meaningful.   So as of this, the first day I'm undertaking this quest to reduce the number of boxes I own, I'm starting the count at 0. That doesn't mean I don't own any boxes of unbuilt stuff, but that I'd rather not spend a few hours finding and count



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