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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. I am looking for a color scheme I found about two weeks ago on Google. Then I lost it couldn't find it evert since ... -.- It's basically Longbeards with turquiose armour (it looked awesome) It looked much like this: Picture does anybody have the pictures I mean? (I need to know the colors used)
  2. Did you create the lines on the shields using splines? (Heard rhino was good due to the easy handling of the Programm, so I might consider switching to it for simple hard surface objects) =}
  3. So The new Bladegheist Model (500th store) is a simple Infantry Model. i can attach a video of it as proof ^^ My brother is currently in Japan and bought me the mini (pretty steep price there ~~ 40€) her Warscroll:
  4. The biggest issue is the battleline section. The Darkling Coven Units (Dreadspears, Bleakswords and Darkshards) are incredibly bad and overcoats especially if you take the minimum size. Stormcasts only offer Liberators which suck as well. The best choice I found so far were longbeards with greatweapons and shield (I only have 20 models of them which is an issue). Also my Model Range is limited since I refuse to buy the old fuckly dwarf warriors, so I have: 20 ironbreakers, 20 Longbeards, 10 Irondrakes, 10 Longbeards with shields which could prox ironbreakers. Also pretty much all former Darkelf units except the Dragon (which is also fuckly imo) and only 5 Drakespawn Knights. + I have a lot of Stormcasts, mostly Sacrosanct and Retributors. about the units: most old units are plainly too expensive: Drakespawn Knights are also overcosted by a lot while having zero punch. Sorceresses are pretty bad in this combo as well: They have a good Warscroll Spell but no command ability and no Defence or damage for 100 pts that‘s pretty bad (+40 pts and you get a Knight Incantor....). I would have loved to take a Wardenking (and I did in the first few matches) but that guy is 20 pts too expensive (though he works well with ironbreakers). irondrakes are the only unit that ever does anything which is why I like to field them. overall the whole Battleline Section is a useless mess that eats points you‘d need for ironbreakers etc. which poses by far the largest issue. the Dark elf elite units are nice but absurdly expensive so you mostly can only fit in either 10 Black Guard or 10 Executioners since I usually tend to bring 10+ Irondrakes to shoot whatever my ironbreakers bound in combat. .... and if you want this army to work youwould need the Soulsnare Shackles and/or the Prismatic Palisade with 2+ mages. sadly the campaign we‘re playing requires 4 Battleline Units at 2k points.. In the attachment are two lists I came up with: Anvilguard%20%32k.pdf or
  5. Do you have any advise for a Anvilguard army with dwarfs+dark elves or dwarfs+dark elves+SCE. i made some lists but I am not pleased so far.
  6. Where do you have the leaves from? nvm. I just found the answer. =}
  7. I don‘t think they will re-do anything that already is a plastic kit (for example Fireslayers).
  8. Dreadspears, if you are looking for s.o to stand still, takes a beating and gets Bonusses for not moving.
  9. @ledha „Khinerai are cheaper than equivalent units like prosecutors and way better,“ yup the 1 dmg 1 attack spears are way better than the Prosecutor‘s Trident + Javelin for 2 dmg a throw plus rerolling 1s of all saves while having a 4+ save and 2 wounds a model. Are you serious? potential 5 dmg for 80pts vs potential 8 dmg for 100 points while being tanky. the hag buffs a different army than the others you mentioned and she is fine though often rather lackluster
  10. Where do you guys get Leaves ? for your bases? I ordered two boxes from migjimenez and I am incredibly disappointed. It‘s about 100 super tiny leaves per box (less than even half a Gramm) and it did cost 5€. (The box they come in is 99% empty)
  11. Okay. I had 2 games at 1k points so far. Game 1, 1k points VS Beasts of Chaos First one was VS the new Beastmen and we played the "open war cards" scenario where you have to capture the flag from the middle. Deployment was outside and middle. Since my opponent said it would be boring if he took the middle since he could just take the flag and run (without me ever having a chance to catch him due to beastmen are way faster than me) he gave me the middle. The middle turned out to be perfect for my ironbreakers which tanked his whole army for 4 turns while only losing 5 models. I won and the Implacable March killed off his last Ungore Raiders which I managed to trap with the wall (my lord dwarf stood alone and they had to flee from him...it's kind of strange to imagine that... XD). It was still a nice game and I only won due to the scenario was much in my favour. Game 2, 1k points VS Stormcast Eternals (my brother) Celestial Vindicators.- We played the "Battle for the pass". I went into lead quite early. He shocked in his troops behind me and failed all charges. He shot one irondrake off a building which made the entire units utterly useless... starting with turn 3 his 10 Sequitors started stomping my entire army. They easily slaughtered 20 Ironbreakers with shieldwall. They overkilled my Warden King after the first charge (though he was pretty well screened by bleakswords, but he managed an 11" charge an surrounded me). My last dreadspears were shot into pieces by the ballista which they bound in combat near the 4 Vicotry point objective inside his deployment zone. The Chariot (as in game one) did absolutely nothing, utter waste of points. I wasn't able to do anything after all once the sequitors startet to wreak havoc. And he won 34 to 23 Points. We had a long talk afterwards to think about what I could have done differently and came to the conclusion that there was nothing I could have done. Conclusions: Sequitors are 20 points too cheap. All Darkling Covens and Dispossessed units should get a plain 20 points cost reduction (while not getting an additional reduction for max size) against all Armies with a battletome just to even things out. After all Implacable march is okay as a bonus ability, though it's utterly useless if you can't block the enemy and it is even hurtful to yourself if Units that get a charge bonus are affected (or Nighthaunt), though the City's Races really restrict you too much. Anvilguard would need access to the Ironweld Arsenal and or Shadowbladesto be fine. Also there really should be an update for Drakespawn Knights, both Chariots and Darklings really need more Heroes than a Sorceress or a super bad Sorceress on retarded flying Dog. Same goes for Order Serpentis (having a Lord on foot and on Drakespawn would be just nice.)
  12. I kind of was forced to ragequit since all people in my area did. Then I supported T9A, became a 3D Charakter Artist Freelancer (for Tabletop), got fed up with T9A and was led to AoS by Morathi. ^^
  13. Could you please PM me the colors you used for the armour?
  14. Because I like Knights. I guessI will add some Armour to the Horses.
  15. Well it would be best if one could get the 3D models of Total War, solidify them and 3D-print them. I am currently pretty much fed up with my Brets since they look plainly dated...too dated
  16. Well it‘s a German Name though. Bögen: Bows? Hafen: Harbour. what is The Swedish meaning of it? I am curious
  17. Well what I heard so far from two people: I won‘t play against this Battletome anymore, it‘s an overpowered wishlisting BT. Though there wasn‘t much constructive feedback well...
  18. What do you guys and girls think is better: The Gyrobomber oder the Gyrocopter?
  19. Agreed, or Dwarven (it‘s not a Dragon from the looks of it so hopefully no Fyreslayerzzz)
  20. The faces lack emotion and expression (or they have abnormal features). The poses are Stiff (Sylvaneth) the humans and elves have strange fragile hands and or weapons.
  21. Well those teased army artworks are really, really bad (Uncanny Valley!)
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