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01-01-2019 Update 4



Previous count 2

Additions since last count: 1 Daughters of Khaine Battleforce - which I'm going to count as 5 boxes worth of content (it includes 2 khinari, 1 melusai, 1 witch aelf and 1 cauldron kits)

Completions since last count: 
Set of 5 Doomfires finished
2 sets of 5 khinerai finished (one wing was damaged and being replaced)
Set of 10 Witch Aelves finished

Current Count 3


First day of the New Year and, technically, the starting point for this quest to keep my buying down and my building of models up! Would have liked to be on 0 or lower for the start, however one gifted and one recently bought Battleforce is going to keep the number higher. This is not just due to the number of kits in the box, but also because both the cauldron and melusai components require part painting quite significantly before final assembly and thus won't count for a fair while yet. 

That said I've finished all the fully finishable content from the first box and the second is on the way. This also marks a big landmark for my collection since with this final battleforce I'll have all the cauldron/shrine kits I'll need as well as all the khinerai. I'll also have a full functional 20 melusai, which is where I'm going to stop collected them until such time as I've completed other aspects of the army. That leaves me needing only 10 more witches to complete my 90 witch army, though I will pick up a second box of 10 which will give me a few parts for some conversions and some painting models to test out the scheme.

This means that my budget for January is already taken up (battleforce) and leaves me the start of February to complete my Witches. This is pretty much where I hoped to be a while back as Feb is my target month to start messing around with paints. That point might well mark a shift in my building and buying as I really want to get this army built and painted. 


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The struggle is very much real.

Out of curiousity, when are you counting a box as done? Is it when the model is Built and Painted, or just Built? I found the latter so much easier for myself to accomplish than the former.

Good Luck, I'll be rooting for you.

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@Fairbanks my thanks. For me at present I'm counting a box done when its assembled and in a state ready to paint. Painting (despite the number of years I've been an on-off wargamer) is still something I've yet to really tackle head on. So I've not added it to the completed boxes list thus far. 

To me its a whole separate struggle that I'm aiming to make a start on in Feb/March. 


The only downside is that with DoK so many have elaborate hair designs that most of my army is currently headless! Even though I list them as complete they won't be until they are painted an their heads stuck on their bodies. I can't even add my Melusai to the mix as they are even more complicated and I plan to paint the snake part separate to the body so they are laying in various bits and will do until I've likely painted through a whole host of witches. 

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