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An exploration of Slaanesh's exquisite host, and a mustering of that host to war and rapturous excess.

Entries in this blog

Straddling the Divide

I made the trip to my local game store this weekend to pick up my wife's Daughters of Khaine battleforce, and my Wrath and Rapture box. Pleasantly, the Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount I ordered was also waiting. Once I got home I promptly opened the Lord kit and started prepping it for assembly, blithely ignoring Wrath and Rapture until I had reached the point where the Lord required conversion elements I did not have on hand. Oh Thanharath, someday your raiding band of daemonic pirates will



Walk into the Sea

Recently I found myself in a bit of a predicament, a pirate themed predicament. I have an abiding love for dark elf corsairs and found my dedication to Slaanesh wavering as I read through the Idoneth battletome and Scourge Privateer rules. I wanted pirates, coastlines, ships, and ports. The advice given to me was “just make your Slaanesh army pirate themed.” And that’s what I did, but it took me a day or two to reconcile the two together. Admittedly, it’s not too far off from the original pleasu



Nagh Khython Khyrkanashaith Progress Tracker

This is a list of the models and bits I'll need for creating my Hosts of Slaanesh army and how far along they are, so I have it all in one place. So far it's only a list of things I plan to buy in the near future. Italic ~ Item ordered Bold ~ Item acquired Phase 1 Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Chaos Steed Assembled Herald of Slaanesh (mounted) (2) Assembled ~60 x 35 mm base (Alien Invasion) Herald of Slaanesh Assembled ~25 mm base (Alien Invasion) Daemonettes (10) Asse



Desire Made Manifest

With the mortal portion of my warband on hold, and there is a possibility of getting new models for them soon anyway, the daemons of Slaanesh take center stage. I find myself in a bit of a quagmire for character ideas, as while Lystroth, and his cohort, can indefinitely crusade for glory and power, coming into conflict with all manner of internal and external opposition, daemons are more like forces of nature and make for better antagonists than they do protagonists. You could certainly propose



Founding the Pleasure Cult

The only Slaves of Chaos options that elicit my interest are the Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount (LoSDM) and Hellstriders. However, as much as I enjoy the decadent greco-roman motifs, the old Norscan influence is prevalent, and does not appeal to my tastes. Men are not the only race to fall prey to the Dark Prince's machinations, He has a long and sordid history with the Aelves, and old lore states that of all the Chaos Gods, Slaanesh was the most pervasive in their culture. With Morathi now



The Seed of Corruption

I don't play Warhammer to be competitive, I play to experience the world and its lore, I like to flesh out my armies and give them narrative. At this point I am, creatively and pragmatically, starting from scratch, striving toward the first benchmark of 500 points (1 hero and 2 battleline units). To move forward, I must consider the nature of the story I want to tell, and the game-play I want to experience (and keep in mind that HoS is yet to receive its battletome).  As I enjoy a narrative



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