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About this blog

This blog is all about creating a Halfling Army in the Mortal Realms. This is a fun project, and I'm just planning to take my time with it. Hope you guys enjoy it at least half as much as I do! (pun intended)

Entries in this blog

Halfling Calvary!! 🐎

Welcome back to Halfling Cities of Sigmar!    This time there’s some hobbit Calvary to display!  First off, here’s a freshly completed Freeguild General (on a pony). And though rules wise he doesn’t have a mount, he definitely looks way cooler with one.    Then there’s some Demighryph knights WIP. I got all the base colors and washes on them, so all that’s left is layers of highlights! Expect to see completed rooster knights in the future.  Let me know what you all think of



Halfling Rangers! 🏹

Welcome back to Halfling Cities of Sigmar blog! This time it’s a little update on a unit I painted a while back, but never shared. They were used as Freeguild archers previously, but now with that unit gone, these will be used as Shadow Warriors.  Currently I’m working on Halfling demigryph knights and a Freeguild general, so expect that in neat future!    That’s it for now!  Hope you like what I’ve got!  Until next time.   



Halfling Hurricanum!

Welcome back to the Halfling Cities of Sigmar Blog! This time I got a completed Hurricanum to show off. This is an integral part of the army I’m working on as well this army’s lore as a whole.  The Halflings of StoutHill  worship a deity know by many names: “The Great Rooster”,  “The Mighty ******”, “The Ferocious one”, “The Provider”. Hobbits recognize two aspects of this God: Ferocity and Harvest. While ferocity aspect is very familiar to halflings on the battlefield, the aspect of H



HALFLINGS ARE BACK!!! And we are still short.

Hello traveler, nice of you to stop by. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the halfling goodness I got to offer. Okay, so it’s been over a year since the last post in this blog and there’s a good reason for it.. Kind of.  Basically I didn’t do much hobby for a while, and then when I got back into it I decided to finish my entire Skaven army first, which was a lot of models. But now I’m back!  Without further ado, here’s what halflings have been up to.  Cities of Sigmar exists as an army now,



Halfling GREATSWORDS 2.0

Hi there again,  Finally got a little more hobby done. This time it’s an addition to Halfling  greatswords!  I still need to complete a standard banner, and then a unit of 20 will be complete.  These are part of a small force for a local escalation league that starts in January. Next are demigryph knights and a free guild general!  Also, I know I promised Halfling crossbowmen last time, so here’s a little WIP shot.  Hope you like what I’ve got!  Untile next time



Halflings Crush Khaine!!! ~Narratively~

Halflings are back after another three-month hiatus! It seems to be the trend for this blog. Anyway, a few days ago I was lucky to play my good friend Chuck Moore at local FLGS. He brought his Daughters of Khaine that he is taking to a Narrative Realms at War (RAW) event in England! Here's a link to his blog! (In case you guys didn't know Chuck has a blog).  http://therealmgate.blogspot.com   We played Blood and Glory scenario, which worked to my benefit since  I could bu




Welcome back! Here's the newest addition to Halfling force! He is as swift and furious as a gryphhound, and makes up for his size with unparalleled bravery and cockiness! Meet Sparkles the rooster! Sparkles will be attending local Coalescence event, along with Halfling Free Peoples army and a Steam Tank. Expect coverage of that event soon after! That's it for today!  Hope you like what I've got, Until next time!




Halflings are back again!!  This time the hobbit forces attended a doubles tournament in Ohio hosted by "Rend 4, Age of Sigmar War Gaming" club! An unlikely alliance was formed between the forces of the Moot and the bloody pillagers of Khorne.  Here's a bit of fluff on that! Since I didn't attend a tourney for a while, I wanted to make this one special and make my first display board, and boy did it pay off! Event itself consisted of 16 teams and 32 players battling



Halflings claim Best Order!!

Halflings are back!!  My apologies for not posting for a while, but college got the best of me. Still, last weekend I was fortunate enough to attend an event in Ohio hosted by "Rend 4" Club with my good friend Chuck Moore. You can check out his coverage of the event right here  Anyway, the day before the event came and more than half of my army wasn't painted so I had to hold a 6-hour painting session after school to get three colors minimum on all my models (I'm sure some of you



Steampunk mage + Shadespire

Wow, I really didn't post anything for a while. Anyway, life has been quite busy and not much hobby has been done. I've built a battlemage and wanted to give him a sort of a steampunkish look, so tell me what you guys think. I know it's not halflings, but he's definitely going to be allied with my army.   I've also got to test out Shadespire with my good friend Chuck Moore @Odiamh , and while I was skeptical at first, now I'm absolutely in love with the game. The rules seem a bit



Chickens and Dead Grots

Alright alright alright, finally another hobby update.  To be quite honest not a lot got done during the last week, but it was not completely fruitless. I cleaned some of the gaps in larger models and finished the chicken combs and wattles on demigryphs and a griffon.   Also, I do not quite have the lore of my army yet, but I do know one thing for sure, and that's that they absolutely despise grots, especially the moonclan type. Thus, I'm planning to sculpt a dead grot on every ba



Halflings crush Khorne!!! + Hobby Update

Alright guys here's to another blog update! Quite honestly not much got done during the week, but I accomplished to make the basic combs and wattles for all my chickens! There's still a little bit of greenstuff work to do, but the basis is there.  I also got a few games of Age of Sigmar this Saturday (haven't played in about a month), both skirmish and 1000 point Matched Play.                                                                                                          



Halfling Greatswords

Alright, I guess it's time to finally update this Blog. Truly has been quite some time. From now on I'll try to Update this at least biweekly, so those of you interested may enjoy yourselves some hobbits.  This time, 10 freshly painted greatswords and a Halfling General with decapitated moonclan grot's head at his feet! Hope you like what I've got, Wubba lubba dub dub, Until next time!



Halfling Steam Tank

One of the more recent additions to my Halfling Army was the STEAM TANK! However, not the GW one, but rather a scrap-build one from various bits and garbage in my possession. My reasoning was that first, it's a nice model but way too expensive; second, I would have to do a ton of conversion work anyway to fit the halfling theme. So here it is ladies and gents, the terrifying Steam Engine of the Moot!  



Free people halfling army

Here I'll be sharing my Empire/Bretonnia Age of Sigmar Halfling Army. I've actually started it when the 8th edition was still rolling but at the time it was a small 500 points force. Now I can field around 2500 points worth of half men, however sadly most of it is yet unpainted and needs some more love. Here is an Emire General to get things started! P.S. I would love to hear what u guys think! If you have any critique or advice!



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