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Your First White Dwarf Issue?

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Inspired by the recent article on WarCom, and with The Fabled Hobby Magazine coming to a 500th Issue celebration - What Was Your First Issue?


Its probably not the case much anymore, but for my experience and Possibly that of many Grey Beards, we started the Hobby simply buying the cool looking magazine on the shelf (A devious Ploy by James Workshop). My First Issue was 231, 8 Year Old Me didn’t realise a core character about me was about to be born. I actually didn’t buy my first Warhammer Model Until I was 11! I Remember reading that Magazine until the very pages fell off. I Clearly remember being in Awe at the Releases of Scylla and Dechala, The Beautiful Chaos Army Showcase and the Tyranid Battle Report. 



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Posted (edited)

Mine was 181... January 1995. I was 12 years old.

There was the article on Chaos Spawn (with some truly surreal and inspiring John Blanche artwork) and the release of the old metal Flamers of Tzeentch (the ones that looked like a parrot in a nightdress). 

But most memorable was the massive battle report using every Orc, Goblin, Chaos Dwarf, Empire and Wood Elf model they had! It gave me a very unreleastic concept of what Warhammer was! 


Edited by Big Kim Woof-Woof
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Great idea for a thread!

This was mine👇🏻 I was already loving painting random D&D minis and I saw the free transfer sheet on the front of the mag and pestered my mum. 


Although, like Greyshadow, I started picking up white dwarf regularly from issue 169 and started getting into GW stuff. I remember going down to the corner shop each month, “Has it come in yet?”

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6 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

 I remember going down to the corner shop each month, “Has it come in yet?”

Hah, same here! Although it was the local toy shop for me, which stocked an incredibly small selection of GW stuff. But they did get the White Dwarf in every month, which was the only Warhammer-related thing I could afford at that stage. 

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I got into the hobby through the Battle games in middle earth magazine instead so while I read my friends' white dwarf magazines when they brought them into school,  I actually never bought one until a couple of years ago when Cursed City came out and they had some extra character profiles for the game!

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I think around 210 was my first but I read the German version back then, so I‘m not really sure if the content was always exactly the same but around that time seems right. It certainly had the same dreadnought (over here they called them cybot back then) cover. 

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Mine was 176 which had a cracking Blood Bowl match, amazing guides for a Fantasy Chaos lord on a dragon and Ork Buildings and a great Fantasy Battle report. I’d got 40k second edition a bit before this but this really opened my eyes to what was out there and what you could do.



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Without a gallery of cover art I don't think I could tell you what the first issue I personally bought was. One of the first weeks be issue 199 (I remember Abaddon on the cover) but I bought some before then. 

My older brother started earlier though, and the request issues of WD I read were well below 100. They were very different to what they'd become later (I remember one had an advert for Axis and Allies in it for example) and I used to spend hours pouring over them. Good times, good times.

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Mine was WD 166, October 1993. The release of 40k second edition, complete with a free plastic space marine on the cover. I was 10!

I still remember the battle report fondly. Might have to dig it out and see what else was in there.


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Posted (edited)

I remember issue 250 - celebrating the release of 6th Ed of Warhammer Fantasy, in the battle report a lone surviving Empire Militiaman charged and killed an Orc Shaman who had earlier killed the rest of his unit. Such a moment.

Then I remember finding the ‘Black Gobbo’ issue, as a youngster I thought that was great!

Edited by RandyRyan
Auto correct doesn’t like the word Gobbo
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14 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Mine was 176 which had a cracking Blood Bowl match, amazing guides for a Fantasy Chaos lord on a dragon and Ork Buildings and a great Fantasy Battle report. I’d got 40k second edition a bit before this but this really opened my eyes to what was out there and what you could do.

I must have picked this up as a back issue, because I distinctly remember the Chaos Lord on Dragon guide! Formative stuff for launching my Chaos obsession. 

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The first issue of White Dwarf that I have ever read was the issue 201. At the time, I was attending drawing and illustration classes and one of the guys who used to travel a lot at the time brought it. These magazines were almost impossible to find in Belgrade at the time - Serbia was just recovering from severe economic sanctions and GW stuff were really expensive. So I asked this guy to borrow me the issue for a week or two and then I read it almost completely. I carried it to school every single day during those two weeks and used to read it during the breaks between classes. I did not have any minis, nor did I understood the rules, but the artwork, lore articles and pictures of minis and battlefields really made an impression on me. Few months later, the same guy brought WD 199 (the one with Abaddon on the cover) - and that picture (and Chaos Space Marines in general) has been burned somewhere in my cortex from that moment.


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On 5/5/2024 at 5:59 AM, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I must have picked this up as a back issue, because I distinctly remember the Chaos Lord on Dragon guide! Formative stuff for launching my Chaos obsession. 

It was a great guide and probably one of my favourite white dwarfs. That’s when I started getting into fantasy as a guy at school had the 4th edition and I got exposed to it. Started with Orcs and Goblins and dabbled with Chaos at the time (the chaos box was ace in 4th edition but I’d probably hate it now with all the options!).

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Posted (edited)

My first issue was 188. A friend brought a copy of it into school and I was hooked by the look of the Tyranids on the cover as well as the Space Marine battle report inside with the Imperium vs Orks. I picked up a back issue of it a few days later at my local GW. Funnily enough I think I'd already had one of their free brochure magazines at a gaming event held at a local school but it took a few months before I connected the two. The first brand new issue I brought was 195, which had a really cool fold out image with the metal Thunderhawk attached to the cover if I remember correctly. Sadly I got it too late have a chance to get a copy of the Sergeant Centurius figure when the event for that ran 😅

Also if they released new Spyres for Necromunda I would buy them in a heartbeat entirely down to my nostalgia from these issues.

white dwarf 188.jpg

white dwarf 195.jpg

Edited by EonChao
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Posted (edited)

I have issue with my first White Dwarf, since the numbers for the french version at that time had totally nothing to do with the OV. So saying the number will mean nothing to most of you. :P

Edited by Sarouan
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